
  • 网络human relations;Hawthorne study;human relation theory
  1. 工作中的现代人际关系学。

    Modern homan relations at work ii .

  2. 高校开设《人际关系学》课程是适应社会的需要

    To Establish the Course of " Interpersonal Relationships " in Universities and Colleges Is Necessary to Meet the Demands of the Society

  3. 与此同时,心理契约、社会契约、人际关系学等其他学科理论也被引入到品牌关系的研究当中。

    At the same time , the psychological contract , the social contract , interpersonal relations and other theories are also introduced to the research of brand relationship .

  4. 本研究选择该热点问题中的薄弱环节为研究方向,根据社会学、人际关系学、教师专业成长等理论,论证了教研互动是教师专业成长的根本途经。

    According to the theories of sociology and teachers profession improvement , the paper proves that the basic way of improving teacher profession is the interactiveness of teaching research .

  5. 为使他们踏入社会后能够尽快适应社会的需要,高等学校开设《人际关系学》课程是相当必要的。

    To introduce them to meet the needs of society after their finishing school , it 's a necessity for universities and colleges to establish the course of " Interpersonal Relationships " .

  6. 目前,他已攻读了3年领导学及人际关系学博士学位,他评价道:“我们拥有时间的特权,以及深入思考事情的特权。”

    Now , three years into his doctorate on leadership and interpersonal relationships , he comments : " we have the privilege of time , the privilege of thinking deeply about things . "

  7. 年级、专业、性别的不同和主观上对就业前景、人际关系、所学专业满意度及学习压力的态度和感受不同,在得分上有较明显差异。

    Effective factors were their grade , major , gender and their attitude towards employment prospect , interpersonal relationships , their majors and pressure in study .

  8. 大学时为管理所做的学术准备:管理学:管理学原理、组织理论、行为学。交际学:商务交际、人事管理、人际关系。市场学:市场学理论、营销管理。

    Academic preparation for management : management : principles of management , organization theory , behavioral science . communication : business communication , personnel management , human relations . marketing : marketing theory , sales management .