
  1. 加大实施名牌战略力度增强轻工产品竞争能力

    Implement Famous Brand Strategy , In-crease Competitive Capacity of Light Industry Products

  2. 创造民族品牌加强产品竞争能力

    Creating National Brands to Strengthen Products ' Competitive Capacity

  3. 提高产品竞争能力的行之有效的管理和技术措施进行探讨。

    And to improve the competive power in products .

  4. 产品竞争能力评价

    Evaluation of competitive power for products

  5. 研究钛系化合物的合成及其相关性能,对于充分发挥我国矿产资源的优势,促进工业发展,增强产品竞争能力,具有重要的意义。

    To research the synthesis and relevant properties of Ti-related compounds is very meaningful in exerting our mineral superiority and promoting industrial development .

  6. 目前我国国有企业普遍效益低下的主要特征是:市场疲软,产品竞争能力差,管理服务水平低。

    There are some features for low efficiency in state-owned enterprises : weak market , low competitive power of products and low management and service level .

  7. 综观世界工业发展史,制造技术的先进性是实现工业生产优质、高效、低耗、环保,保持产品竞争能力的保证。

    Looking as far as one , eyes can see the developing history on world industries , the advantages of manufacture technology are the assurance of realizing high quality efficient in industrial production .

  8. 山西省属于内陆省份,经济发展相对缓慢,科技水平不高,产品竞争能力较弱,与国内外相比有较大差距。

    As an inland province , Shanxi Province has a relatively slow economic development and backward science and technology level , which weakens the competition capacity of its product and thus causing a big disparity compared with the domestic and foreign markets .

  9. 二是带来社会效益,实现社会、经济和环境的健康协调发展;三是带来商业效益,降低成本,减少潜在的责任风险,以提高产品竞争能力。

    The other is to bring the social performance , realize society , the economy moderates the development with environmental health , the last is to promote the business performance , reducing cost , and the operation risk , increasing the competitive ability .

  10. 现有的产业集群多为低附加值产品,竞争能力在逐渐减弱。

    Existing industrial clusters are mostly low value-added products , the competitiveness of the gradual weakening .

  11. 增强产品的竞争能力

    Heighten the competitiveness of products

  12. 在这种情况下,为了增强产品市场竞争能力,全国各地开始了新的一轮产业结构调整。

    In this case , a new round of industrial structure adjustment has begun around the country to raise the market competitive capacity of products .

  13. 发展特色农业是加快我国农业结构战略性调整,提高区域农产品市场竞争能力的重要举措。

    The development of characteristic agriculture is an important measure in speeding up strategic adjustment of agriculture struture and enhancing market competitiveness of agricultural products .

  14. 为此,开展轴向变量柱塞泵的关键技术研究,对于提高我国液压产品国际竞争能力,具有重要的社会意义、经济意义和工程应用价值。

    Therefore , the research on the key technology of axial variable displacement piston pump has the important social significance , economical significance and engineering significance on improving the competition ability of our hydraulic products .

  15. 在我国汽车高速发展的当前,连杆模具加工的效率、质量影响到产品的竞争能力,连杆加工企业的发展。

    Under high speed development environment of our country cars , efficiency and quantity of processing affects the product 's competition ability and development of business enterprise . Piston rod has resemble form and mass production .

  16. 广泛使用PLD器件是提高电子产品性能和竞争能力的主要技术措施之一,应当大力普及推广。

    Using Programmable Logic Device ( PLD ) extensively is one of the most important methods to improve electronic products ' capability and competitive ability , so PLD devices should be popularized .

  17. 运价的变动会直接影响出口产品的市场竞争能力。

    The change of freight rate will have direct impact to exports competitiveness .

  18. 提高产品质量增强竞争能力

    Raising Product Quality Increasing Competitive Power

  19. 这些设计起到了节能、节省成本的作用,能使产品更加具有竞争能力。

    The design has played a power saving , cost-saving effect , make the products more competitive .

  20. 通过一贯的品质和价格,这一泵系列产品的市场竞争能力将会有相当的提高。

    Through a consistent quality and cost management OSNA-Pumpen GmbH was able to improve the competitiveness of this pump series considerably .

  21. 从三个“有利于”阐述了质量审拉在企业发展中的作用。即:有利于提高企业产品质量的竞争能力;

    From the " Three Benefits ", the function of quality examination and verification is discussed in the development ofthe enterprises .

  22. 它能够支持多学科专家的共同工作,从而提高工作效率,缩短设计周期,增强产品的市场竞争能力。

    It can support multi-disciplinary experts work together , enhance efficiency , shorten product design cycles and enhance competitiveness in the market .

  23. 外商投资企业的介入,提高了中国进出口产品的国际竞争能力,而且拓宽了贸易渠道。

    The intervention of foreign-invested enterprises has increased the international competitiveness of Chinese import and export products , and also widened trade channels .

  24. 了解国内外润滑油基础油生产技术以及这些基础油的性质特点将有助于提高中国润滑油产品质量及竞争能力。

    Understanding the production technology and the quality characteristics of base oil inside and outside of China will be help to improve the quality and the competition of our lube oil products .

  25. 因此,应该树立杂粮产业思想,实施名牌战略,提高优质杂粮的加工档次,发展订单农业,增强产品的市场竞争能力。

    So we should build up ' industry ' concept , and actualize name brand tactic , and improve processing grade , and develop order form agriculture , so that buildup products competing ability .

  26. 而现在国内一些中小规模啤酒企业的生产状况滞后于啤酒的发展趋势,迫切需要通过自动化技术来提高产品的市场竞争能力。

    But now some small and medium-sized beer enterprises lag behind the development of beer . There is an urgent need for the adoption of automation technology to improve product competitiveness in the market .

  27. 制约植物生物反应器应用的主要问题是,外源蛋白在植物体内的累积水平低,生产成本高,产品没有市场竞争能力。

    There is a key limit factor in the application of plant bioreactor , that is , the accumulation level of recombinant protein is so low that the cost of its production is very expensive , and therefore , no market place .

  28. 文化创新,提高产品质量和国际竞争能力;

    Cultural innovation and raising products ' quality and international competitive power ;

  29. 二是积极开发新技术、新产品,不断提高竞争能力;

    Second , positively develop new technology and new products .

  30. 多年来,我们各种产品的质量和竞争能力一直是客户盈利的可靠保证。

    The quality and competitiveness of our products have been a dependable benefit to the customers .