
  1. 抗早产药药理学评价模型

    Pharmacologic models of drugs against premature delivery

  2. 进口、合资品种占抗骨质疏松药的92.22%,但在部分亚类药物中国产药用量增长迅速,并占较大比例。

    92.22 % of these drugs were produced by joint venture companies or imported , but the cost of some domestic products in partial subtype of durgs has been increasing rapidly , and accounting for higher proportion .

  3. 腰麻及硬膜外麻醉行剖宫产利多卡因药代动力学研究

    Study on Pharmacokinetics of Lidocaine in Waist Anesthesia and Peridural Anesthesia Cesarean Section

  4. ESBL的检测、分型及产ESBL菌药敏分析

    Detection , identification of ESBL and antibacterial susceptibility test of ESBL-producing strains

  5. 我院1182例剖宫产使用抗菌药分析

    Analysis of antimicrobials used in 1 182 cases of hysterotokotomy in our hospital

  6. 土产于澳大利亚的高树;产木材和药油来自芬芳的叶子。

    Tall trees native to the Australian region ; source of timber and medicinal oils from the aromatic leaves .

  7. 低血药浓度FK506在肝移植抗排异反应中的应用碱化利多卡因在剖腹产中母婴血药浓度的研究

    To discuss the immunosuppressive treatment of low blood concentration in FK506 The Study of Alkalized Lidocaine Serum Concentration in Mothers and Their Infants in Caesarean Section