
Quivers have played an important role in the representation theory of algebras .
In this paper the relationship between NMR spectra and Lie algebraic representation , the basic problems in Lie algebraic methods for analysing NMR spectra arc discussed .
Some New Advances in the Representation Theory of Algebras
An Introduction and Survey on Representation Theory of Algebras
The almost split sequence is an important instrument in research of the representation theory for algebra .
Algebra representation theory is a new algebraic branch arising in 1970s whose researches mainly focuses on rings and algebraic structures .
Not only the application of the representation theory provides new insight and approach into these areas , but also gets many new algebras in the same time .
Representation Theory of Artin Algebras is a subject in which one mostly studies structures of finite dimension algebras , indecomposable representations and global construction of module categories .
As an important branch of mathematics , the theory of representation of algebras was developed in the seventies of the twentieth century and mainly studies the structure of finite-dimensional algebra , indecomposable representation and the construction of module category .
The theory of envelopes and covers takes an important part in theory of rings and modules , homological algebra , representation theory of algebras and so on .
Determination of representation type of algebras is an important task in representation theory of algebras .
Ringel introduce a new algebra which is called Ringel-Hall algebra in 1990 . These algebras provide a new approach into the studying for Lie algebra and quantum group .