
  1. 职业经理人价值评价模式探讨

    Study on Value Evaluation Pattern of Professional Manager

  2. 接着,对上市公司经营业绩评价现状进行了分析,按照财务指标的类型将目前存在的经营业绩评价体系划分为财务评价模式、价值评价模式和综合评价模式等三大类型。

    Then , analyzed the current situation of operating performance evaluation of listed companies , according to the type of financial indicators , divided it into financial evaluation mode , merit evaluation mode and comprehensive evaluation mode three types .

  3. 关于价值导向业绩评价模式的探讨

    A Study on The Mode of Value - oriented Performance Appraisement

  4. 本文对建立价值导向的业绩评价模式进行了探讨。

    This paper studies on the Mode of Value-oriented Performance Appraisement It discusses the fundamental procedure of the mode .

  5. 最后,给出了具有实际操作价值的项目中评价模式以及项目中评价的项目中止评价、项目调整中评价的理论和方法。

    Last , the author brings out the model of interim evaluation with the reality valuation and the theory of project break-off evaluation and adjusting interim evaluation , together with the method .

  6. 其次,在企业价值理论的基础上提出了基于企业价值的财务绩效评价模式,这一模式将财务指标与非财务指标相融合,并解决了非财务指标难以量化的问题。

    Secondly , based on the enterprise value theory we propose the financial performance evaluation model on the basis of the value of the enterprise , this model mix financial indexes and non-financial indicators together , and solved the non-financial indexes are difficult to quantify .

  7. 在研究企业人力资本成本评价及其计量方法、人力资本价值及计量评价方法的基础上构建企业人力资本价值计量和评价模式。

    On the basis of studying the evaluation and computation methods of enterprise human capital cost and the evaluation and computation methods of enterprise human capital value , the mode of the evaluation and computation methods of enterprise human capital value is built .