
  1. 本论文是基于享受型消费品的顾客忠诚影响因素的研究。

    Based On harvest of previous work , this paper canonically analyzes the influencing factors of customer loyalty for enjoyable consumable .

  2. 发现:城市中产阶层在高档享受型消费品拥有量上大大超过城镇居民平均拥有量;

    The main discovery is the " upscale enjoying " consumable capacity of the city middle class greatly surpasses that of the average capacity of the city inhabitants .

  3. 大众消费阶段的到来,不仅标志着中国实现了由传统节俭型消费向现代享受型消费的转变,而且迅速发展的消费变革,预示着再一次消费革命的发生,即实现向发展型消费的转变。

    Similarly , the change of consumption model from traditional frugality to modern enjoyment symbolizes the arrival of the phase of the masses consumption in China . Another consumption revolution to development consumption will be brought by rapid changes of consumption .

  4. 农村居民的消费倾向在生存型产品上呈递减的趋势,未来文教娱乐用品、医疗保健、交通通讯等发展型和享受型消费将是热点和挖掘的方向。

    Consumption of rural residents tend to a decreasing trend in survival-type products , the development of culture , education and recreation supplies , medical care , transportation , communication and enjoyment of consumption will be the direction of the hot spots and mining .

  5. 此外,食品等生存型产品对其他产品价格波动的弹性并不大,而受自身价格波动弹性较大,但是对于其他的发展型和享受型消费品情况正好相反。

    In addition , the elasticity of food and other survival products price fluctuations of other products is not large , but by its own price volatility is quite flexible , but the opposite is true for other development type and enjoy the type of consumer goods .

  6. 按照经济学的一般原理,随着恩格尔系数的下降,人们用于发展和享受型的消费会随之增加。

    Generally , it is believed that the development and enjoyment of consumption will increase along with the Engel Index decline .