
dài chēng
  • antonomasia
  • another name;alternative name
代称 [dài chēng]
  • [another name;alternative name] 正式名称的替代称呼

  • 人们习惯于用西施来代称美女

  1. “作为瓷器和生产瓷器的“中国“的代称。久而久之,欧洲人就把昌南的本意忘却了,只记得它是“瓷器“,即“中国“了。参考译文:

    Gradually , Europeans forgot the original meaning of Changnan , only remembering it is “ china “ , namely “ China “ .

  2. 他最大的成就,正是他当初在高盛所抵制的事情:将这个大行情板(BigBoard,纽交所的代称)改造成了一家上市公司。

    His biggest achievement was to do what he 'd initially resisted at Goldman and transform the Big Board into a public company .

  3. 一项研究表明,约有12%的千禧一代称自己是“忠实的素食者”,而只有4%的X一代和1%的婴儿潮一代会这么说。

    An estimated 12 percent of millennials say they are " faithful vegetarians , " compared with 4 percent of Gen X'ers and 1 percent of baby boomers , according to one study .

  4. Mendel将第二代称为杂交代。

    Mendel called the second generation the hybrid generation .

  5. Kauffman声称,所谓的上帝其实是“自然、宇宙、生物圈和人类文化不断自我创造的能力的代称”。

    God " is our chosen name for the ceaseless creativity in the natural universe , biosphere and human cultures ," Kauffman declares .

  6. 在Haskell中,您会发现在字符串和列表中这种语法代称非常普遍。但是只要记住:一切都是函数。

    The kind of syntactic sugar you 'll find with strings and lists is common in Haskell , but just remember : Everything is a function .

  7. 威廉姆斯先生的团队顺从了系里的这一提议,选择了“ze”作为代称,并据此更新了校内的信息系统,成为全美第一所能让学生自主选择适用人称的学校。

    Bowing to the faculty , the task force selected " ze " and revised its information system , becoming the first school in the nation at which students could select their pronoun .

  8. 也曾经是北京地下音乐忠实支持者的代称。

    It was also name of supporter of Beijing underground music .

  9. 后亦用为后妃的代称。

    Also used after the code name for the empress .

  10. 哇,我还以为那是化学上二硫碘化钾的代称。

    Oh , I thought it stands for a certain chemical substance KISS .

  11. 五帝时期是中国正式朝代建立前之代称

    The Period before Formal Chinese Dynasties Began Was Called Five - Lord Period

  12. 但无论如何,最后本拉登成了他通用的代称。

    Still , bin Laden has become nearly universal in Western references to him .

  13. 白宫是美国总统办公和居住之地,因而成为美国政府的代称。

    The White House , the President of the United States is in office and , thus become the U.S.

  14. 苏格兰场是对英国首都伦敦警察厅总部的代称。

    Scotland Yard is a metonym for the headquarters of the Metropolitan Police Service of the British capital , London .

  15. 地理标志同时也是巨大财富的代称,其本身往往代表着巨大的商业利益。

    At the same time geographical indication means big fortune , sometimes itself is the representative of huge commerce benefit .

  16. 保险公司将美国新千年一代称为“不可战胜的一代”,因为这一代年轻人很少担心自己的健康。

    Insurance companies call America 's millennial generation the " invincibles , " because the young rarely worry about their health .

  17. 天是自然的代称、万物的总称;籁是来自自然的声音。

    Days of the generation that is natural , everything is the call the shopping strip ; Music from the natural voice .

  18. “去杠杆化”是一个丑陋的字眼,用来代称信贷泡沫破裂后削减过度负债的痛苦过程。

    " Deleveraging " is an ugly word for a nasty journey : that towards lowering excessive debt after a credit bubble .

  19. 如果说可以视“地球村”是共同一体化的代称的话,只要有这一共识,也是可行的。

    If can treat " global village " is common integration lennon-mccartney words , as long as there is a consensus and feasible .

  20. 而新时代公司,是国防工业的代称,称得上是党和政府的心肝宝贝。

    The new era , is on behalf of the defense industry that claim to be the darling of the party and government treasure .

  21. 字符串只是字符列表的语法代称而已,像[1,2,3]这样的列表则是1:2:3:[]的语法代称。

    Strings are simply syntactic sugar for a list of characters , and lists such as [ 1,2,3 ] are syntactic sugar for1:2:3 : [ ] .

  22. 我是保罗,事实上,保罗只是一个代称,是我刚上大学的时候,一老外硬塞给我的一个名字。

    My name is paul , justly Paul is an appellation , and it 's given randomly by a foreigner teacher when I was in collage .

  23. 因其山为台州之镇山,向被视为台州之象徵,台州即以此山而得名,故自初唐以降长期被用于代称台州。

    Due to its important station , the mountain was regarded as the symbol of Taizhou which had got the name from it since the early Tang dynasty .

  24. 辛亥革命后,革命派放弃了对黄帝子孙称谓的错误认识,使其重新成为中华民族全体成员的代称。

    After the 1911 Revolution , the revolutionaries gave up the wrong view in this respect , and made it the name for all members of the Chinese family .

  25. 学生还可以在代称一栏留白不填,或者选择“仅使用名字”,籍此表示更希望人们用名字而非人称代词来指代他们。

    They could also leave the field blank , or opt for " name only , " indicating a preference for being referred to by name instead of by pronoun .

  26. 英格兰经常被误认是英国整体的代称,因为它最大,人口最多,以及拥有英国首都伦敦。

    England is often confused with the United Kingdom as a whole , because its the largest and most populous of the nations and contains the de facto capital city , London .

  27. 由此引发了社会的诸多关注,而在关注的背后,是对原本以柔弱代称的女生,怎会和校园暴力联系在一起的思考。

    This triggered a lot of attention of society , in the back of which is the consideration on why people try to link the originally so-called weak girls to school violence in China .

  28. 在先秦时代,“桑林”是殷商及周代宋国的国家祭祀场所,有时也是殷商或宋国祖社的代称。

    In the age before Qin Dynasty , Sanglin or the Wood of Mulberry was the place where the national sacrifices were offered by the Yin State and the Song , the state of Yin 's descendants .

  29. 身与心在魏晋时期具有丰富的内涵,身除了形骸与生命的基本义外,成为我的代称在魏晋时期亦十分盛行,这与当时推崇自我的思想具有内在的一致性。

    The body and mind had abundant connotation . The body has the basic meaning of the human body and life , in addition , it was often used instead ofI , which was accordant with the idea of self-esteems in Wei-jin period .

  30. 哦鉴于时间紧迫我唯一能联系到的就是我自己了staid:严肃古板的affair:事情punk:朋克(一种非主流的流行和观念的代称)对于90年代早期后朋克慢摇来说,这会不会太过庄重了你不觉得吗?

    Rufus : Uh , since it was such short notice , , the only person I could get was myself . - Dan : Kind of a staid affair for early ' 90s , post punk math rock , don 't you think ? -