
  1. 有2.16亿人的印度尼西亚是世界第四人口大国。

    Indonesia , with 216 million people , is the fourth most populous country in the world .

  2. 我们每个人都与70亿人共享这个星球。

    Each one of us shares this planet with seven billion others .

  3. 每年10月15日,全世界有超过2亿人参加世界洗手日。

    Every year on 15th October , over 200 million people around the world take part in Global Handwashing Day .

  4. 第七次全国人口普查数据显示,2020年,我国有4.93亿人处于“人户分离”的状态。流动人口中15岁至35岁的人员占了总量的70%以上。

    Around 493 million people lived outside their place of household registration in 2020 , with those aged for more than 70 percent .

  5. 但根据中国互联网络信息中心(ChinaInternetNetworkInformationCenter)的数据,仅去年一年,中国网民数量就增长了24%,达到1.37亿人。

    But last year alone China 's internet population increased by 24 per cent to 137m people online , according to the China Internet Network Information Center .

  6. 他说,Windows没有什么不同,这是一个面向10亿人的厨房。

    Windows is no different -- it 's a kitchen for a billion people , ' he says .

  7. 截至去年12月,每天有近9亿人使用Facebook。

    Nearly 900 million people used Facebook daily during December .

  8. Facebook影响着欧洲的上亿人。

    Facebook affects millions of people across Europe .

  9. 乙型病毒性肝炎(hepatitisB,乙型肝炎)是危害我国人民健康最严重的疾病之一,我国携带HBsAg的总人数超过1亿人。

    Hepatitis B is one of most severe worldwide diseases . There are about 120 millions HBsAg carriers in China .

  10. 昨天,ApplePay在中国正式上线,跻身移动支付市场,中国支付市场已达3.6亿人,竞争激烈。

    Yesterday , Apple has launched Apple Pay in China , entering a mobile payment market with about 360 million users and fierce competition .

  11. 仅在过去的一年里,Facebook的活跃用户人数就增长了26%,达到10亿人以上。

    In the past year alone , active Facebook users increased 26 % to more than 1 billion .

  12. 全世界大约有20亿人感染过HBV,其3.5亿为慢性感染。

    About 2 billion people have been infected the HBV . Among them 350 million people are chronic hapatitis B patients .

  13. 今年6月,约有1.02亿人仅通过移动设备访问Facebook,比3月猛增23%。

    Some 102 million people accessed Facebook solely from mobile in June , a massive 23 % increase over March .

  14. 如今东南亚的手游玩家(1.19亿人)比PC端在线玩家(9700万人)更多,但有相当部分是重叠的。

    Today , there are more mobile gamers ( at 119 million ) than PC online gamers ( 97 million ) in Southeast Asia , with considerable overlap .

  15. 目前全世界慢性HBV感染已经超过3.6亿人,乙肝相关的肝硬化和肝癌的死亡率正逐年增加。

    Approximately 360-million world population is persistently infected with HBV , carrying a greatly increased risk of developing chronic liver inflammation leads to cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma .

  16. 这个大小的自贸区将涵盖亚太地区的28亿人,世界GDP的57%,全球贸易的一半。

    An FTA of this magnitude would cover the Asia-Pacific region with 2.8 billion people , 57-percent of the world 's GDP and about half of global trade .

  17. 我国是HBV感染高发区,HBV携带者达1亿人,约占我国人口10%。

    Our country is a high-risk prevalent region of HBV , and the total amount of the chronic HBV carrier exceeds 100 million ( about 10 % of population ) .

  18. 苹果表示,超过2亿人将自己现有的iPhone升级到了iOS7操作系统。

    More than 200m people had upgraded their existing iPhones to iOS 7 , Apple said .

  19. Google+是谷歌在网络用户数据方面的最新进展:作为社交网络它也许远远落后于Facebook,但到目前为止已有逾2.5亿人创建了Google+账户。

    Google + is the latest addition to this : the social network might be a poor second-best to Facebook , but more than 250m people have so far set up accounts .

  20. 当Facebook在2009年引入了OpenID身份共享的支持的时候,上亿人一下子就拥有了OpenID凭证。

    When Face ­ book introduced support for identity sharing via OpenID in2009 , hundreds of millions of people suddenly had OpenID credentials .

  21. 众所周知,WhatsApp没在市场营销上花一分钱,就将其全球用户规模做到了4.5亿人。

    WhatsApp famously reached 450m users around the world without spending so much as a dime on marketing .

  22. 爱立信(Ericsson)数据显示,去年印度智能手机用户约有1.3亿人,到2020年时这一数字将达7.5亿。

    About 130m Indians owned smartphones last year , a number that is set to hit 750m by 2020 , according to Ericsson .

  23. 12日,蚂蚁金融服务集团研发的VR支付在深圳亮相。这个集团是中国最大在线支付平台支付宝的运营商,每天有超4.5亿人使用支付宝。

    Ant Financial Services Group , which was demonstrating VR Pay in Shenzhen on Wednesday , operates China 's largest online payments service Alipay with more than 450 million daily users .

  24. 中外消费品公司高管们都喜欢援引麦肯锡(mckinsey)一份有创意的报告该报告预计,到2025年,中国城市居民将达到10亿人。

    Consumer goods company executives , both Chinese and foreign , love to quote a seminal McKinsey report predicting China would have 1bn city dwellers by 2025 .

  25. 目前,全球HCV的感染率约为3%,大约1.7亿人感染HCV,每年新发丙型肝炎病例达到3.5万例。

    According to the World Health Organization , the global rate of HCV infection is about 3 % . The number of infections is more than 170 million , there are about 35,000 new cases every year .

  26. 市场研究公司ABI预计,到2016年,全世界将有1.61亿人通过手机获取音乐,与今年的590万人相比增长明显。

    Research firm ABI projects that by 2016 some 161 million subscribers will be accessing music from their mobile phones around the world , up from just 5.9 million this year .

  27. 根据世界卫生组织1999年统计,全球约有1.7-2.0亿人感染HCV,我国丙型肝炎病毒的感染率为3.2%,属HCV中高度感染区。

    According released report in 1999 statistics from WHO , there were about 170-200 million people are infected with HCV worldwide . China , with HCV infection rate of 3.2 % , was considered as high or middle HCV prevalence area .

  28. 截至2014年3月底,移动QQ和微信(在中国以外地区使用的名称为WeChat)上日活跃用户数稳定在1.8亿人的水平上。

    As of the end of March 2014 , the number of daily active users on Mobile QQ and Weixin ( known as WeChat outside of China ) was a stable 180 million .

  29. 乙型肝炎病毒(HepatitisBvirus,HBV)的慢性感染仍然危害人类健康,全球大约有3.5亿人感染HBV,部分患者最终进展为肝硬化、肝细胞癌。

    Chronic hepatitis B virus ( HBV ) infection is still a severe human health problem , and there are about 350 million chronic HBV carriers worldwide . Chronic HBV infection is associated with serious complications as a result of long-term sequelae such as liver cirrhosis or hepatocellular carcinoma .

  30. 谷歌(Google)执行总裁埃里克•施密特就认为,技术扮演了非常积极的角色,帮助20亿人脱离了贫困,使地球上所有人都能获得之前只有小部分人才能获得的重要信息。

    According to Eric Schmidt , the executive chairman of Google ( GOOG ) , technology has had an overwhelmingly positive role , lifting some 2 billion people out of poverty and spreading access to vital information from a relative small number to virtually all the people on earth .