- 名utilization ratio of warehouse

Yanyuan Wo Jia Green Food Co. , Ltd. adopted a set of characteristics suited to their own WMS after the reduction of labor costs , increase storage utilization , a marked increase in economic efficiency .
To design and develop storage management information system based on computers helps to raise the efficiency of warehouse using , maintain the high efficiency of the cargo turnover , implement the precise inventory control , reduce spoilage and cost .
Hight access rate of the storage , relatively higher requirement for fork lifts , the fork lift must not be wider than the aisle . The Calculation of the Minimal Turning Radius and the Setting of the Fire Road Width
How to find the goods ' reasonable position in a warehouse and dynamically optimize of the location , is the tool to raise the utilization rate of warehouse space and to reduce the operating cost .
It can improve warehouse space utilization and save floor area .
Not merely meet and know accurate stock information to enterprise 's inventory management , enterprise 's urgent need improves the space utilization ratio of the warehouse .
Inventory management is the core of the enterprise material management . Valid inventory management can improve the space utilization ratio of the warehouse , reduce the occupation of funds and operating costs , and raise productivity .