
dài lǐ lǜ shī
  • attorney agent
  1. 受害者的代理律师还没有接受这个提议。

    The offer has yet to be accepted by the lawyers representing the victims .

  2. 而且商标权与专利法不同,商标权从来和认可专利权没什么关系,伊夫圣罗兰的代理律师DavidBernstein如是说道。

    Moreover , unlike patent law , trademarks are never about granting monopolies , argues David Bernstein , a lawyer for YSL at Debevoise and Plimpton .

  3. 最近几天,苹果的代理律师致函至少两家使用Pod一词的企业,要求它们在其产品名称中放弃使用这个词。

    Lawyers acting for Apple have in recent days written to at least two companies that use the word Pod asking them to drop the word from their product names .

  4. 杰克逊的长期代理律师布兰卡(JohnBranca)和音乐界管理人士麦克莱恩(JohnMcClain)得到授权,对遗产事宜做出决定。

    Those administrators , lawyer John Branca and record executive John McClain , are empowered to make decisions on behalf of the estate .

  5. 电讯盈科的代理律师乔纳森•哈里斯(JonathanHarris)向法院表示:若这件事拖延下去,将对股东利益产生负面影响。

    If this matter is allowed to drag on it will adversely affect shareholders ' interests , Jonathan Harris , representing PCCW , told the court .

  6. 尽管fghemisphere的代理律师表示,其客户不会接受“秃鹫”这个标签,但该基金不愿在诉讼进行阶段置评。

    While lawyers for FG hemisphere said their client would dispute the " vulture " label , the fund declined to comment as the litigation is continuing .

  7. 两家公司的代理律师均对法官高兰惠(LucyKoh)说,其首席执行长再次进行了电话沟通,试图解决双方分歧,算是满足了高兰惠在最后一刻提出的要求。

    Lawyers for both companies told Judge Lucy Koh that their chief executives conferred by phone one more time to attempt to resolve their differences , fulfilling her last-minute request .

  8. 他原来是小野洋子YokoOno的代理律师。当我转过身去的时候,我看见小野洋子正在在一位教练的指导下做伸展运动。

    Turned out he was a New York lawyer representing Yoko Ono and there , when I turned around , was Yoko , doing stretching exercises with a trainer .

  9. 但他不是DiPierro的代理律师。

    He did not represent DiPierro .

  10. 遗嘱指定长期担任杰克逊代理律师的布兰卡(JohnBranca)和杰克逊的好友麦克克莱恩(JohnMcClain)为遗嘱执行人。麦克克莱恩也是一位资深音乐人,曾负责杰克逊最后一张专辑Invincible。

    The will names as co-executors Mr. Jackson 's longtime attorney , John Branca , and John McClain , a personal friend and veteran music executive who worked on Mr. Jackson 's final studio album , ' Invincible . '

  11. 就在上周,他重新聘用了布兰卡(JohnBranca)。此人是洛杉矶娱乐圈内一位有名的代理律师,杰克逊很多最赚钱的商业交易都是由他达成的,包括收购ATV、建立与索尼的合资公司。

    Just last week , he rehired John Branca , the high-profile Los Angeles entertainment attorney who struck many of the singer 's most business deals , including the ATV acquisition and the joint venture with Sony .

  12. 他们的代理律师埃克哈德布雷默(EckhardBremer)表示:谷歌把访问向自己的服务引导,如谷歌地图和谷歌图片。

    Google directs traffic to its own services , like Google Maps and Google Images , says Eckhard Bremer , the lawyer representing the publishers .

  13. 我们将呈上证据,表明苹果采取了遏制竞争对手的行动,并在此过程中妨碍了竞争,损害了消费者的利益,首席原告的代理律师邦尼·斯威尼(BonnySweeney)说。

    We will present evidence that Apple took action to block its competitors and in the process harmed competition and harmed consumers , said Bonny Sweeney , the lead plaintiffs ' lawyer .

  14. 记者也无法联系到任宝文的另一名代理律师,请其发表评论。

    Another lawyer for Mr. Ren could not reached for comment .

  15. 246.代理律师的号角水平地躺在荆棘中。

    246 . The attorney 's horn lies horizontally in the thorns .

  16. 所以你想取消她作为被告代理律师的资格?

    So you wish to disqualify her as his representative ?

  17. 也许你应该听你的代理律师的意见。

    Judge-Perhaps you should heed your representation 's advice .

  18. 我们是她的代理律师吗?

    Do we represent her , this victim here ?

  19. 其实我也不会为罪犯当代理律师

    And frankly , I don 't go looking for guilty people to represent .

  20. 你应该立即找个代理律师。

    You should get legal representation = get a lawyer to help you immediately .

  21. 该代理律师为他的委托人代理事务。

    The attorney was acting for his client .

  22. 另外一名股东代理律师劳伦斯·埃尔文证实,法斯托将是这些案件关键的证人。

    Mr Fastow was widely regarded as an important addition to the prosecution 's armoury .

  23. 特纳夫人的代理律师。

    Lawyers acting for Mrs turner .

  24. 她的代理律师则表示,这件事暂时不便透露更多信息,目前等待开庭。

    Her lawyer says , it temporarily to disclose more information , is currently awaiting trial .

  25. 谁会因此受益呢?答案当然是原告的代理律师们。

    Cui bono ? The answer is , of course , the lawyers representing the plaintiffs .

  26. 但代理律师可能必须下些功夫,才能用正面的说辞解释乔布斯说过的话。

    But lawyers will probably have to work hard to give his statements a positive spin .

  27. 法官高兰惠对两个公司的代理律师说,你们都难辞其咎。

    ' You are equally culpable , ' Judge Koh said to lawyers for both companies .

  28. 默克公司没有成功进行保护的文件,包括雇员们的通信,也都是由默克代理律师们来转寄的。

    Other emails that Merck unsuccessfully tried to protect included employees'messages that were merely forwarded by Merck attorneys .

  29. 纽约的代理律师起诉麦当劳,因为吃它,使其年轻的顾客长胖了。

    In New York city , attorney Samuel Hirsch accused mcdonald 's of letting its young customers get fat .

  30. 通常他们之间是一种相互配合的伙伴关系,形成以公诉人为主,诉讼代理律师为辅的控诉格局。

    Normally they form a partnership in which the prosecutor takes the lead while the attorney acts as the assistant .