
  1. 坏:思科代客加不支持双频段,它没有对存储或打印服务功能的USB端口。

    The bad : The Cisco Valet Plus doesn 't support dual-band and it has no USB port for storage or print-serving features .

  2. 公司主要生产LED节能产品,LED节能灯,定时器电池灯,LED汽车灯,可代客开发,IC编程,IC销售。

    The company mainly produces LED energy-saving products , LED energy saving lamps , timer battery lights , LED car light , can valet development , IC programming , IC sales .

  3. 美国正在讨论的“沃克尔规则”(volckerrule)将把自营交易和代客交易分开,向着重建部分篱障迈出了一步。

    The " Volcker rule " on the table in the US , which would split proprietary trading from trading for customers , is a step towards rebuilding some barriers .

  4. 代客理财:中外资银行的竞争与合作

    Competition and Cooperation in Financing for Clients Among Chinese and International Banks

  5. 代客写信!来写信喔!

    We write letters ! Get your letters written here !

  6. 你是指亲吻一个代客停车的伙计?

    You mean like kissing a guy who parks cars ?

  7. 理查德:这就是代客停车要干的。

    Richard : That 's what the valet 's for .

  8. 这家餐厅有代客停车场,我们可以开车去。

    This restaurant has valet parking so we can take the car .

  9. 酒店也提供安全的代客停车服务。

    This service is in a secure car park .

  10. 自备专用停车场,并有代客泊车服务。

    Carpark devoted to hotel and free parking service .

  11. 本店亦代客订购各日本产品。

    Our Store Valet Order All Japanese products .

  12. 本厂还可以代客免费印刷各种品牌商标。

    We also can provide service such as printing kinds of brands for free .

  13. 此外,贵行会不会代客保管股票及转让证书?

    Besides , will your bank help clients to keep shares and transfer certificates ?

  14. 渣明斯基!这里没有代客停车的!

    Zaminsky ! This is not Valet parking !

  15. 我们提供代客安排住宿的服务。

    We offer help in finding accommodation .

  16. 股民和代客理财客户群体;

    Stockholder and financing broker client group ;

  17. 有出口外销经验,可代客办理远程运输服务。

    There is the export experience of sale abroad , may handle long-range transportation service for guest .

  18. 您可以要求代客泊车服务,将您的汽车停放在车库中。

    For our guests'cars , we have an agreement with a parking garage in the close vicinity .

  19. 履行代客资产管理角色,健全产品设计管理机制。

    I.Playing the role of managing the assets for clients , and improving the product design management mechanism .

  20. 主营进出口贸易,代理进出口,代客采购、洽谈、验货等业务。

    Our main business activities are export & import agency , negotiation , purchaser agency and product inspection .

  21. 我们甚至会提供代理人服务,代客收取股息及红股。

    We even offer nominee service which can help clients to receive all the dividends and bonus shares .

  22. 业务范围:货运代理,陪客采购,代客跟单,货物储运。

    Business service : shipping agent , Accompany to Order Goods , follow up with orders and Cargo Storage .

  23. 公司还成立有资金运作部,为客户提供代客理财式的服务。

    Operations of the company has also established a fund to provide financial management-type services tax for financial institutions .

  24. 此外,公司还承接实物或图纸的来样定制,并代客设计产品的包装等业务。

    We can handle all business that under the customers'sample or drawings , and also can offer the design service .

  25. 信托公司是基于受益人和委托人的信任,进行代客理财的资产管理类的金融机构,为确保实现其经营目标,信托公司必须有效地运行内部控制系统。

    In order to realize its business objectives , the trust company must be running the internal control system effectively .

  26. 中间业务是商业银行受顾客委托而代客办理的属于服务性质的业务。

    The intermediate business is service business in which the commercial banks are entrusted by customers to handle the banking business .

  27. 我们专业为客户提供衣架的设计、制造、印字、烫字,代客加工一条龙服务。

    We specially provide to customers with design , making , printing word , bronzing word and customization as one-station service .

  28. 技术的开发与创新是我公司的优势所在,代客开发、生产有机硅产品是我们的强项。

    Technology development and innovation are the advantages of our company , Valet development and production of silicone products are our strengths .

  29. 证券公司这些经纪商的主营业务应该是股票发行承销和代客交易购买了另外的15%。

    Securities houses brokerages whose main business ought to be underwriting equity issues and trading for clients bought another 15 per cent .

  30. 伟锐模具是以设计、造精密塑胶,压铸模具,及代客加工塑胶产品为主的现代化企业。

    WEIRUI Mould is a modern company mainly designing and manufacturing precision plastic , die-casting mould and processing plastic products for other clients .