
  • 网络human resources consultant;HR Consultant;Human Resource Adviser
  1. 人力资源顾问及职场教练LeslieG.Griffen有时候会应公司聘请去教导不洗澡的员工,要求他们改善个人卫生。

    Leslie G. Griffen , an HR consultant and career coach , is sometimes hired by companies to approach an employee who doesn 't bathe and ask them to improve their hygiene .

  2. 人力资源顾问玛格丽特•斯彭斯表示,她见过公司在员工确诊为癌症后做出的各种各样的反应。

    HR Consultant Margaret Spence says she has seen all manner of responses from companies with workers diagnosed with cancer .

  3. 今年,人力资源顾问机构“如鱼得水”公司(waterforfish)的一项调查发现,48%的英国雇员在工作申请中言过其实。

    This year , a survey by water for fish , a human resources consultancy , found 48 per cent of UK workers exaggerated in job applications .

  4. 人力资源顾问公司DDI的一位主管西蒙•米切尔(SimonMitchell)表示:在公司里,你会遇到两种类型的人。

    You come across two types of people in business , says Simon Mitchell , a director of DDI , the HR consultancy .

  5. 为该副总裁提供咨询服务的密歇根州威廉斯顿(Williamston)的人力资源顾问苏珊•希斯菲尔德(SusanHeathfield)回忆说,“这位部门经理把这个晋升机会等同于让她有权力告诉人们该做什么。”

    She equated the proposed title with being able to tell people what to do , ' recalls Susan Heathfield , a human-resources consultant in Williamston , Mich. , who coached the EVP .

  6. 人力资源顾问公司美世(mercer)的吉尔玛丽拉(jillmalila)表示,在华跨国公司的工资水平已有所提升。

    Jill malila of Mercer , a human resource consultancy , said that wages at multinationals in China were already climbing .

  7. 正因为如此,詹•坎姆普斯(JenCampsey)留下了某年圣诞节前男友送的“摇滚乐团”(RockBand)游戏盘,尽管他把Xbox游戏机拿走了。40岁的坎姆普斯是旧金山的一名人力资源顾问。

    That 's why Jen Campsey , 40 , a human-resources consultant in San Francisco , has kept the ' Rock Band ' videogame her ex-boyfriend gave her for Christmas one year , even though he took the Xbox with him . '

  8. 我们就拿明尼苏达州伊登普雷里的阿琳-弗农为例。她既是人力资源顾问,也是一名家长。

    Take Arlene Vernon , a parent and human-resource consultant in Eden Prairie , Minn.

  9. 多年以来,人力资源顾问一直在大力宣扬内部招聘的理念。

    Human resources consultants have been chanting the same mantra for years : hire from within .

  10. 我们的人力资源顾问具有深厚的知识底蕴和丰富的猎头经验及技巧。

    Our consultants possess not only highly specialized knowledge , but also unmatched skills gained from years of practical experience .

  11. 陈老师:现在几家管理顾问公司任专业培训师、企业发展顾问、人力资源顾问。

    Simon Chen is a professional Enterprise drillmaster and Enterprise development consultant and HR Consultant in several Enterprise Management Consultant Company .

  12. 向经理讨教他/她对你新想法的意见,而不是抱怨或一味地要求改变,身为人力资源顾问的张玉霞表示。

    Consult the manager about your new ideas rather than complain or simply demand for a change , said Zhang , the HR consultant .

  13. 求职者需要弄清该工作的详细描述,并要求用人单位花些时间来解释其工作内容。人力资源顾问冯丽娟说。

    An applicant needs to find out detailed job descriptions and ask employers to spend some time explaining the job content , said consultant Feng .

  14. “我们通常认为学校为学生组织暑期兼职是件好事,”中华英才网的人力资源顾问郑啸说。

    " We usually consider it a good thing for schools to organize part-time work for students during summer vacation ," said Zheng Xiao , a human resources consultant at ChinaHR .

  15. 智联招聘高级人力资源顾问郝建表示认为,大学专业对学生毕业后的第一份工作至关重要。

    Hao Jian , a senior human resources consultant at Zhaopin.com , a leading HR service site , says that a college major is important for a person 's first job after graduation .

  16. 智联招聘首席人力资源顾问郝建表示,海归对于薪水的高期望是合理的,但明智之举是更加关注职业前景而不是金钱。

    Hao Jian , chief consultant at Zhilian Recruiting , thinks returnees " high expectations for their salary are reasonable , but it 's wise to focus more on the job prospects than the money .

  17. 在五月份接受商业内幕网采访时,人力资源顾问琳恩?泰勒也同样建议采用规避策略,但是她说如果你遇到的是一个“一问到底”的面试官,那么还是诚实回答他的问题并且做相关解释为好。

    In an interview with Business Insider in May , HR consultant Lynn Taylor also recommended the dodge tactic , but said that if you get an insistent interviewer , answer truthfully but with an explanation .

  18. 据泰晤士高等教育表示,这份研究由人力资源顾问公司委托进行、对大型跨国公司中2500名招聘经理进行了调查,结果显示美国大学仍然对全球雇主们拥有巨大的吸引力,在榜单150强中占据了37个席位。

    THE said the research -- commissioned by HR consultancy Emerging and drawn from 2500 recruitment managers from large international companies -- shows U.S. institutions continue to have a strong grip among global employers , taking 37 places in the 150-strong ranking .

  19. 才博咨询集团战略和人力资源首席顾问。

    Chief strategy and HR consultant of Goodcareer Consulting Group .

  20. 编者按:王嘉琪,现任赛力佳人力资源管理顾问有限公司人力资源顾问,很高兴能与记者共同分享他的一些求职经验。

    Editor 's Note : Wang Jiaqi , a human resources consultant at Selegate Consulting Company was happy to share some of his experience with the Global Times .

  21. 全国性的行业组织美国救护车协会(AmericanAmbulanceAssociation)的人力资源与行动顾问、有26年急救经验的斯科特·穆尔(ScottMoore)说,在纽约和全美,急救人员历来是白人和男性。

    In New York and around the country , emergency responders have historically been white and male , said Scott Moore , a human resources and operations consultant with the American Ambulance Association , a national trade organization , and an emergency medical technician for 26 years .

  22. 人力资源咨询公司Fairplace顾问克尔温?哈克(KerwinHack)从而建议,从招聘广告中摘取语句来点缀简历。

    Kerwin Hack , a counsellor at HR consultancy Fairplace , therefore suggests larding CVs with phrases extracted from the job ad.

  23. 根据全球人力资源公司mercer人力资源顾问调查显示,在中国去年薪水已上涨,同时今年也期待更进一步上涨。

    Salaries in China surged last year and are expected to increase further this year , according to a survey conducted by global human resources firm Mercer Human Resources consulting .