
  • 网络personality quality;Personality diathesis
  1. 师资队伍建设中的创新素质和人格素质

    Creative Quality and Personality Quality in Teaching Staff Construction

  2. 人格素质是当代大学生综合素质的重要组成部分。

    Personality quality is an important part of the overall quality of contemporary college students .

  3. 关于构建大学生创新求实人格素质的理论思考

    Theoretical Reflections on Cultivating Innovative and Practical Personality among College Students

  4. 领导者的人格素质及其时代价值

    The character qualifier of the leader and its times ' value

  5. 管理者人格素质结构的研究

    A Study of the Structure of Personal Quality of Manager

  6. 对体育学院运动系学生人格素质及其发展的研究

    Research on the Personality Traits of Sports Training Majors and Their Development

  7. 在对青年学生人格素质的培养过程中,应采用多种方法和途径。

    We should adopt various methods in training student 's personality diathesis .

  8. 数学对社会进步和人的发展具有巨大的推动作用。职业院校应在数学教学中进行思想品德教育,健全学生人格素质;

    Mathematics plays a great role in driving social progress and human development .

  9. 高校优秀教师人格素质结构的建立

    A study on the structure of personal quality of first-class teacher of university

  10. 在人际交往中完善聋生的人格素质

    Perfecting Deaf Students ' Personality Competence in Communication

  11. 注重对青年学生人格素质的培养

    Pay Attention to Training Student 's Personality Diathesis

  12. 高校教师人格素质定量评价的方法研究

    Study on comprehensive evaluation of teachers ' personality

  13. 论下岗再就业工程中组织者的人格素质

    On a Moral Quality of the Organizers in the Reemployment Project for Laid-off Workers

  14. 人格素质的培养是教育现代化的核心。

    The very core of modernization of education is training for student 's personality diathesis .

  15. 人格素质的培养;

    The training of personality quality ;

  16. 传记文学与人格素质教育

    Moral Quality Education and Biographic Literature

  17. 高校武术教学与大学生人格素质形成关系的研究

    Study on Relation between Martial Art Teaching in Colleges and Personality and Quality Formation of College Students

  18. 教师道德人格素质的塑造途径是教师的社会实践活动。

    The way that teacher 's moral personal quality be modeled is teachers ' social practice activity .

  19. 目的在于引起社会,家庭,学校三方面对女大学生群体人格素质培育的关注。

    The aim of community , family , school female students face tripartite groups moral quality nurturing attention .

  20. 大学英语教师应具备的素质首先是现代大学教师应有的素质,即优秀的人格素质,良好的心理教育素质。

    A qualified university English teacher in modern times should possess such qualities as excellent personality and good mental quality .

  21. 以知识资本化为主导,推进人力资本战略管理;以人格素质升级换代为主导,推进企业文化战略管理;

    To promote the strategical management of human resources and enterprise culture by capitalizing knowledge and increasing the personal qualities ;

  22. 摘要本文强调应注重大学生健康人格素质的塑造,努力建设和谐校园。

    This paper emphasizes the need to shape healthy personality of college students and make an effort to construct harmonious campus .

  23. 该结构作为评价高校优秀教师人格素质的理论依据,具有一定的参考价值。

    So the structure can be used as an academic direction to evaluate the personality quality of first-class teacher of university .

  24. 而另一方面,大学生人格素质下滑却成为一个不争的事实。

    On the other hand , it is disputable fact that the personality education of the college students has shipped back completely .

  25. 由此而引发教师职业素质的再建构,即发展其包容性和创新性思维素质、现代性和世界性人格素质以及新颖鲜活的教育理论素质。

    The teaching profession should be reconstructed to promote the teacher 's wide-ranging and creative thinking , global personality , and pedagogical and theoretical accomplishment .

  26. 从这一角度看腐败现象产生的根源,不外有两个方面:一是人的主观方面即人格素质结构,二是客观方面即环境刺激。

    From this angle , the origin of corruptive phenomenon has two aspects : one is subjectivity-personality quality structure ; the other is objectivity-environmental stimulation .

  27. 审美教育发展的水平从一定程度上影响着国民的道德素质、人格素质、文化素质、科学素质乃至健康素质。

    To some extent , the level of development of aesthetic educationaffects the moral value , personality , education , science and health of a nation .

  28. 培养大学生完善和健康的人格素质,在很大程度上关系到建设中国特色社会主义人才培养的质量,提倡符合大学生实际的人格培养对策对于大学生的人格发展和我国的社会主义现代化建设都具有重大的意义。

    Cultivating healthy and perfect quality of the personality for college students is related to the quality of talent training for the construction of socialism with Chinese characteristics .

  29. 公民精神是现代社会中一个公民应该具备的道德品格与人格素质,其核心是把自己理解为一个主体、一个对社会负有责任的公民。

    Civility is the moral character and personal quality that a citizen in modern society should have , its core is to understand as a subject and a social responsible citizen .

  30. 通过综合运用4种心理测验进行问卷调查,采用主因素分析法进行数据处理,建立了高校优秀教师应具备的人格素质结构。

    Based on the questionnaire comprehensively employed four psychological tests , the structure of personality quality of first-class teachers of university is built in using principal component analysis to process data .