
  • 网络CHARACTER;Figures;Character modeling
  1. 中国民间皮影艺术人物造型分析

    The Analysis and Research on the Character Sculpts of Folk Shadowgraph in China

  2. 由于运用了3D技术,阿童木的人物造型看上去显得那么的花俏时髦,永不落伍;如此花俏的造型,以至于人们纷纷揣测他的身上究竟发生了些什么事。

    Thanks to 3D technology , the Astro Boy character has never looked " fancier "– so fancy , in fact , that people keep wondering what happened to him .

  3. 游行队伍中包括黑斯廷斯战役的人物造型。

    The procession included a tableau of the Battle of Hastings .

  4. 论黑白木刻中具象人物造型与刀法语言的关系

    On Relation Specific Image Figure and Carving Skills in Monochromatic Woodcut

  5. 中国传统戏剧人物造型图案化特点浅析

    On the Features Patterning of China 's Traditional Drama Character Modeling

  6. 但是,新版红楼中的人物造型实在让我看着不舒服。

    However , the costumes in the new version make me uncomfortable .

  7. 中国古典小说人物造型与形神美学

    The Modeling of Characters in Chinese Classical Novel and Esthetics of Formation

  8. 这种人物造型比较庄重、沉稳。

    This kind of character modelling is quite grave calm .

  9. 论写意人物造型与现代素描的关系

    The Modeling of Free-hand Brushwork Figures and Modern Sketches

  10. 他们做出了许多令人称奇的蛋糕,其动物和人物造型栩栩如生。

    They whisk up jaw-dropping creations including life-like cakes shaped like animals and people .

  11. 人物造型虽然稚拙,但却极为生动传神。

    The figurations of people were childish and clumsy , but very lively and vivid .

  12. 故事中人物造型“酷”,全电脑的大制作出乎人们的想象。

    Characters in the story " cool ", the modelling of the computer from the peoples imagination .

  13. 论影视美术设计中人物造型的手段电影美术的历程

    On the Means of Character Molding in the Artistic Designing in Film and TV Review On Art Designing

  14. 服装创意性艺术设计在当代数码动漫人物造型中的运用研究浪漫主义的艺术家或被浪漫主义影响的人。

    Application of Animation to Fashion Design ; an artist of the romantic period or someone influenced by romanticism .

  15. 产品设计独具匠心,人物造型栩栩如生,民族风情浓郁。

    The production design showing originality , the character shaping is vivid , with the dense nationality amorous feedings .

  16. 本文从定义、步骤、风格上试论了戏剧舞台人物造型的创作过程。

    In this paper , by definition , measure , and style of stage characters of the drama 's creative process .

  17. 书架由动物或人物造型的托板和左支臂、右支臂所组成。

    The bookshelf is composed of an animal or human shape supporting board , a left supporting arm and a right supporting arm .

  18. 却不怨天尤人。就算他所借用的人物造型是古代,却一点也没有时空僵化的刻板性。

    Although the figures Cai has appropriated are that of the ancient , but his representation does not reveal any rigidity of time .

  19. 本文从化妆造型和服装造型两个方面论述了影视美术设计中人物造型的表现手段。

    The article deals with the means of character molding in film and TV artistic design from the angles of makeup and costume .

  20. 并且,表现主义和唯美主义在新影视的人物造型创作过程中逐渐成为现代人欣赏的主流风格。

    Therefore , the Expressionism and Aestheticism styles will gradually be the mainstream in the image-shaping for characters in new movies and televisions .

  21. 雕塑以铸铜为媒材塑造浑圆饱满的量体,让民俗化的人物造型更显天真浪漫、充满喜悦。

    Material is copper , which is so thick and dense as to make the folklore character more na ï ve and joyful .

  22. 这些作品中的人物造型吸收了西方雕塑的解剖学的长处,比例适度,形态生动,表情刻画细致传神。

    The design of the figures in the relief adopted Western notions of anatomy and display accurate proportions , realistic expressions and lively gestures .

  23. 英俊华美的人物造型,怪诞而奇妙的地牢,摄人心魄的风景和雄伟的城市都等待着玩家开始这场华丽的游戏。

    Handsome and beautiful character models , eerie and fantastic dungeons , breathtaking landscapes and magnificent cities all await players of this gorgeous game .

  24. 日常生活妆扮与电视角色造型都属于人物造型,但是有着很大的区别,有着各自的特点。

    Daily dress up the role of modeling and television are all character modeling , but there are great differences , with their own characteristics .

  25. 我国2002年5月15日在驻南斯拉夫使馆举办的中国京剧人物造型展览曾引起轰动。

    The exhibition of characters of Chinese Beijing Opera , held in the Chinese Embassy in Yugoslavia on May 25th 2002 , has created a sensation .

  26. 推崇轮廓鲜明,装饰性强,构图和人物造型趋向平面,强调绘画的示意性和象征性,反对纯客观描绘。

    Respected clean-cut , adornment sex is strong , composition and character modelling tends to emphasize the plane , painting and symbolic , oppose signaled purely objective portrayed .

  27. 透过那些坚实的人物造型,那铜皮和铅皮打造的杰作,我们可以与艺术家怜惜生命的目光相遇。

    Through the masterpieces , solidly molded from copper sheet and lead sheath , we can connect with the artist , whose eyes are full of sympathy for life .

  28. 个性化人脸在游戏人物造型技术中的地位变得越来越重要.设计一种基于照片的个性化人脸游戏引擎。

    Since individual face becomes more and more important in Personage 's model technology of game , an individual facial game engine based on photos is designed in this paper .

  29. 通过对各个地域的皮影人物造型进行了分析研究,得出皮影人物造型具有平面化,戏曲化以及地域化的艺术特征。

    This article analyzes the character sculpt of shadowgraph in different regions , and sums up that the character sculpt of shadowgraph has three features : complanation , dramatization , regionalization .

  30. 实验表明,使用引擎绘制的个性化人脸,满足游戏中人物造型所必须平衡的精确性和效率两方面的要求。

    The experiment indicated that using this engine can render a realistic individual face , which meet the demand of accuracy and efficiency that personage 's model must equilibrate in the game .