
  • 网络Henry III;Henri III;King Henry III;Henry III of England
  1. Peverell’sTower城堡:由亨利三世(HenryIII)于13世纪在多佛城堡空地上兴建而成,它是另外一道防线,曾经作为监狱使用。

    Peverell 's Tower was built on the grounds of Dover Castle in Kent by Henry III in the 13th century as an extra line of defence , and at one time it was used as a prison .

  2. 罗伯特在这场露天历史剧中扮演亨利三世。

    Robert figured as Henry III in the pageant .

  3. 她取代呆板天真的珊莎·史塔克(SansaStark)与乔佛里订婚。相似的,安妮·博林也挤走了亨利三世的第一任妻子,来自阿拉贡的圣洁的凯瑟琳。

    Her betrothal to Joffrey displaces prim and naive Sansa Stark , like Anne Boleyn displaced the first wife of Henry , saintly Catherine of Aragon .

  4. 最大的学院&三位一体学院则是由国王亨利三世在1546年建立的。

    The largest college , Trinity , was founded by King Henry III in1546 .

  5. (1208-1265)领导反抗亨利三世的男爵叛乱的英国贵族。

    ( 1208-1265 ) an English nobleman who led the baronial rebellion against Henry III.

  6. 在亨利三世的儿子爱德华一世的统治下,征服了威尔士。

    Under Edward I , Henry III 's son , Wales was conquered and came under the English Crown .

  7. (1485-1536)英格兰亨利三世的第一位妻子;因她显著地进入英国改革而与亨利离婚。

    ( 1485-1536 ) first wife of Henry VIII of England ; Henry 's divorce from her marked an initial step in the English Reformation .

  8. 中古英国的幼主托孤与王权运作&以亨利三世时代早期为主的考察

    Accession of a Child King and the Operation of Royal Power in Medieval England : an Examination Centered on the Early Years of the Reign of Henry ⅲ

  9. 报公仇多半会为复仇者带来幸运,如为消撒大帝之死而复仇,为佩尔蒂纳之死而复仇,以及为法王亨利三世之死而复仇等等。

    Public revenges are for the most part fortunate ; as that for the death of Caesar ; for the death of Pertinax ; for the death of Henry the Third of France ; and many more .