- leucine zipper

Sequence analysis showed that the deduced protein contained a leucine zipper and a possible nuclear localization signal domain .
The typical structure of Mx protein includes triplet ATP / GTP binding domain , dynamic family protein sequence leucine zipper and its orientation signal .
This article reviews the progress in three DNA-binding protein domains : helix-turn-helix , leucine-zipper and zinc finger .
The motif of interaction between type - ⅱ restriction endonuclease and DNA is found to be different from zinc-finger , helix-turn-helix , leucine-zipper and β - ribbon in protein recognizing DNA in the last few years .
The two cDNA isoforms-cepo-A and cepo-B code 99 and 142 animo acid polypeptides respectively , a leucine zipper sequence pattern existed in the C-terminus of these two protein isoforms .
Sterol regulatory element binding proteins ( SREBPs ) belong to the transcription factor family of basic helix-loop-helix leucine-zipper ( bHLH-zip ) . They are the key transcription factor in eukaryotic cell which regulates lipid metabolism .
The mammalian CREB / ATF family represents a large group of basic-region leucine zipper ( bzip ) transcription factors with rather diverse physiological functions .
The homeodomain leucine zipper proteins ( HD-Zip ) are special transcription factors in higher plants . HD-Zip is characterized by a highly conserved homeodomain and a leucine-zipper domain linked closely to the C-terminal of the homeodomain .
Adenovirus E4 promoter-binding protein 4 ( E4BP4 ), a mammalian basic leucine zipper ( bZIP ) nuclear transcription factor , was identified to be involved in cell survival and proliferation .
A proto-oncogene Fos-related antigen ( Fra ) - 1 is a FOS family member and an AP-1 transcription factor component . Through their leucine zipper domain , Fra-1 proteins form heterodimers with Jun proteins , which control transcription of target gene .
Pe-38 and ie-2 are immediate early regulator genes which their ORFs encoded 286 and 302 amino acides separately , they also had a conserved zinc finger and a leucine domain separately .
Zhangfei is a basic region-leucine zipper ( bZIP ) protein . It is one of transcription facters participating regulation in endoplasmic reticulum stress and unfolded protein reaction . And it also plays an important role in embryonic development and human disease processes .
Site-directed mutant of human lrg were constructed successfully , the second leucine was switched to serine in the Leucine zipper domain .
Objective To detect the possible epitopes of 52 000 dalton Ro / SSA autoantigen and selectively clone the antigen fragment containing the leucine zipper motif .
Conclusion The 52 000 dalton Ro / SSA autoantigen has good antigenicity . The cloning of the antigen fragment will help to elucidate the possible role of leucine zipper motif in forming the epitope of the antigen .