
  • 网络interpersonal distance;personal distance;proxemic
  1. 研究人员认为,人际距离不是我们有意识地想,而且不像钐,当我们的空间受到侵犯时我们变得非常清楚。

    The researchers believe that interpersonal distance is not something we consciously think about , although , unlike SM , we become acutely aware when our space is violated .

  2. 希望通过对这些问题的初步探究,让我们较为全面的了解人际距离差异及其影响,并对跨文化学习和交际提出建议。

    I hope through the preliminary inquiry , a more comprehensive understanding of interpersonal distance difference and its impact on these issues , and make recommendations on cross-cultural learning and communication .

  3. 笔者就人际距离问题,以中日两国大学生为对象实施了问卷调查。

    The author conducted a questionnaire survey of Chinese and Japanese college students about personal distances .

  4. 不同国家、不同文化背景的人们在进行交流时,由于相互间人际距离的不同会产生冲突、引起误解。

    When people from different countries and cultural backgrounds communicate , misunderstanding or conflict arises because of different personal distances .

  5. 从更进一步搞好体育教学的观点出发,分析了体育教学中除运用口头语言表达外,更多地运用非言语行为,如体语、人际距离、辅助言语和类语言的作用和意义。

    This essay analyses the function and significance of non-language behavior such as body language , person 's distance , also for languages and similar language .

  6. 本论文在此基础上,总结出中日大学生在人际距离方面的异同点,并对影响人际距离的公/私、亲/疏、同性/异性等要素进行了分析。

    Based on the result , this thesis summarizes similarities and differences between Chinese and Japanese college students in personal distances and analyzes key factors that have an influence on personal distances , such as public / private , intimacy / unfamiliarity , same sexes / opposite sexes , etc.

  7. 中国传统文化视域中的人际空间距离

    Interpersonal Spatial Distance in the View of Chinese Cultural Tradition

  8. 网络带来人际关系距离的矛盾;

    The interpersonal contradiction caused by the Internet ;

  9. 记录60位厕所使用者,被随机地指定三种程度之人际间距离中的一种,以及他们排尿的时间。

    Sixty lavatory users were randomly assigned to one of three levels of interpersonal distance and their micturation times were recorded .

  10. 凡·侯文林根建议办公室(人际)距离应该找到一个平衡点,既能够相互合作又能维持员工间的牢固关系。

    Van Houwelingen suggests that offices find a balance that allows for physical distance along with collaboration and strong relationships between employees .

  11. 在人际关系中,距离不是由英里来衡量的,而是由感情来决定。

    In human relationships distance is not measured in miles , but in affection .

  12. 人们对间接言语行为的使用是为了表现人际之间的社交距离,或者体现人际之间对某些敏感问题的回避态度,间接言语行为还体现了人们为达到某一目的时所使用的语言技巧。

    Indirect speech acts can be used for the presentation of mutual social distance , or the evasion of some subtle problems , and some linguistic skills for reaching certain purposes in communication .