
  • 网络handel;George Frideric Handel;Hendel;G.F.Handel
  1. 他们演奏了巴赫和亨德尔的几支曲子。

    They performed pieces by Bach and Handel .

  2. 巴哈和亨德尔是同时代的作曲家。

    Bach and Handel were contemporary composers .

  3. 本文叙述了清唱剧(oratorio)形成的历史原因和早期的一些主要特征,以及在其形成、发展的艺术长河中,亨德尔为清唱剧艺术繁荣所做出的贡献;

    This article narrates the historical reasons of oratorio forming and the main characters in the earlier oratorio time . During the long art forming and developing river , Mr. Handel made a great contribution for the prosperous oratorio art .

  4. 这一时期的种种进展在巴赫和亨德尔时达到了顶峰。

    These developments culminated in the works of J.Bach and G.Handel .

  5. 他总是为亨德尔的音乐所感染。

    He is always deeply affected by handel 's music .

  6. 亨德尔在声乐艺术发展史上的贡献

    The Contribution of Handel for the Development of the Art of Vocality History

  7. 而他的父亲和公爵坐在所说的,小亨德尔的下滑距离。

    While his father and the Duke sat talking , little Handel slipped away .

  8. 论亨德尔《弥赛亚》选曲及其清唱剧风格与表现

    To Learn the Style and Performance of the Oratorio from the Selected Songs of Mr. Handel Messiah

  9. 亨德尔作品数量大、品种多,最著名的领域是歌剧和清唱剧。其中,他的《弥赛亚》是清唱剧的巅峰之作。

    He made numerous works of many kinds , among which the opera and oratorio were the most famous .

  10. 巴洛克音乐在德国作曲家亨德尔和巴赫的手中达到了顶峰。

    The baroque music were developed to the summit with Germany composer G · F · Handle and J · S · Bach .

  11. 虽然说《弥赛亚》是亨德尔清唱剧中最出名的一部,但《参孙》则是他本人最喜爱的一部。

    Although the " Messiah " is one of the most famous Oratorio of Handel , but " Samson " is his favorite one .

  12. 但这尊塑像主要还是以巴赫的一副画像为样本,现代批评家们认为这尊塑像不够逼真,看上去倒是更像作曲家亨德尔。

    But it was mainly based on a portrait of the composer and contemporary critics said it was so inaccurate that it might as well have been the composer Handel .

  13. 第三章清唱剧《弥赛亚》中基督精神的文化审美分析,亨德尔改变以往非人道的做法,强调对人性的关怀。

    Chapter Three is to analyze the cultural aesthetic of Christian spirit in Messiah . Handel changed the practice of non-human nature , and he emphasized the care of human nature .

  14. 多梅尼科·斯卡拉蒂(1685&1757)是巴罗克时代伟大的作曲家、羽管键琴演奏家和教育家,与巴赫、亨德尔一起并称为巴罗克三杰。

    Domenico Scarlatti ( 1685-1757 ) was a great composers , harpsichord performer and educator in the Baroque Era . The Three Masters in Baroque Era were Bach , Handel and Domenico Scarlatti .

  15. 在他1791年和1794年的两次伦敦之行中多次听到了亨德尔的清唱剧,海顿立即深受鼓舞,之后才开始创作《创世记》。

    It was during his two visits to London in 1791 and 1794 that Haydn heard a number of Handel 's oratorios , then Haydn was immediately inspired and afterward began to compose The Creation .

  16. 第四部分,以维瓦尔第、亨德尔、巴赫的音乐作品为例,从作品的整体分析、演奏技巧和练习方法等方面进行研究与分析,论证本文的主题。

    The fourth part of the music of Vivaldi , Handel , Bach , for example , from the overall analysis of the work , playing techniques and practice methods of research and analysis to demonstrate the theme of this article .

  17. 通过分析亨德尔清唱剧《弥赛亚》中的咏叹调《一切山谷都要填满》及在演唱艺术上的处理,探讨了如何把握清唱剧、贝尔康托的演唱风格问题。

    Through analyzing how Mr. Handel performed the aria of Every Valley Shall be Exalted of the oratorio of Messiah and the treatment of his performance art , this article discusses how to learn and realize the performing style of oratorio .

  18. 亨德尔作为巴洛克时期一位伟大的声乐作曲家,他所创作的声乐作品,无论在数量和质量上很少有人超越他,他的歌剧与清唱剧风格崇高壮丽,富有创新精神和感染力。

    Baroque Handel as a great composer of vocal music , he created the vocal works , both in quantity and quality , very few people go beyond him , his lofty style of opera and oratorio magnificent , innovative and appealing .

  19. 有与他在音乐上贡献,使得在音乐学界人们将巴赫、亨德尔并列成为巴洛克三杰。近年来,随着钢琴艺术的不断发展,各类钢琴作品的研究分析层出不穷。

    Precisely because his special contribution of music in Western history . Scarlatti , Bach , and Handel were known as " The three masters of Baroque " . In recent years , with the continuous development of the piano art , various types of piano works abound .