
  • 网络Integration of industry and finance;combination between industry and finance
  1. 林业企业集团产融结合研究

    The Study on the Combination between Industry and Finance in Forest Business Group

  2. 唐山陶瓷集团产融结合路径的研究

    The Research of Combination between Industry and Finance in Tangshan Ceramics Group

  3. 最后,使用SFA方法评价产融结合效率时未基于某一特定行业,对大量异质性企业的产融结合效率进行测算,不符合该研究方法的理论假设。

    Finally , using SFA to evaluate efficiency of integration of industry and finance is not based on a particular industry .

  4. 国际金融危机的爆发,特别是美国GE公司因受金融业务风险敞口过大等因素影响而一度濒临困境,产业集团的产融结合模式再度引起社会关注和反思。

    The international financial crisis and especially GE Corporation on the verge of bankruptcy due to financial business and other factors , arouses public concern and reflection on the pattern of industrial and financial capital combination again .

  5. 二是引入IS-LM模型的分析方法,从组织成本与交易成本的角度,建立经济模型,对影响企业产融结合模式选择的主要因素进行分析;

    Second , it sets up an economic model to analysis the factor in company 's behaving in combination of industry and finance including exchange cost and organizational cost , on the base of the model of IS-LM .

  6. 产融结合的原因、方式及效应

    Integrating Industrial Capital with Financial Capital : Reasons , Methods and Effects

  7. 耦合式单轴转向架产融结合研究

    Coupled Single-Axle Running Gears A Study of Integration of Industry with Finance

  8. 石油金融的工具则包括传统金融工具和石油与金融产融结合创造的专门金融工具。

    Oil financial instruments include conventional financial instruments and specialized financial instruments .

  9. 其三,提出了双向渗透的我国房地产业产融结合的目标模式。

    The essay proposed a two-way permeation objectives model of real estate industry .

  10. 我国产业结构优化升级中的产融结合研究

    Research on the Integration of Industrial-finance Capital in the Industrial Structure Optimization and Upgrade

  11. 产融结合模式自身蕴含着极大的风险。

    The CIF mode itself involves great risks .

  12. 非金融类上市公司产融结合对公司的影响

    Effects of financial-industrial integration on the non-financial companies

  13. 企业产融结合模式选择研究

    A Study on the Enterprises ' Mode Selection in Combination of Industry and Finance

  14. 另外,对于我国其他想要发展产融结合的企业有一定的借鉴作用。

    In addition , for other company want to develop the integration provide some reference .

  15. 我国大型企业集团对产融结合跃跃欲试,信心满满。

    Our large enterprise groups full of confidence , eager to try with financial-industrial integration .

  16. 第五章我国民营企业产融结合实证分析。

    The fifth chapter is an empirical analysis of financial-industrial combination our country private enterprise .

  17. 全面分析了企业集团产融结合有效性的影响因素。

    The paper summaries about the factors that impacting validity of financial-industrial integration of enterprise groups .

  18. 产融结合、尤其是开放经济下的产融结合导致金融体系的不确定因素增加。

    Combinations , especially under the open economy of combination lead to increased uncertainty in the financial system .

  19. 基于产融结合的企业集团发展

    Research on the Development of Enterprise Group Based on the Combination of Industrial and Financial Capital in China

  20. 产融结合之经营者集中的反垄断法分析

    Analysis of the Market Power Over Concentration about Integration of Commerce with Finance and Regulation by Antimonopoly Law

  21. 所以本文的创新之处在于从实证的角度系统完整地论证我国非金融类上市产融结合的效应。

    So the innovation of the research is to analyze the effects of financial-industrial integration in scientifically and wholly .

  22. 通过机制定位,市场基础建设,机制纽带来对产融结合机制的建设问题进行探讨。

    Through the mechanism positioning , market infrastructure construction , mechanism link to discuss the construction of the mechanism .

  23. 为此,有条件的大中型国有企业最好选择以产融结合的方式来实施其财务战略。

    Therefore , the large and medium-sized state-owned enterprise had better implement its financial strategy by integrating the industry with finance .

  24. 金融活动通过资本的导向机制、信息揭示机制、风险管理机制以及产融结合机制改变资本在不同产业以及不同企业之间的配置结构,进而影响相关产业的整体发展。

    Financial activity change the capital allocation structure of industries through capital mechanism , information disclosure system and risk management mechanism .

  25. 在产融结合的金融大环境下,原先只针对狭义金融机构的监管已经不能满足有效降低系统风险的要求了。

    In the environment of CIF , once narrow objects under supervisory can not meets the requirements of reducing systemic risk .

  26. 为了厘清产融结合概念,笔者又比较了其与混业经营的关系。

    In order to clarify the concept of the Combination , the author has compared the relationship between CFI and mixed operation .

  27. 产融结合具有流动性、稳定性等特征,及优化资源配置功能、价值发现功能和风险分散的功能。

    Combination with features such as liquidity , stability , and optimizing resource allocation functions , value discovery and risk spreading function .

  28. 为了避免孤立地分析产融结合风险,笔者在这章中也分析了混业经营和金融控股公司的风险。

    To avoid the isolation of risks of CFI , the author also analyzed the risks of mixed operation and financial holding companies .

  29. 对国家有关部门对产融结合制定相关政策,对个人和机构投资者正确把握投资方向,提供了一定理论方面的参考。

    It is also useful to provide some theoretical reference foe the relevant departments of the state , the individual and institutional investor .

  30. 本文力求构建完整的民营资本金融化研究体系,通过理论与实证分析,为我国民营企业走产融结合发展道路以及政府对待此现象应采取的态度提供理论上的指引。

    This paper tries to construct the study system of private capital combination and produces the academic direction for our private enterprises and government .