
  • 网络Slave;board;follower
  1. 采用老的电子设计(就是使用PC插件和主/从板的S2000光谱仪)光谱仪型号也已经停产。

    The spectrometer models with older electronic designs ( PC plug-ins and the master / slave boards of the S2000 Spectrometer era ) are also being discontinued .

  2. 现需要从板上分别切割出n个高度为hi,宽度为wi的矩形零件。

    Need from the board is cutting out respectively n height of the hi , wi width of the rectangular parts .

  3. 非平行的边界的应力分量的三个值可以从板的平衡考虑来导得。

    Three values of nonparallel boundary stress components can be derived from considerations of equilibrium of the plate .

  4. 根据分布式系统的实时性要求并结合CPU的选取,确定主板与从板之间采用RS-485总线通讯,从板与用户板之间采用SPI总线通讯,在软件中定义了相应的通讯协议。

    According to the real-time requirement and the CPU selection , we confirmed RS-485 bus communication between main board and secondary board , SPI bus communication between secondary board and user board , and has defined the corresponding communication agreement in the software .

  5. 由此可见,从板栗苞中提取多酚物质是可行的。

    So the extraction of the polyphenols from chestnut shell was feasible .

  6. 你得从板上的这些零件开始。

    Well , you start with all these parts off the board .

  7. 他把钉子从板上拔下来。

    He pulled the nail out of the plank .

  8. 用一个底板将各个主、从板及电源板连接成为一个整体,方便了维护和扩展。

    One motherboard connects all the boards together to make servicing and enlarging easy .

  9. 一轮投球数从板球场投出的一系列的六个球。

    A series of six balls bowled from one end of a cricket pitch .

  10. 从板带宽度中心至边部氧化皮组成基本一致,但呈逐渐增厚趋势;

    The scale composition from width center to edge is identical but his thickness increases .

  11. 罐车一体式后从板座及上心盘座铸造缺陷的分析及改进措施

    Analysis of Casting Defects in the Integral Rear Draft Lug and the Body Center Plate Filler of Tank Car and Improvement Measures

  12. 雪板从板头到板尾的走刃,结合快速有效的上方和下方穿越动作,使得用刃时机得以提前。

    Combination of skis carving tip-to-tail and quick efficient cross-over and cross-under movements into the new turn produce an early edge set .

  13. 在实验中除了测量到板边缘的声散射波以外,还测量到从板边缘进入板内的声波沿板传播并辐射的波。

    Beside the edge diffracted signal , plate radiated waves that are excited from the plate edgeare also detected in the diffraction process .

  14. 这样热量可直接从板内产生并朝着垂直于板的方向全部穿透织物往外传递。

    Thus heat can be generated directly from the inner plate and transfer toward the direction perpendicular to the plate to throughout the fabric .

  15. 本文从板料冲压成形的接触与摩擦理论分析入手,在此基础上,建立了基于分形数学的板料冲压成形的接触与摩擦力学模型。

    In the paper , mechanics model of contact and friction based on fractal mathematics is set up according to the theory of contact and friction .

  16. 从板的理论出发,全面考虑微元上各种应力以及外荷载的影响,用假想荷载法导出了薄壁构件的弯扭失稳平衡微分方程。

    By use of the fictious load method , the equilibrium differential equation is derived in consideration of the effects of all stresses and external loads acting on minute element .

  17. 分析了电力机车车钩箱的从板座组成的焊接结构,介绍了其焊接工艺和焊接变形控制以及变形后的调平方法。

    This article analyzes the welding structure of the coupler seat of electric locomotive , presents the welding technology and the methods of controlling deformation and flatting for this kind of coupler seat .

  18. 分析了一体式后从板座及上心盘座裂纹、夹砂等缺陷产生的原因,并介绍了工艺改进措施。

    The causes to such defects as cracking and sand inclusion in the integral rear draft lug and the body center plate filler are analyzed , and the technology improvement measures are described .

  19. 得出了当折合距离约为2.0时,爆炸荷载对混凝土板的影响可以忽略不计,板的损伤从板的边缘开始的结论。

    When the scale distance for concrete slab is around 2 , the effect of explosive loads to concrete slab can be ignored , the damage of slab is beginning from the edge .

  20. 在进行完接触与摩擦的研究之后,从板料纯弯曲成形回弹的现有理论分析入手,利用力学理论,推导了实际弯曲回弹的方程式,对拉深成形回弹的进行了分析。

    Then start with the spring theory of pure bend in the sheet metal forming , under contact and friction is set up , springback equation on bending and drawing was derived or analysed .

  21. 研究区强震活动从板缘向板内逐渐减弱,三个地区最大震级分别为8.7级、7.8级和7.7级。

    The activity of strong earthquakes becomes weaker from the plate margin to the inside of the plate . The maximum magnitudes in the three areas are M8.7 , M 7.8 and M 7.7 respectively .

  22. 根据μβ.σβ更科学地评价了各种板孔加工方法的适用性,并进一步从板孔表面粗糙度、表面应力状态、疲劳裂纹萌生与扩展以及断口微观形貌等方面进行了理论分析。

    The applicability of various processing methods is scientifically evaluated according to μβ and σβ . Theoretical analyses are made in light of surface roughness , surface stress , fatigue crack initiation and propagation and fractography .

  23. 太阳光从板窗缝里强烈地照射进来,把花缎窗帘照得发紫,使她完全恢复了自信心,清除了她思想中的一切,连那块石头也不见了。

    The sun , which was glowing through the crevices in her shutters , and turning the damask curtains crimson , reassured her to such an extent that everything vanished from her thoughts , even the stone .

  24. 这两种穿越动作不仅仅是将板子送到身体的另一侧以开始下一个转弯,同时也是帮助选手将力量从板尾移至板头。

    Both types of cross movements not only place the skis on the other side of the body for the next turn but also assist in recentering-shifting the pressure from the tails to the front of the skis .

  25. 从板料拉伸变形可能产生的缺陷入手,将传统的用2副模具拉伸的工件用1副模具成形,在模具结构上进行了改进,以保证设计目标的实现。

    In view of the defects possibly caused by the deformation of drawing the plate , one die was designed to replace the traditional two dies for drawing the part . Improvement in the die structure was made to ensure the realization of the design purpose .

  26. 当黏土被人从板上拿起来时,它这才第一次窥见了自己新的形状,而这便是它千辛万苦之后的报偿,它的全部心愿的成果---一只普普通通的花盆,线条粗硬,又红又丑。

    There for the first time , as it was lifted from the board , the clay saw its new shape , the reward of all its patience and pain , the consummation of its hopes --- a common flower-pot , straight and stiff , red and ugly .

  27. 传回design编辑器,将图像从选项板拖到表单中。

    Go back to the design editor and drag an image from the palette onto the form .

  28. 现在,从配置板中拖拉TextField对象到它的表格中。

    Now , drag the Text Field object from the palette onto this form .

  29. 从选项板选择connection元素来连接三个节点。

    Select the connection element from the palette to wire the three nodes .

  30. 从组件板中将PanelGroupbox组件拖到Input组件下。

    Drag a Panel Group box component from the palette onto the page below the Input component .