
  • Peking opera;Peking Opera mask;Beijing Opera Facial Masks
  1. 一面是京剧脸谱,另一面是大熊猫的图案,而第三面则是“北京欢迎你”的字样。

    One shows a picture of Peking Opera facial makeup , another is the image of a giant panda and the third is the Chinese sentence reading Beijing Huanying Ni & Beijing welcomes you .

  2. 陈骏京剧脸谱设计

    Peking Opera Facial Make-ups Designed by Chen Jun

  3. 提出了两种适合京剧脸谱的真实感绘制方法:离线和实时绘制。

    Two photo-realistic rendering methods for facial makeup is proposed .

  4. 京剧脸谱的视觉符号,自成体系,成为一个相对完整的符号系统。

    The visual symbols of Beijing Opera Masks become a relatively complete symbol system .

  5. 看见那个巨大的京剧脸谱了吗?这个就是长安大戏院的标志。

    Look at that huge opera facial makeup , this is the symbol of the Chang'an Theater .

  6. 最常见的风筝种类是鸟形、京剧脸谱、龙、蝴蝶和蜻蜓。

    I 'd say the most standard designs are birds , Chinese opera masks , dragons , butterflies and dragonflies .

  7. 京剧脸谱艺术造型独特,是中华民族的艺术瑰宝。

    The types of facial makeup in Beijing opera are unique artistic models and the gem of Chinese national art .

  8. 研究比较了目前人脸皮肤真实感绘制的技术方法,找到了适合京剧脸谱的离线和实时真实感绘制的方法。

    By analyzing the current photo-realistic rendering methods of human facial skin , we found off-line and real-time rendering methods suitable for facial makeup .

  9. 第四章从京剧脸谱视觉符号系统的语义入手,对京剧脸谱视觉符号的类型、语义、以及语义的生成&符码进行了分析。

    Chapter four starts from semantics of the system of visual symbols of Beijing Opera masks , analyzing its symbol types 、 semantics and semantics ' formation & semiotic code .

  10. 以幽默生趣的语言介绍了中国京剧中的脸谱、唱腔、程式、道具、扮相,用一个个具体可感的故事描述了中国京剧的发展历程。

    This documentary vividly describes the development of Chinese Beijing Opera , focusing on the introduction of facial painting , aria , prop and the appearance of an actor in humorous and plain language .