
  • 网络Artificial Moon;Power Ball
  1. 于是它绽放在夜空,像一朵大白菊花。明亮,明亮得像人造月亮。

    It exploded in the sky , a huge white chrysanthemum , bright as an artificial moon .

  2. 这颗人造月亮的照明范围可以控制在10~80公里(6~50英里)。

    The artificial moon can be controlled to light up an area between 10 and 80 kilometers wide ( 6 to 50 miles ) .

  3. 2022年,三个“人造月亮”将发射升空。

    Three man-made moons will be launched in 2022 .

  4. 人造月亮在民用方面格外实用。

    Man-made moon is especially useful in civil area .

  5. 没人听说苏联的人造月亮。

    Nobody had heard of the Russian moon .

  6. 报纸的头条新闻报道了人造月亮。

    The newspaper headlines told of the moon .

  7. “人造月亮”是指运载着大型空间镜面的卫星,它能将太阳光反射至地球。

    Man-made moon is a satellite carrying a huge space mirror , which can reflect the sun light to the Earth .

  8. 中国成都计划发射一颗“人造月亮”,它将照亮周边50英里的天空。

    Chendu in China is planning to launch an ' artificial moon " that will light up the skies as far as 50 miles around .

  9. 成都的人造月亮已经遭到了怀疑论者和忧虑的市民们的指责。他们认为,人造月亮的光芒会对动物和天文观测产生不良影响。

    Chengdu 's artificial moon has already been met with criticism from skeptics and concerned citizens who argue that the light will have adverse effects on animals and astronomical observation .

  10. 人造地球卫星与月亮在地心参考系中的受力分析

    An analysis of the forces acting on the artificial satellite and the moon in the reference frame of the earth

  11. 对于人造月光是否会干涉正常的动植物昼夜循环的担心,武春风表示,人造月亮光照强度和照明时间可以调节,并且照明精度可控制在几十米之内。

    Responding to worries whether the man-made moonlight will interrupt the normal day-night cycle of animals and plants , Wu said the light intensity and illumination time can be adjusted and the accuracy of illumination can be controlled within scores of meters .