
  • 网络dielectric loss angle;Dissipation Factor
  1. 介绍一种高损耗介电材料的介电参数(介电常数、介质损耗角正切、交流电导率)测量的新方法及其原理。

    This paper presents a new method to measure the dielectric parameters of high-loss dielectrics ( dielectric constant , dielectric dissipation factor , AC conductivity ) and its principle .

  2. XLPE电缆绝缘介质损耗角正切测试方法的探讨

    On the Measurement of Tangent of Dielectric Loss Angle in XLPE Cables

  3. 基于DFT频域校正的介质损耗角测量算法

    Measurement of dielectric loss based on discrete Fourier transform spectrum correcting algorithms

  4. 介质损耗角正切tgδ的测试是电气设备绝缘监督的一项重要措施.做好介质损耗的测量对于发现电气设备绝缘隐患,保证电气设备的安全运行有着重要意义。

    The testing of medium wear-angle tangent tg δ is an important measure to monitor insulation of electrical machines , and also benefits the safe operation of electrical equipments .

  5. 该测试装置能够完成的测试功能相当于:RLC测试仪、介质损耗角测试仪、MOA测试仪、电气参数测试仪、直流电阻测试仪以及电表校验仪。

    The functions of this meter include RLC meter , dielectric loss angel meter , MOA meter , electric meter , direct-resistance meter and check gauge .

  6. 详细说明了利用高压西林电桥和高压标准电容器测量电力电容器的电容和介质损耗角正切(Tanδ)的原理;扩大量程的途径及注意事项;

    The measurement principle for the capacitance and loss angle tangent of dielectric ( Tan δ) of power capacitor used by a high-voltage SCHERING bridge and a high-voltage standard capacitor are introduced in detail .

  7. 分析高电压介质损耗角数字化测量中谐波及干扰信号等误差因素,探讨零相差FIR滤波器设计,采用傅里叶变换等数字处理方法,使用DSP系统测量介质的损耗角,并给出有关计算结果。

    This article discussed the error factors of the harmonic and interferences in the high voltage fields for digital measuring dielectric loss of insulator , approach methods of zero phase FIR filter and Fourier transform , using digital signal process system , in measurement .

  8. 虚拟介质损耗角在线检测仪的研制

    Research on Virtual Instrument for On-line Measurement of Dielectric Loss Tangent

  9. 双极性过零比较法在线监测绝缘介质损耗角

    Double Polarity Crossing Zero Comparative Method for On-line Monitoring tan δ

  10. 基于改进基波相位分离法的介质损耗角测量

    Dielectric Loss Angle Measurement Based on Improved Fundamental Harmonic Separation Algorithm

  11. 高电压绝缘介质损耗角测量的数字处理

    Digital Processing for Measuring Dielectric Loss of High Voltage Insulator

  12. 高精度介质损耗角实时在线测量方法

    High precision real-time on-line measurement method of dielectric loss angle

  13. 信号的取样方式对介质损耗角测量的影响

    Influence of signal sampling mode on dielectric loss angle measurement

  14. 不均匀介质损耗角正切的计算

    Calculation for Dielectric Loss Tangent of Heterogeneous Dielectric

  15. 变压器介质损耗角正切值的测量与计算

    Measurement and Calculation of tan δ of Transformer

  16. 测量介质损耗角的高阶正弦拟合算法

    Higher-order sine fitting algorithm for dielectric loss measurement

  17. GB/T1693-1981硫化橡胶工频介电常数和介质损耗角正切值的测定方法

    Vulcanized rubber & Determination for industrial frequency dielectric constant and dielectric loss angular tangent value

  18. 容性设备介质损耗角δ在线监测中的干扰抑制新方法

    A new interference reduction method in dielectric loss tangent s on-line monitoring for capacitive equipment

  19. 电容型电气设备介质损耗角的高精度数字检测算法

    The high-precision digital test algorithm for the dielectric loss tangent of the capacitive-type electrical device

  20. 绝缘介质损耗角的数字化测量研究

    Digital Measurement of Dielectric Loss

  21. 随着温度的升高,聚四氟乙烯的相对介电常数减小,介质损耗角正切增大。

    Dielectric constant of PTFE composites decrease when temperature increases , but loss factor of PTFE composites increase with temperature increment .

  22. 仿真和试验结果表明该算法在增加较少运算量的同时提高了介质损耗角的测量精度。

    The results of simulation and tests indicate that using the proposed algorithm the dielectric loss angle can be measured more accurately while less calculation amount is increased .

  23. 实验发现,在10~10~5Gy的吸收剂量范围内,薄膜受辐照后体积电阻率下降,介电常数基本不变,高频介质损耗角正切上升,交流击穿场强上升。

    It is found that the bulk resistivity , dielectric dissipation factor and ac breakdown strength change with the dose while the permittivity keeps constant within the radiation absorbed doses from 10 to 105 Gy .

  24. 本文主要讨论介质损耗角正切值(介质损耗因素)的在线监测,研究如何提高介质损耗角正切值的测量稳定性和精度。

    In this paper , on-line monitoring of dielectric loss angle 's tangent ( dielectric loss factor ) was discussed mainly , in order to improve the accuracy and stability of monitoring data of dielectric loss .

  25. 在介质损耗角的数字化测量中,数据采样频率与电网频率间不同步的问题,以及电网中存在的高次谐波都会给介质损耗的测量带来误差。

    In the digital measurement of dielectric loss angle , the non synchronisation between the data sampling rate and the frequency of the power network as well as the network 's various harmonic components can cause remarkable error .

  26. 介质损耗角大小是判断高压设备绝缘状况的有效参数之一,而准确的提取基波电压和电流信号是检测介损角的关键。

    Dielectric loss angle is one of the effective means to determine the status of the high-tension apparatus insulation . The key to detect dielectric loss angle is correct extraction of the fundamental wave of voltage and current signal .

  27. 利用DETAL&2000测试仪对电缆试样进行介质损耗角正切的测量试验,发现电缆试样的介质损耗角正切开始为负,但随着测量电压的升高逐渐增大,在试样发生表面击穿时,变成正值。

    The dielectric Loss is tested using the instrument of DETAL & 2000 and the dielectric loss obtained shows that it is negative at first and increases with higher testing voltage , furthermore becomes positive when sample surface is swamped .

  28. 介绍了基波相位分离法测量介质损耗角的原理,指出了目前的软件同步采样措施难以实现真正的同步采样,并通过推导得出非同步采样条件下的基波相位分离法的算法。

    This paper introduces the principle of Fourier algorithm on dielectric loss angle measurement , and points out the fact that perfect synchronous sampling could hardly be realized , then presents a compensation algorithm in the condition of non-synchronous sampling with deduction .

  29. 作者通过与容性设备末屏串联分压电容的方法提取工频电压信号,采用绝对测量和过零比较法相结合的新方法测量介质损耗角;

    By means of connecting divider capacitor in series with the outmost shielding layer of the bushing for capacitive apparatus , the fundamental frequency voltage signal is extracted , then the dielectric loss angle is measured by a new approach that combines absolute measurement method with zero crossing comparison method .

  30. 不均匀介质相对介电常数和介质损耗角正切的计算

    Calculation for Relative Dielectric Constant and Dielectric Loss Tangent of Heterogeneous Dielectric