
  1. 锅炉左侧再热汽温偏低,采取以乙侧磨煤机运行为主,致使乙侧粉仓粉位长时间变动很小。

    For lower reheating steam temperature on the left side of the boiler , the operation of the coal grinder on side B caused little change in the powder level in the coal powder hopper on side B for a long period of time .

  2. 经过大量实验,探讨出水泥磨机球仓和棒仓的最佳位置关系,球仓长为3.16米,棒仓长为4.84米,磨出矿粉细度和品位综合效益最好;

    According to a lot of experiments , the best ubiety of the cement grind machine 's ball storehouse and stick storehouse is discussed .