
  • 网络Epaphras
  1. 腓二25然而,我认为必须打发以巴弗提到你们那里去,他是我的弟兄、同工、并一同当兵的,也是你们的使徒,和供应我需用的供奉者。

    Phil . 2:25 But I considered it necessary to send to you Epaphroditus , my brother and fellow worker and fellow soldier , and your apostle and minister to my need .

  2. 然而,我想必须打发以巴弗提到你们那里去。他是我的兄弟,与我一同作工,一同当兵,是你们所差遣的,也是供给我需用的。

    Yet I supposed it necessary to send to you Epaphroditus , my brother , and companion in labour , and fellowsoldier , but your messenger , and he that ministered to my wants .