
  • 网络foundry;oem;pure-play foundries;Pure-playFoundries
  1. 文章运用战略联盟理论对代工企业各种风险的形成进行了分析,并提出了相应的防范策略。

    This paper , by means of the theory of strategic alliance , has made an analysis of the cause of various risks for the OEM , and has suggested some relevant precautionary measures .

  2. 因此研究在当前条件下劳动密集型的出口代工企业如何解决这些难题并进而平稳实现企业的转型升级就成了一个迫切的课题。

    Thus , it has become a urgent subject for OEM enterprises to get over the puzzles and then realize transformation and upgrading .

  3. 很多成功的国际代工企业通过不断强化内部优势,抓住外部发展机遇,发展壮大OEM,还有企业从OEM方式转变为ODM方式或OBM方式。

    Many successful international manufacture industries developed OEM by strengthening interior advantages and seizing external development opportunities .

  4. 但和硕和富士康(Foxconn)等苹果公司的代工企业一直在投资自动化技术,希望机器人至少能在一些更加基础性的工作上取代工人。

    However , Apple 's manufacturers like Pegatron and Foxconn have been investing in automation and are looking to let robots take over at least some of the more basic tasks .

  5. 来自宏观、中观和微观等多方面的因素会使得代工企业对代工模式产生路径依赖,被锁定于全球价值链的低端环节,阻碍其从代工向OBM的升级。

    Subcontracting enterprises can be locked into the low value added activities of GVC because of path dependency , which is influenced by different level reasons .

  6. 天语由手机经销商荣秀丽创办。她在2002年创建了一家手机代工企业,2005年推出“K-Touch”品牌。

    Tianyu was founded by cellphone distributor Rong Xiuli , who started a handset contract-manufacturing business in2002 before introducing the K-Touch brand in2005 .

  7. 中国代工企业特色的升级战略路径研究

    Research on Special Path of Upgrading Stratagem in Chinese Subcontractor 's Enterprises

  8. 跨国生产外包中代工企业选择模型研究

    Study about Supplier Selection Model in Multinational Manufacturing Outsourcing

  9. 因此,本论文的研究成果具有较强的实践意义,对国际代工企业的发展可以起到一定的指导作用。

    Therefore , this thesis plays a guiding role for international manufacture industries .

  10. 跨国公司从战略管理的角度,对代工企业的关系管理有竞争性管理和合作伙伴性管理两个方面。

    Management of the partnership relationship could be built on competitive and non-competitive measures .

  11. 我国代工企业获取和积累产品开发知识研究

    Study on Acquisition and Accumulation of Knowledge in Product Development for Chinese Contract Manufacturer

  12. 代工企业在跨国生产外包中的决策模型及风险因素分析

    An analysis on decision model and risk factors of supplier in multinational manufacturing outsourcing

  13. 处于不同行业的代工企业,代工动机、公司实力存在显著差异;

    In different industry , the are some differences in the motivation , firm capability ;

  14. 在第3章中,本研究分析了在当今全球经济中,内部化优势的限制和专业代工企业兴起的背景。

    Chapter 3 analyzes the limit of the internal advantage and the background of the industry of the manufacturing services .

  15. 此外,还有能源成本上涨,工厂和代工企业突然感到压力。

    Add to that the energy cost increases , and the factories , the contract manufacturers , are now suddenly squeezed .

  16. 我国加班现象主要集中于低端和高端劳动力市场,尤其是IT企业以及东南沿海地区代工企业。

    This phenomenon always concentrates in low-level and high-level labor market , especially the IT companies and the southeast coast foundry .

  17. 他透露,晖林玩具原本就是一家玩具精品代工企业,在横沥已经做了十多年。

    He said Hui Lin toy was originally a toy boutique foundry , Heng Li has been done in ten years .

  18. 国际代工企业是全球价值链发展的结果,是比较优势在经济全球化背景下的深刻表现。

    International manufacture industry is the result of developing global value chain and the reflection of comparative advantages in economic globalization period .

  19. 长三角本土代工企业竞争战略演变驱动力及实现路径&基于全球价值链的视角

    Driving Forces and Achieving Paths of Evolvement of Local OEM Enterprises Competitive Strategy in Yangtze River Delta & Based on Visual Angle of GVC

  20. 通过对跨国生产外包的理论分析,构建了不同类型代工企业在跨国生产外包中的决策模型。

    Based on the theory analysis of multinational manufacturing outsourcing , the decision-making model of different type suppliers in multinational manufacturing outsourcing is established .

  21. 许多其他公司在将生产外包时,关闭了所有工厂,将制造业务全部交由代工企业。

    A lot of other companies , when they outsourced , they closed their last factories and gave all the work to contract manufacturers .

  22. 最后,分析了代工企业在跨国生产外包合作中的一般风险因素及发展中国家代工企业特有的潜在风险。

    Finally , the paper analyses the common risk-factors of supplier and the special potential risks of developing countries ' suppliers in multinational manufacturing outsourcing .

  23. 客户需求的多样性,产品快速更新换代带来的不确定性,给代工企业带来了巨大的冲击。

    The diversity of customer demand and the uncertainty brought by rapidly product replacement have a tremendous impact on Original Equipment Manufactory ( OEM ) .

  24. 因此,品牌客户的指导和代工企业的学习,是代工合作过程中客观存在的一种互动。

    Therefore , the guidance of brand clients and learning of manufacturing enterprises is an interaction that objectively exists in the process of manufacturing alliances .

  25. 同一般企业竞争力的表现不同,本土代工企业的竞争力主要体现在其与国际品牌客户建立与发展长期的战略伙伴关系方面。

    The competitive ability of local OEM is different with the other enterprises for its ability of building and developing relation with MNC is most important .

  26. 垂直专业化国际分工对中国本土代工企业的R&D投入具有一定的挤出效应。

    Nevertheless , international division of labor of vertical specialization takes extrusion effect on R & D input of local OEMs of China to some extent .

  27. 国际代工企业不仅有利于跨国公司实现资源全球配置,也有利于中国企业消化过剩产能、技术模仿以及进入国际市场。

    It helps transnational corporations realize worldwide resource allocation , besides , favors Chinese companies to relieve production overcapacity , technological imitation and enter international market .

  28. 其次,运用实证分析的研究方法,以现实和理论两个维度为依据构建了跨国生产外包中代工企业选择模型。

    Then , applying positive analysis methodology and based on the reality and theory analysis , the paper establishes the multinational manufacturing outsourcing supplier selection model .

  29. 处于不同发展阶段的代工企业,被动代工、参与研发、专用资产投资、公司实力存在显著差异。

    In different developing stage , the are some differences in the motivation of passive , R & D , invested in special assets , firm capability .

  30. 本论文的研究成果可以指导国际代工企业找出自身存在的问题,帮助他们实现生产方式的转变,在市场中占据优势地位。

    This thesis could help the international manufacture industries recognize their own problems , achieve production mode transformation , and take the advantage of the market competition .