
  • 网络product harm crisis;product-harm crisis
  1. 产品伤害危机对品类市场竞争结构的影响分析

    Effect of Product Harm Crisis on Market Competitive Structure

  2. 在产品伤害危机频发的时代,品牌资产对考虑集的影响效果如何?这个问题至今仍缺乏详细的实证研究。

    In the day which Product Harm Crisis occurs frequently , how Brand Equity affects Consideration Set ?

  3. 产品伤害危机对品牌资产影响的实证研究

    Empirical Study on the Impact of Product-Harm Crises on Brand Equity

  4. 因此,首先要正确地识别并区分不同性质的产品伤害危机。

    Thus , we must first correctly identify and distinguish different nature of the product-harm crisis .

  5. 产品伤害危机处理过程消费者信任对品牌资产影响的实证分析

    The Empirical Analysing on the Consumers Confidence Impacting Brand Equity in the Products Harmed Crisis Managing Process

  6. 最后,论文实证检验了消费者民族中心主义在产品伤害危机中对购买意愿受损的调节作用。

    Finally , the paper tested empirically the moderating effect of CET on purchase intention during product-harm crisis .

  7. 从管理机制的构成和过程两个角度来研究产品伤害危机管理。

    From the management mechanism of the composition and process two angles to study the product injury crisis management mechanism .

  8. 促销伤害危机及其应对方式&基于连锁超市的实证研究产品伤害危机对品类市场竞争结构的影响分析

    Promotion Injury Crisis and Its Countermeasures-Empirical Analysis Based on Chain Supermarket Effect of Product Harm Crisis on Market Competitive Structure

  9. 在可辩解型产品伤害危机下,是什么因素在影响消费者-品牌关系断裂?这些因素又是通过什么途径影响的?已有的理论研究没有对这些问题做出回答。

    Under the defensible product harm crisis , what is the factor influencing the consumer-brand relationship ? Which way influence these factors ?

  10. 研究结论为国际营销中企业制定营销策略和应对产品伤害危机提供了有效的建议措施。

    The conclusions of study provided effective recommendations for international marketing companies to develop marketing strategies and measures when responding to product-harm crisis .

  11. 在这个主题的已有研究中,目前尚无学者研究在产品伤害危机中品牌资产对归因的影响。

    The impact of brand equity on attribution during a product harm crisis has not been studied in the past research in subject of product harm crisis .

  12. 接下来开始研究产品伤害危机管理的实施,包含对策和处理程序以及如何在危机里有效沟通两方面。

    The next to research products hurt crisis management system implementation , including countermeasures and processing program and how to communicate effectively in crisis in two aspects .

  13. 数据分析结果表明不同年龄、性别、收入和消费者民族中心主义、炫耀性消费水平的消费者在产品伤害危机中购买意愿的变化显著不同。

    The data analysis showed that the damage degree of purchase intention was significantly different with different age , gender , income , CET and conspicuous consumption level .

  14. 产品伤害危机的出现,不仅仅影响了当事方:企业和消费者,在很大程度上其影响外溢到许多方面。

    Product-harm crisis , not only affects the parties : enterprises and consumers , but also in large part , many aspects are affected from its spillover effects .

  15. 产品伤害危机事件的频繁爆发及其造成的巨大威胁,向学术界提出加强产品伤害危机相关领域的理论研究,以指导企业正确应对产品伤害危机的现实要求。

    Because of the frequent outbreak and the enormous threat of product harm crisis , theoretical research on product harm crisis is required to guide the company in product harm crisis .

  16. 本文一方面是对产品伤害危机案例分析实证研究的补充;另一方面,是对产品伤害危机研究内容的补充。

    This paper is on the one hand to product-harm crisis case analysis of empirical research complement ; On the other hand , is to supplement the content of products-harm crisis research .

  17. 以归因理论为基础,将顾客归因引入研究作为中介变量,研究产品伤害危机背景下,企业应对策略对消费者购买意愿的影响。

    Based on attribution theory , the research instructed customer attribution as mediating variables , in the context of product-harm crisis to research the influence companies coping strategies made on consumer purchase intention .

  18. 本文从消费者的角度,通过定量的研究方法分析了产品伤害危机背景下,企业应对策略顾客归因消费者购买意愿这一影响模型。(2)引入顾客归因作为中介变量。

    This article analyzes how the response strategy to product harm crisis affects on consumer purchase intention by quantitative research methods . ( 2 ) The second is to introduce customer attribution as mediating variables .

  19. 在大众媒体发达、信息传播迅速、消费者维权意识增强、同行业竞争激烈的今天,企业发生产品伤害危机的频率越来越高。

    Nowadays , with the development of mass media , the rapid dissemination of information , the enhancement of consumer rights awareness and the fierce competition in the industry , the frequency of product-harm crisis is increasing .

  20. 本文的创新点如下:(1)研究角度的创新,即从消费者的角度研究产品伤害危机。

    In this paper , the innovation points are as follows : ( 1 ) The first is innovation in research point . This paper does the research of product harm crisis from the perspective of consumer .

  21. 其中,产品伤害危机事件最迅速的危害是对消费者信任的违背。

    One of the immediate dangers is the violation of consumer trust . How to recover consumer trust immediately and effectively is the top priority for the companies that have broke product-harm crisis after the consumer trust breach .

  22. 本研究共有六部分,第一部分为绪论,概括了产品伤害危机的现实状况,对本文的研究背景做了简要的探讨,提出了本文的研究内容和研究目的,以及研究的思路和方法。

    The first part is an introduction of the current situation of product-harm crisis , and a brief discussion of the research background , which presents the research content and purposes , as well as research ideas and methods .

  23. 本文根据产品伤害危机事件涉及的企业数量多少这一标准,将产品伤害危机分为单发性(单个企业)产品伤害危机和群发性(多家企业)产品伤害危机。

    According to the product-harm crisis involving the enterprise of the quantity , this paper think product-harm crisis can be divided into two categories : single ( single enterprise ) product-harm crisis and cluster ( many enterprises ) product-harm crisis .

  24. 这些研究发现,在营销理论上填补了产品伤害危机溢出效应领域的理论空白,在商业实践上为企业乃至整个行业有效应对产品伤害危机提供了参考和建议。

    These findings , in marketing theory , fill up a blank in spillover research for product harm crisis ; in commercial practice , give suggestions to the corporations and even the whole industry on how to diminish the negative spillover in crisis .

  25. 因此,很有必要进一步深入研究产品伤害的危机补救理论,为企业根据消费者的心理预期来进行合理补救提供理论支持。

    Therefore , it is necessary to do further research on the product-harm crisis for the enterprise .

  26. 结论得出企业的一种产品发生伤害危机会对旗下其他所有品牌的产品均产生负面的影响。

    The conclusion obtains that if one product of enterprise have harm crisis it will have negative influence on all the other products with different brands .

  27. 产品熟悉度在消费者民族中心主义和购买意愿间起调节作用。最后,论文结合丰田产品伤害危机,研究人口统计变量、消费者民族中心主义和炫耀性消费对产品伤害危机中对购买意愿的调节作用。

    Product familiarity moderated the relationship between CET and purchase intention . Finally , this paper studied the moderating effects of demographic variables , CET and conspicuous consumption on the purchase intention under the context of product-harm crisis .