- 网络Representative Participation

About 700 bank representatives dialled into a conference call set up by the office of the Comptroller of the currency this month to discuss the move .
Both of the sides should dispatch his representative to join the inspection .
The word " Team " must represent the organization or company that are participating .
The military representatives take part in the supervision of scientific research expenses of military product
Social Advertising represents ad formats that engage the social context of the user viewing the ad.
The American College of Physicians was represented in the document but has not officially endorsed it .
It is imperative that the end user , or a suitable representative , be involved during the requirements phase .
Anyway , the negotiation of the agreement was almost in a secret state , excluding most of the developing countries .
Everyone has the right to take part in the government of his country , directly or through freely chosen representatives .
Two teachers oversee the food preparation of the canteen everyday to ensure the meals of both the teachers and students .
Views and input from affected communities should be incorporated in a meaningful way from the earliest stages of project design .
It is universal phenomenon allover the world that the procuratorial organ participates in administration commonweal lawsuit as the representative of government and commonweal .
Regional Kendo Tournament hosted by HKKA and representatives from china , macau , osaka , Singapore and Taiwan have been invited to attend .
On Yalta Conference , without Poland representative attending , The Russia , the America and the British initial established the eastern boundary of the Poland .
It took so long to complete that it was done infrequently , if ever , and only by a small number of representatives on each team .
How and to what extent the representative of interested groups will participate is based on the " value and technique " factor of affairs and on the eligibility of the representative .
So election is widely used in modern countries to advance the formation and successful express of the public opinion , the consciousness of citizens ' participate political affairs and social commonality management by election .
Salomon could not bid in Treasury auctions for customers .
Tian will be unable to represent China in the Beijing Olympics .
We have also chosen five citizens to participate in the conference .
Working group shall not represent the Association for exterior matters without the permission of the management committee .
Every citizen has a right to participate personally , or through his representative , in its foundation .
Around the world , the blue and gold gearwheel represents community involvement , international goodwill , and service .
The two sides agreed that engagement between our representatives must intensify and expand in order to complete the end game .
The Industry Department is represented on the VTC and the CITA . Business Development Branch [ Electrical and Mechanical Services Department ]
She sought'buy in'from representatives from all areas of the project and I believe this was a real strength of her capabilities .
The management of the project is no longer delegated to a project manager , with the customer representative disengaging from the process .
European Deputy attends a debate on the global financial crisis at a plenary session of the European Parliament in Strasbourg , France .
Participating in organized resistance to a constituted government . ( 5 ) cases in which an agency is acting as an agent for a court ;
The Standing Committee should meet twice a year , and make provisions to facilitate the participation of representatives from developing countries , countries in transition and LDCs in particular .