
  • 网络intimacy
  1. 当你的目标是用一种能培养亲密感的方式进行沟通,换用“我感觉……”作为开头试试。

    When your goal is to communicate in a way that fosters intimacy , use statements that begin with " I feel " instead . 5 .

  2. 这种亲密感可能产生在工作中、一次音乐会上、一场讲座或球类比赛中,也可能产生在通过电视观看某一个全国性事件发生时。

    It can be the intimacy that springs up at work , at a concert , lecture or ball game , or watching a national story unfold on television . For example :

  3. 该研究的ElizabethMorgan教授认为,女性一般跟同性感情上很亲近,这也给亲密感和恋爱情怀在彼此间滋生发展创造了条件。

    Women are encouraged to be emotionally close to each other . That provides an opportunity for intimacy and romantic feelings to develop , says Professor Elizabeth Morgan from the study .

  4. 她称这次的拍摄有种令人毛骨悚然的亲密感。

    She said this shoot had a ' hair-raising ' intimacy .

  5. 我们努力营造一种亲密感。

    We made an effort to create a feeling of intimacy .

  6. 我知道把陌生人和亲密感放到一起,听起来有些有悖直觉,

    I know it sounds a little counterintuitive , intimacy and strangers ,

  7. 享受诚实而敏感的感情带来的亲密感。

    Enjoy the closeness of an honest but sensitive relationship .

  8. 因为刚开始时,亲密感还没有这么强烈

    Because in the beginning , the growing intimacy wasn 't yet so strong

  9. 真正的满足感和亲密感是可以买的到的吗?

    Is true satisfaction and closeness really for sale ?

  10. 但是无助于亲密感。

    But it doesn 't lend itself to intimacy .

  11. 所谓亲密感得从女性的角度出发。

    Intimacy is always on the woman 's terms .

  12. 凭自己感觉的另外一个好处与亲密感有关。

    The second benefit of using our senses has to do with intimacy .

  13. 专家发现,这样的经历可以让你们开怀大笑,而两人之间的亲密感也由此产生。

    Scientists found an experience that makes you laugh creates a feeling of closeness .

  14. 如果你心存戒心,亲密感就不可能产生。

    If you can 't be vulnerable , then you can 't be intimate .

  15. 他们的律法规定:丈夫的义务是满足妻子对于亲密感的要求。

    The Torah obligates the husband to meet the intimate needs of his wife .

  16. 我喜欢籍籍无名和亲密感。

    I loved the anonymity and the intimacy .

  17. 在网上能轻易产生兴趣和亲密感。

    And intimacy can be cultivated online .

  18. 一起阅读,经常可以加强这种亲密感,帮助您的孩子感到安全和舒适。

    Reading together regularly can strengthen that connection , helping your toddler feel safe and comfortable .

  19. 即便是皇家园林也不失这种亲密感。

    Even when on a palatial scale a Chinese garden does not lose that intimate quality .

  20. “小空间实际上能够促进亲密感和合作意识,因为大家无处可躲。”

    The small space actually forces intimacy and collaboration , because there 's nowhere to hide . '

  21. 这一瞬间闪现的亲密感促使我向他坦言,他比我预期的更容易相处。

    This flicker of intimacy spurs me to confide he is easier company than I had expected .

  22. 小空间实际上能够促进亲密感和合作意识,因为大家无处可躲。

    ' The small space actually forces intimacy and collaboration , because there 's nowhere to hide . '

  23. 典型的噩梦涉及到缺乏力量、信任、亲密感、安全感或尊重。

    The dreams typically deal with a lack of power , trust , intimacy , safety or esteem .

  24. 这想法是通过营造相互脆弱感和亲密感,以此让恋爱关系不断发展。

    The idea is to foster the atmosphere of mutual vulnerability and intimacy that a romantic relationship thrives on .

  25. 进行一场关于亲密感的谈话和与爱的人真正亲密是两码事。

    Having a conversation about intimacy and actually being intimate with a loved one are not the same thing .

  26. 之所以有亲密感,是因为这是个各种外籍人士聚居的城市,人们真的非常照顾彼此。

    The intimacy is because it 's a city of expats and people really provide a lot for one another .

  27. 在任何一种叙述中,詹姆斯·乔伊斯都运用了灵活的叙述技巧,制造了人物与读者间的亲密感。

    In both narrative modes James Joyce creates intimacy between the protagonist and the reader with his flexible narrative techniques .

  28. 当您为宝宝吸奶或直接哺乳时,您分泌的荷尔蒙能增强您与宝宝的亲密感。

    When you pump milk for your baby or breastfeed him , you secrete hormones that enhance the bonding process .

  29. 在建立亲密感的第二个阶段,情侣花很多时间在一起交谈,但目光接触仍是有限的。

    During the second stage of bonding , the couple spend much time talking , but eye contact remains limited .

  30. 如果你正在恋爱中,想要一些浪漫和亲密感,这样的空间就很棒。

    It 's a great space to be in when you 're in a relationship and you want romance and intimacy .