
  • 网络start;Start Here;Start From Here;Stare here;STAR HERE
  1. 如果对Perl语言、从事Perl的人们、培训、招聘或有关Perl的新闻感兴趣,可以从这里开始。

    Start here if you are interested in the language , the people behind it , training , hiring , or Perl news .

  2. 我们的大运会口号是“从这里开始”。

    Our slogan for the Universiade is " Start Here " .

  3. 从这里开始他真正将这个角色演活了。

    From here on he brings the character confidently alive .

  4. 铁路从这里开始有个微微向上的坡度。

    The railway slopes up slightly at this point .

  5. 一切从这里开始,通过注册加入一个组织。

    It all begins here , by signing up to join an organization .

  6. "我会从这里开始,"保罗对他父亲说。

    " I 'll start over here , " Paolo told his father .

  7. 麻烦就是从这里开始的。

    And then the trouble starts .

  8. 嗯,main函数,首先声明了一个循环从这里开始。

    Well , main first declares a loop that starts here .

  9. 从这里开始,身份验证处理将特定于LDAP。

    From here on , authentication processing becomes specific to LDAP .

  10. 我们就从这里开始今天的CNN学生新闻。

    It 's where we start today 's edition of CNN STUDENT NEWS .

  11. 从这里开始,开发员可以输入工作项ID或者搜索工作项内的文本。

    From here , developers have access to work items by entering the work item ID or searching for text within a work item .

  12. 现在,Facebook已经成为新互联网世界的核心,很多人一天的在线生活也是从这里开始。

    Facebook is squarely at the center of this new universe , and much of what people do online these days starts there .

  13. 从这里开始,您就可以生成产品程序C代码,将其与AUTOSARRTE集成起来。

    From here you can generate your production application C code , integrating it with the AUTOSAR RTE .

  14. 如果我增加总压强,将会增加,p,is,going,to,go,up。,如果我积分,从这里开始,这里总的压强等于A物质的分压,我就会得到这样一条曲线。

    As I increase the total pressure , pA If I integrate now , this , starting at , so the total pressure is equal to pA , I 'm going to get a curve that looks like this .

  15. 但通常不这样做,传入DOM文档元素,然后从这里开始编写表达式是最简单的办法。

    More often than not , though , it 's easiest to pass in the DOM document element and write your expressions from there .

  16. 从这里开始,添加WPAR,并且对它们进行配置,以使其能够进行重定位。

    It is from here , that one adds the WPARs and configures them to be able to be relocatable .

  17. 从这里开始,您要使用自己的账号,而不是您用以登录到服务器上的ADMIN账号。

    From this point forward , you will use your own account rather than the ADMIN account that you used to log into the server .

  18. 从这里开始,重复可用的域ID;对每个ID创建一个域对象,然后中止,继续,最后删除该域。

    From here , you iterate through the domain IDs that are available ; for each one , you create a domain object , and then suspend , resume , and finally destroy the domain .

  19. 从这里开始,我们将用您可以理解的方式描述必须的任务,并获取安装ClearQuest测试管理的经验。

    From here on , we describe the required tasks in a way that you can follow along to get hands-on experience in setting up ClearQuest test management .

  20. 从这里开始,WebSphereCloudBurst会接管整个部署过程,并使用它的智能安装方法来确定云中哪些机器将负责运行模式的每个部分。

    From that point , WebSphere CloudBurst takes over the deployment process and uses its intelligent placement approach to determine what machines in the cloud will host each part in the pattern .

  21. 从这里开始,我假设读者会在必要时调整/修改部署描述符,因为这跟Scala没有关系。

    From this point forward , I 'm going to assume that readers will adapt / modify the deployment descriptor as necessary because it really has nothing to do with Scala .

  22. 此时,数据库管理员可以使用OPMEE提供的领域专家功能从这里开始进一步研究这些事务以隔离问题。

    At this point , a database administrator can further investigate these transactions to isolate the problem using of the domain expert capabilities that OPM EE offers .

  23. ,我打算交换,让它也指向那里,MinVal是8,j从这里开始,我要找的值比这个小么?

    I 'm going to change MinIndex min index to also point there n value is8 , j starts off here , and I say , OK , is the thing I 'm looking at here smaller than that ?

  24. 在这个接口中,$1被扩展到这个参数,因此当我们调用container(vs1)时,$1t就会变成vs1t(从这里开始,假设我们定义的是vs1)。

    In the interface , $ 1 is expanded to the argument , so $ 1_t becomes vs1_t when we call container ( vs1 ) . ( From here on let 's assume we are defining vs1 ) .

  25. 阿尔勒的文森特·梵高基金会(35rueduDr.Fanton;Arles;fondation-vincentvangogh-arles.org/),位于阿尔勒老城的中心,从这里开始在阿尔勒寻访梵高的足迹再合适不过了。

    Fondation Vincent Van Gogh in Arles ( 35 rue du Dr. Fanton ; Arles ; fondation-vincentvangogh-arles . org / ) , in the center of the old city of Arles , is a great place to begin a tour of van Gogh locations throughout Arles .

  26. 女主角露西由虽不太可信,但在某种程度上非常完美的斯嘉丽·约翰逊(ScarlettJohansson)饰演,她被卷入台湾一桩棘手的阴谋,由犯罪团伙头目江先生(Jang,韩国演员崔岷植精彩出演)策划,胡言乱语就从这里开始了。

    The nonsense begins when the title character - played by the improbable yet somehow perfect Scarlett Johansson - is pulled into a head-scratching plot in Taiwan , put into motion by a crime boss , Mr. Jang ( the excellent South Korean actor Choi Min Sik ) .

  27. 共和党全国委员会主席斯蒂尔(MichaelSteele):我们的团队参加竞选的目标并不是仅仅获得39个席位,因为这仅仅是我们的动力,我们可以从这里开始继续努力。

    MICHAEL STEELE , CHAIRMAN , REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE : My goal in talking to our team out in the field is let 's get our folks to the 39 , because that 's the momentum point you really want to go for , and then you can continue to build from there .

  28. 从这里开始,可能需要修改扫描频率(PowerStrip工具可以修改这个设置),直到获得稳定的图像为止。

    From there , you may need to adjust the scan rate ( a setting that the PowerStrip tool allows you to modify ) until you get a stable picture .

  29. 从这里开始,转圈越过人群。

    And start here with an initial sweep past the crowd .

  30. 从这里开始,新版故事进行了全新演绎。

    From here , the fairy tale gets its modern-day revision .