
  • 网络Fairies;Les Sylphides
  1. 仙女们在明亮的月光下跳着舞。

    The fairies are dancing in the bright moon light .

  2. 孩子们很羡慕故事中生活在仙境里的仙女们。

    Children admire the fairies in that tale living in cloud cuckoo land .

  3. 仙女们以衣裳拭去我的泪水,以身躯温暖我寒颤的心。

    They dry my tears and hold me close , warming my heart .

  4. 仙女们打算办一个舞会…

    the good fairies had planned a party ...

  5. 你是仙女们的皇后。

    Are the queen of the fairies .

  6. 那些极乐世界的仙女们。

    Those fairy forms of bliss Elysian .

  7. 仙女们将亚瑟王载到阿瓦隆岛,那里是英雄们的修养地。

    The boat took him away to the island of Avalon , the land of heroes .

  8. 这位公主被取名为布瑞尔·罗丝,仙女们开始送上礼物。

    The Princes was named Briar Rose , and the fairies began to give their gifts .

  9. 他们邀请了所有的家庭成员,所有的朋友,和这一地区的所有的仙女们。

    They invited all their family , all their friends and all the fairies in the land .

  10. 厄科和其他爱着他的居于山林水泽的仙女们前去哀悼他时,没有找到他。

    Echo and the other nymphs who 'd loved him came to mourn but found no one .

  11. 她们就是让我们羡慕的生活在故事中、仙境里的仙女们。

    They are the life which lets us envy in the story , the fairyland female celestial .

  12. 同时仙女们的友情也受到了考验,人性的欲望引发了一场仙界的战争。

    Their friendship is also put to the test , with human desire triggering a celestial battle .

  13. 天上的那轮明月越来越圆,越来越亮了。仙女们在明亮的月光下跳着舞。

    With the moon getting rounder and brighter day by day The fairies are dancing in the bright moon light .

  14. 孩子们很羡慕故事中生活在仙境里的仙女们。警官麻木地像那位女士询问起那次袭击事件。

    Children admire the fairies in that tale living in cloud cuckoo land . the police officer questioned the woman rather insensitively about the attack .

  15. 仙女们吓着了,赶快上岸,穿起衣服跑开了,把织女一个人留在后头。

    Her companions were so frightened that they jumped out , dressed as quickly as they could and flew away , leaving the Girl Weaver behind .

  16. 《画壁》被认为是热门电视节目《非诚勿扰》的电影版:仙女们评点她们的男子,而男性们则要挑选他们最中意的妻子人选。

    Mural is considered the cinematic version of the popular TV program If You Are the One : fairies make comments about their pals and the male counterparts pick their favorite wife candidates .

  17. 放学回到家里,十岁的小多莉被拉过来坐在她爸爸的膝上,她被告知那天仙女们带来了一个大大的惊奇一个婴儿小弟弟。

    On her return from school , little Dolly , aged ten , was pulled on to her Daddy 's knee , and informed that the fairies had that day brought a big surprise a little baby brother .