
  • 网络Eli
  1. 童子撒母耳在以利面前事奉耶和华。

    The boy Samuel ministered before the LORD under Eli .

  2. 以利作为父亲有何失败之处?

    What is the failure of Eli as a father ?

  3. Internet提供了大量的化学化工信息,本文主要介绍Internet上的化学化工资源网站地址、内容以及特点等,以利更好地利用网上化学化工资源。

    This paper introduces resources of chemistry and chemical industry in internet in detail .

  4. 同时,CUBA应该根据现状协调好与外部环境的关系,以利提高联赛的整体水平。

    Meanwhile , CUBA should improve the whole level of the league matches .

  5. 本文在大量统计对比和相应理论分析基础上提出上海地区经验修正系数K值,以利快速法的推行。

    Based on great quantity statistics and theoretical analysis , this article applied the regional experienced modified coefficients in Shanghai for shortening the test time .

  6. 目的探讨重症胎粪吸入综合征(MAS)患儿的临床与死亡相关因素,以利进一步降低重症MAS的病死率。

    Objective To investigate the factors in relation to the mortality of severe meconium aspiration syndrome ( MAS ) .

  7. 目的寻找脑动脉硬化症(CAS)的早期指标,以利尽早防止CAS的发生。

    Objective To find the early stage index of cerebral arteriosclerosis ( CAS ) in order to prevent its occurrence .

  8. 目的探讨INTIMA封闭式留置针替代普通输液针进行临床输液治疗的应用效果,以利推广使用。

    Objective To probe the effect of INTIMA closed retaining needle replacing general transfusion needle to venous transfusion .

  9. 另外还将测量得到的数据进行了IGES标准文件格式的转换,以利进行后续处理。

    After that , the measure data is converted to IGES format in order for the subsequent processing .

  10. 结论对呼吸道疑似病毒性感染患儿,作血清学早期待异性IgM抗体检测,可即早明确诊断,以利合理用药,避免治疗盲目性。

    Conclusions special RSV-IgM antibody screening in early period of infection can diagnose RSV infection in children with respiratory infection , to avoid aimless treament , to facilitate reasonable drug use .

  11. 目的了解细胞因子及器官功能和代谢合并症Binder评分在急性胰腺炎的变化从而早期识别重症急性胰腺炎(SAP)以利治疗。

    Objective The cytokines and the Binder point based on the organic function failure and diabetic complications have been investigated in acute pancreatitis for early identifying and curing severe acute pancreatitis ( SAP ) .

  12. 目的:通过比较支气管哮喘合并COPD和COPD在肺通气功能、气道激发试验及疗效的特征,以利鉴别诊断和治疗。

    Objictive : To compare characteristic that the COPD and the Bronchial asthma combined with COPD at pulmo aeration function , air passage provocation test and curative affect in clinic , so that benefit the ant diastole and treatment .

  13. 文章最后应用了营销理论中的4P原理,对气象服务最具活力的气象服务市场的开发营销问题,进行了深入探讨,以利更好地指导气象服务实践。

    At the last , the developing and marketing of meteorological service is further discussed by the marketing 's 4P theory , to better the practice of meteorological service .

  14. 本研究所采取的保护肺脏的措施为:体外循环期间,气道压力波动于5~15cmH2O之间,以利肺的扩张。

    Our measures of lung protection were : first , during cardiopulmonary bypass , artificial ventilation was discontinued and the airway was maintained by pressure fluctuating between 5 and 15 cm H_2O which would increase the tendency of expansion of the lung .

  15. 将模糊数学概念引入AHP中构成模糊AHP,运用于企业职工绩效考核,可以提高绩效考核的科学性和可靠性,以利调动职工积极性、创造性。

    The paper introduces the fuzzy concept into AHP and thus fuzzy AHP comes into being . Fuzzy AHP can be used to evaluate employee 's performance and make the evaluation more scientific and reliable so as to enhance the initiative and creativity of employee .

  16. 纽约州奥尼昂塔(Oneonta)某广告公司43岁的文案露西•巴以利(LucyBayly)把讨论工资与讨论性爱放在了一起比较。她说:“你太想知道情况了,但是开口问就太粗鲁了。”

    Lucy Bayly , 43 , a copywriter for an advertising agency in Oneonta , N.Y. , compares discussions about income with conversations about sex : ' You 're dying to know , but it 's too rude to ask . '

  17. 为了降低新生儿脑水肿(NBE)的病死率与伤残率,对其病因与早期诊断作探讨以利防治。

    In order to reduce the mortality and cerebral injury , the pathogenesis and early diagnosis of the neonatal brain edema ( NBE ) were explored .

  18. 针对钢制Φ30m×30m氧化铝贮仓的安装问题,详细介绍了采用千斤顶顶升的方法及施工要点,并提出施工中应注意的问题,以利成功地完成安装。

    In view of the problems in fixing steel Φ 30 × 30 m alumina bunker , it introduces the means and construction points in using jack to lift , and puts forwards some questions should be noticed to success to fix .

  19. 这些抗体的出现预示β细胞功能受损,有助于从2型DM中及早发现成人隐匿性自身免疫性糖尿病(LADA),以利临床早期应用胰岛素治疗,从而延缓胰岛β细胞功能的衰竭。

    The relations between these antibodies and type 1 diabetes will help to early screen out latent autoimmune diabetes of adults ( LADA ) from type 2 diabetes . For these patients , early treatment with insulin will retard the deterioration of pancreatic β islet cell function .

  20. 以利近期电网与远期目标电网相结合,形成一个能进一步提高500kV电网供电可靠性和有利于限制短路电流的目标网架。

    With a view to recent power network and in the future , the structure of power network can be formed , which is helpful for further improving the power supply reliability and restricting short-circuit current for 500 kV power network .

  21. 控制性超排卵(COH)在促使多个卵泡发育,以利降低IVF-ET的周期取消率,提高成功率的同时也会引起黄体功能不足,影响雌、孕激素的分泌,降低子宫内膜容受性。

    Controlled ovarian hyperstimulation ( COH ) promotes multiple follicular development that reduce cancellation rate with improvement of the pregnancy rate per cycle , but it may induce luteal insufficiency and inhibit the secretions of estrogen and progesterone , which may result in the impairment of endometrial receptivity as well .

  22. 照片标题与说明请尽可能使用中文(繁简不拘)以利阅读。

    Please write picture titles and descriptions in Chinese if possible .

  23. 我们已按最低价格向您报盘以利推销。

    We have quote you the lowest price to facilitate sale .

  24. 她的亲戚以利沙伯已经怀孕六个月。

    Also that Elizabeth her cousin is six months pregnant .

  25. 这是亚米忽儿子以利沙玛的供物。

    This was the offering of Elishama son of Ammihud .

  26. 目的:探讨分析慢性盆腔疼痛的原因,以利作出疾病诊断。

    Objective : To research the chronic pain causes of cavum pelvis .

  27. 模具装卸方便,以利各种尺寸中底定型。

    The molds can be changed according to the suitable insole size .

  28. 废料滑板与机台成斜度角,以利震落壳模滑落。

    Waste skateboards and machine-angle to facilitate shell Mould slide .

  29. 二是完善以利和为原则的利益分配制度;

    Perfecting the distribution system based on benefit-oriented idea ;

  30. 摩西的儿子是革舜和以利以谢。

    The sons of moses : gershom and eliezer .