
He found that many Chinese do not tip waiters or luggage carriers in Europe .
Neanderthals on the other hand had already been living in Europe and Asia for thousands of years .
The Montenegrins could be found in Europe , and they primarily targeted the Ottoman Turks when head-hunting .
In World War I , American GIs were among the many thousands killed by deadly gas in the trenches of Europe .
The novel was called " The Sun Also Rises . " It is about young Americans in Europe after World War One .
Two centuries later , that reinvention was itself revived by Englishmen who saw the originals on the Grand Tour , and implanted this new-old form in the American colonies .
The discovery team urged caution on the interbreeding issue , but noted anatomical features of the cranium suggesting that some human-Neanderthal mixture had presumably occurred before any encounters in Europe and Asia .
British people have the worst quality of life in Europe , according to a report which highlights the long hours , bad weather , low life expectancy and high price of many consumer goods .
Mr Heptonstall was inspired to tackle the ultimately pointless challenge by others who had completed similar quests on European transport networks . He often uses the Tube to get to work but confesses he is not a huge fan .
An inhabitant of the mainland of Europe ; a European .
It is said that slavery has disappeared from European civilization .
The Scots were held in abhorrence all over europe .
The Chinese are far less visible in other European markets , although they may be buying shares via third parties .
And even one deal would be a historic moment for a complex financial product many wrote off as extinct in Europe .
Europe may be seen as a geopolitical irrelevance but the Chinese feel more welcome there than in America , where a Chinese oil firm was prevented from buying Unocal in 2005 - an event that still colours perceptions .
Is anyone talking about investing in the European retail market these days ?
In fact , some wonder whether the sovereign debt crisis in Europe could unleash a renewed wave of downward pressure on prices .
Sanxin says it was paid under $ 1 million ; people involved in the project said it would have cost up to50 % more in Europe .
Still , during a recession , a summer on the farm provides respite from grim job hunts and as much bohemian cachet as backpacking through Europe .
Others describe no go zones in Muslim districts of many European cities where Jews dare not travel .
The lifts were designed to carry only fourteen passengers apiece . In Europe electric vehicles have been used as short-range delivery vans .
The entrepreneurs are investing in other countries . Younger people , they are seeking education here or in Europe , and elsewhere . So there is less limit in terms of what they can do , what they can achieve .
The Wenzhou government does not keep accurate migration statistics but Xu Jie , deputy director for Wenzhou 's Overseas Chinese Administrative Office , estimates that 500000 Wenzhou natives live overseas , most in Europe .
Many of them had been in the American Army and some had been members of the European underground against Hitler .
Now we hope the Serb people , the Kosovars , the Bosnians , the Montenegrins , the Croatians , Albanians , Macedonians-all of them-can look towards a future in Europe , and that is with the EU and NATO .