
  • 网络Human Nervous System
  1. 二硫化碳对人体神经系统影响的Meta分析

    Carbon Disulfide on Human Nervous System Effects of Meta-Analysis

  2. 18世纪的瑞士医师法兰兹安东麦斯默提出一项理论,认为人体神经系统与地球一样,是有磁性的。

    Franz Anton Mesmer , an18th-century Swiss physician , developed a theory that the human nervous system was magnetized , just like the Earth .

  3. n.功能;函数;职责大脑执行着一项非常重要的功能,它控制人体神经系统。

    function The brain performs a very important function . It controls the nervous system of the body .

  4. 麻痹性贝类毒素(ParalyticShellfishPoisoning,PSP)是一类阻断神经细胞钠离子通道,对人体神经系统产生麻痹作用的海洋生物毒素。

    PSP ( Paralytic shellfish poisoning ) toxins , distributing widely in marine environment , are potent neurotoxins which can block voltage-gated sodium channels on excitable cells and finally result in signs of paralysis .

  5. 脑是人体神经系统的一部分。

    The brain is a part of the nervous system of the human body .

  6. 提示激光对人体神经系统确有明显早期损害,建议神经行为功能测验有可能作为亚临床的早期检测指标。

    It recommended that NCTB might be used as the indices for early detection of subclinical effect of laser .

  7. 这种毒理作用主要表现为两个方面,一是对人体神经系统的毒性作用,二是对人体外周脏器的毒性作用。

    There are mainly two kinds of toxicological effects , the nervous system toxicity , and the peripheral organ toxicity .

  8. 神经毒气通过阻断指示肌肉收缩的神经递质分解而侵袭人体神经系统。

    Nerve gases attack the nervous system of the body by interrupting the breakdown of neurotransmitters that signal muscles to contract .

  9. 22岁那年,珍妮特·詹姆士被诊断出患有多发性硬化症——一种影响人体神经系统的疾病。

    Janet James was 22 years old when she was diagnosed with MS - a disease that attacks the body 's nerves .

  10. 本文主要探讨了人体神经系统,得到了一些有关人体系统的重要认识,这对数字人体的模拟与构建具有很重要的启示意义。

    This paper mainly discusses human neural system , acquires some knowledge about human system and provides some important inspirations to simulating and building digital body .

  11. 应用多媒体人体神经系统教学系统研究了同济医科大学95级临床医学专业实习生的实习情况。

    Applied multimedia education system of human nervous system to study the clinical practice of intern graded 95 , major in clinical medicine , Tongji Medical University .

  12. 正确利用人体神经系统支配歌唱行为和控制歌唱意识,对减少教学中的盲目性和非理性现象具有重要的指导意义。

    Correctly using the nerve system of human body to guide the singing behavior and control the singing consciousness has important directive significance in reducing blindness and unreasonable phenomenon in teaching .

  13. 它是一种可用于无创伤检测的生物电信号,对认识和了解人体神经系统信息传递、基础医学研究、临床诊断、运动医学和康复工程中均有广泛的应用。

    It is a sort of bioelectricity signal detected without hurt and has important influence in information sending of nerve system , basic medicine research , clinic diagnosis , sport medicine and rehabilitation engineering .

  14. 书写习惯的形成是在人体神经系统功能的作用下,通过后天的学习与实践,逐渐产生语言和书写活动,再通过长期反复的练习使书写活动形成动力定型及特有的书写习惯。

    Writing habits formed in the human body function of the nervous system , through acquired learning and practice , has the effect of language and writing activities , and then through long-term repeated practice to write to form dynamic stereotype activities of the formation of specific writing habits .

  15. 心率变异性(heartratevariability,HRV)是了解人体植物神经系统功能状态的一种方便的窗口,已成为心血管疾病临床研究的一个前沿热点。

    Heart rate variability ( HRV ) is a convenient window to study the autonomic nervous system of human body . It is a focus of studying cardiac disease in clinic .

  16. 研究结果:警察速度素质是警察体能素质概念下的一个重要方面,是指人体在神经系统支配下,以高能物质ATP、CP为主要能源,进行快速运动的能力。

    It refers to capacity of rapid physical movement at the domination of nervous system with high-powered ATP and CP as main energy sources .

  17. 50MHz~3GHz电磁辐射下人体中枢神经系统比吸收率计算

    Calculation of the specific Absorption rate of the human central nervous system exposed to electromagnetic wave from 50 MHz to 3 GHz

  18. 金融体系很像人体的神经系统:它与整个身体相关联。

    The financial system is much like the nervous system : it is in contact with the whole body .

  19. 极低频电磁场暴露可能会对人体的神经系统产生一定的危害作用,对人体血液系统也可产生不同程度的影响,今后应进一步做动物实验和体外实验研究以期获得更多的证据。

    Extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields may have some effect on the nervous system , and also can influence human hematological system .

  20. 白色脂肪转化为棕色脂肪出奇地难,通常需要长期暴露在寒冷的环境中,或者激活人体部分神经系统。

    Converting white fat into brown fat is very difficult , normally requiring long-term exposure to cold conditions or activating part of the body 's nervous system .

  21. 大多数人感染过这种长久存在于人体周围神经系统的病毒,他们中的20&40%感染后会得感冒疮(单纯疱疹)。

    Most people are infected with this virus , which then remains life-long in the peripheral nervous system , and in20-40 % of those infected it causes cold sores .

  22. 研究成果有助于更深刻的认识人体神经肌肉系统的运动能力和协调能力,未来有望为临床康复治疗方案制定等提供参考和帮助。

    The research conclusion will contribute to a better understanding of motor and coordination abilities of human neuromuscular system and may provides the references and helps for the clinical rehabilitation treatment protocol in the future .

  23. 脑&计算机接口(BraincomputerInterface,BCI)可以提供一种不依赖于人体外周神经系统及肌肉组织,建立在人与周围环境间信息交流与控制的新型通道。

    The " Brain-Computer Interface ( BCI )" system is aimed at developing a technical system with extra communication and control channels that do not depend on the brain 's normal output pathways of peripheral nerves and muscles .

  24. 人体神经平衡控制系统电生理改变与脑血流动力学的相关性研究

    Correlation study between electro-physiological change of human nerve equilibrium control system and Cerebral Hemodynamics

  25. 逍遥散对人体神经内分泌免疫系统的影响

    Influence of Xiaoyao Powder on Human Nerve-Endocrine-Immune System

  26. 人体的神经中心系统在大脑和脊髓。

    The central nervous system of the body includes the brain and the spinal cord .

  27. 结论低超标噪声对人体神经、心血管系统具有一些不良影响。

    Conclusion There were some adverse effects of nervous and cardiovascular systems by slight elevated noise .

  28. 研究表明,人体耳蜗传出神经系统内胆碱能纤维和γ-氨基丁酸能纤维有各自不同的起源。

    This study indicates that cholinergic fibers and GABAergic fibers of human olivocochlear systems have different origins .

  29. 结果表明:GA-BA定位于人体耳蜗传出神经系统;是人体耳蜗传出神经递质。

    The result demonstrates that GABA is an efferent neurotransmitter in the olivocochlear systems of human cochlea .

  30. 本研究的结论对于人体运动神经控制系统的生理建模以及帕金森病的临床诊断具有一定的理论和应用价值。

    The result provides a valuable method for both clinical diagnosis of PD and physiological modeling of human locomotion system .