
  1. 代理国际货物买卖、国际租赁、国际结算纠纷案件;

    Acting as an attorney in the cases regarding international sale of goods , international leasing , and international settlements .

  2. 明珠国际皮具批发网是专业厂家生产直销、批发、代理国际顶级箱包皮具为一体的一站式电子商务平台。

    It is a specialized in manufacture , factory outlet , wholesales and the agent of top level bags and all leather business website .

  3. 人们注意到由戴维·卡梅伦的竟选主任林顿·克罗斯比创立了游说公司,之前代理菲利普·莫里斯国际。

    It did not escape notice that a lobbying firm set up by Lynton Crosby , David Cameron 's election campaign director , had previously acted for Philip Morris International .

  4. 货运代理是国际运输的组织者和设计师。

    A freight forwarder is an organizer and planner of international transportation .

  5. 外贸代理作为国际上通用的商事代理行为,在我国经过了二十多年的垄断历程。

    Foreign trading agent is a common international business agent behavior , which has had a20-year 's history of monopoly .

  6. 硕达国际货运有限公司是一家国际知名的处于领先地位的物流集团,致力于国际货运代理、国际运输及物流服务。

    Specialist in all areas of transportation and logistics , SDV International Logistics provides customized solutions using the most advanced technologies .

  7. 第一章首先指出国际货运代理在国际上并没有统一的定义,并介绍了国际上及我国对国际货运代理的界定;

    The first chapter points that freight forwarding has no consistent concept through the world , and introduces its concepts in the world and in our country .

  8. 第一部分作者主要介绍了代理和国际代理的概念、国际代理产生的根源、国际代理法律冲突的表现。

    Part ⅰ: The author defined the concept of agency and international agency , sources international agency originated from and the appearance of conflict of law of international agency .

  9. 主要经营:海运、空运进出口货物的运输代理,国际集装箱场站综合物流业务,国际海铁多式联运以及船舶代理业务等。

    Main business : shipping , air freight cargo freight forwarders , container station international integrated logistics services , international sea and rail intermodal shipping agency business and so on .

  10. 基于此,我国保险个人代理人制度以提高保险供给,降低企业的成本,促进体制改革,带动就业以稳定社会以及提高保险代理市场国际竞争力为功能定位。

    Based on this , the functional orientation of insurance agent system in our country is to improve the insurance supply , and reduce business costs , and promote insurance structural reform , promote employment to maintain social stability and improve the international competitiveness of the insurance agency market .

  11. 代理制度在国际贸易中被长期而广泛采用。

    The Agency System is worldwide using in the International Trade .

  12. 委托代理理论在国际特许经营模式选择中的应用

    Application of Principal-agent Theory in the Choice of International Franchise Mode

  13. 外贸代理制是国际贸易中一项重要的法律制度。

    Foreign trade agency system is an important legal system in international trade .

  14. 国际货运代理是介于国际贸易和国际运输的一个边缘产业。

    Freight forwarding as a well-established industry stays at the cutting edge of international trade , in particular connection with international transportation .

  15. 货运代理市场是国际航运市场的重要组成部分,在国际运输中具有不可替代的重要作用。

    Freight forwarding market is an important part of international shipping market . It plays a unsubstituted role in international transportation field .

  16. 代理制是国际贸易的经营方式之一,在当今市场经济条件下社会分工越来越细化,各种民商事活动越来越依赖代理人来完成。

    The agency system is one operation mode of foreign trade . Below current market economy conditions , a variety of civil and commercial activities rely heavily on the agents due to the increasing social refinement .

  17. 实行进口国报关单查验制度,以有效防范出口骗税行为的发生;而进口设备物资清关是一个不容忽视的环节,委托清关公司代理报关是国际工程惯例。

    A policy of import country manifest inspects checking ; The customs clearing for imported materials and equipment should be a link not to be ignored and to entrust a clearing agent with declaration is an international practice .

  18. 分析了代理思想在国际项目管理模式中的应用,并对我国的主要代理模式代建制管理模式进行了较为深入的分析、探讨;指出了我国代理模式未来的发展趋势;

    The dissertation further analyzes the implementation of the agency thought in the international project management modes and the main agency mode in China-attorney management system , and points out the development of the agency mode in China in the future .

  19. 2003年我公司与法国ABCD公司共同合作,代理了多款具有国际竞争力的新款产品。

    In2003 , we cooperated with French ABCD Corporation and acted as an agent for its new style products that were competitive among international market .

  20. 本公司是民航管理局批准的航空客票一类代理企业,是国际航空运输协会(IATA)中国地区首批会员。

    The company is approved by the Civil Aviation Authority , a class of airline ticket agents , the International Air Transport Association ( IATA ) member in China first .

  21. 第一部分:主要论述代理的含义、国际代理制度的差异以及我国代理制度的含义,揭示我国外贸代理制度的法律特点。

    In the end it reveals the law character of our foreign trade agent system .

  22. 由此,我们也期待着代理越来越多的国际品牌及畅销产品。

    Therefore , we are looking forward to representing more and more really foreign best-selling branded products from any countries .

  23. 除自有设计生产之产品外,还代理销售JAE&MOLEX等国际知名品牌连接器。

    In addition to its own design and production of products , but also sales agent JAE & MOLEX connectors and other international well-known brands .

  24. 公司的另一重要的业务活动是独家代理、经销,总代理国际品牌畅销产品的在华销售。

    Another most important area of business activities for our company is to market and distribute as sole agent of best-selling products from other countries to the huge Chinese market .

  25. 该研究成果加快了多代理系统从理论研究到实际应用的进展,为多代理系统在国际工程领域的应用提供了理论支持,同时对类似的多代理系统设计具有实际参考价值。

    This communication mechanism , acting as the theoretic guide and booster of MAS application in international project field , can be a reference to similar design MAS .