
  • 网络Industrial integration;industrial clusters;Integrated Industry
  1. 应该说,产业集成作为一个复杂的经济系统不仅具有质的规定,而且有数的度量,是质和量的统一。

    It should be noted that integrated industry as a complex economic system has not only the quality but also the quantity .

  2. 近几年,产业集成因其自身明显的经济功能效用越来越被业界人士及学者们所关注。

    In recent years , integrated industry is concerned more and more by scholars and correlated persons because of its obvious economic utility function .

  3. 二次孵化网络对高技术产业集成的影响研究

    The Impact of Secondary Incubating Network on High-tech Industrial Integration

  4. 基于区域承载力的临港产业集成发展路径研究

    Study on the Development Path of Integrated Port-vicinity Industry Based on Regional Carrying Capacity

  5. 其次采用系统分析方法,阐述二次孵化网络与高技术产业集成的联系,并构建了基于二次孵化网络的高技术产业集成影响模型。

    Then , systematical analysis on relationship between secondary incubating network and high-tech industrial integration is made .

  6. 因此研究产业集成的形成和发展路径就日显紧迫与重要。

    Therefore , it is very important and urgent to study the formatting and growing path of industrial integration .

  7. 产业集成是继规模经济、范围经济、产业集聚后出现的又一新现象。

    Industry integration is another new phenomenon after the appearance of Scale Economy , Scope Economy and Industry Cluster .

  8. 确立产业集成战略是我国探索新型工业化道路、快速实现经济现代化的必然选择。

    It is necessary for china to choose the industrial clusters strategy to develop new industrialization paths and complete economic modernization .

  9. 同时,网络化生存是产业集成形成和发展的主要形态和竞争优势。

    Meanwhile , as a dynamic social network system , network survival is the main form and competitive advantage in the formation and development .

  10. 第三章是对旅游无边界产业集成的分析,主要围绕着无边界产业集成的必要性和可能性、集成要素、集成特征等问题展开。

    The third chapter is about fundamental analysis on tourism boundaryless industry integration , mainly revolving necessity and possibility of industry integration , integrated units and integrated characteristic .

  11. 高质量的社会网络不仅促进了集成体内社会资本的积累和关联创新,还成为培育产业集成影响因素的沃土。

    High quality of social network not only promotes the accumulation of social capital and associated innovation , but also becomes a breeding fertile ground for integrating factors .

  12. 正如一切经济行动都嵌入于社会结构,产业集成也内嵌于社会网络当中,社会网络是产业集群形成竞争力的基础。

    As all economic action is embedded in the social structure , industrial integration is also embedded in social network , which are the base of the competitiveness of industrial clusters .

  13. 企业作为产业集成的核心主体,其规模和相互间的作用关系对集成路径亦有影响,基于产业集群模式规划集成路径则能很好的解决这一问题。

    As the core of an integrated industry , Enterprises ' size and role have effects on the path , mapping the integration path from the dimension of cluster model can solve this problem well .

  14. 二次孵化网络与高技术产业集成作为培育高技术企业的新型组织,从产业发展的高度推动企业集聚、产业联动与集成创新。

    Secondary incubating network and high-tech industrial integration as new industrial organizations for high-tech industry cultivation , is favorable to promote enterprise agglomeration , industrial interaction and integrative innovation according to developing-strategy of the high-tech industry .

  15. 在产业集成创新过程分析中,通过建立信号机制解决了信息不对称条件下集成创新参与企业的筛选,并以此为基础进行集成创新过程的优化和收益机制设计。

    And during the analysis on the industrial intergration innovation , this paper establishes the signal mechanism to solve the selection of intergration of the participators under the information dissymmetry and the design of the receipts mechanism .

  16. 第二章以无边界组织理论、系统论和价值链理论为理论基础,对无边界、产业集成及旅游产业集成等相关研究成果进行综述,并提出无边界内涵和旅游无边界产业集成概念。

    Then it takes the boundaryless organization theory , the system theory and the value chain theory as the rationale , summarizes related research results and proposes the connotation of boundaryless and the concept of tourism boundaryless industry integration .

  17. 第四章在构建旅游无边界产业集成模型的基础上,阐述了集成过程中各行为主体的作为、集成单元的选择,并提出旅游无边界产业集成实现的典型模式。

    In the fourth chapter , based on the integration model , it emphatically elaborates main tourism actors ' role in the integration process , the selected process of integration and proposes four kinds of typical pattern to realize tourism industry integration .

  18. 产业集成是产业集群演化升级的高级阶段,是实现产业集群优化升级的有效途径,是产业集群发展到一定阶段实现的价值跃迁。

    As an effective way to achieve optimization and upgrading , industry integration is the advanced stage of industrial clusters ' evolution and upgrade . And it is also a kind of value transition when industrial clusters come to a certain stage .

  19. 广电产业系统集成的演进模式分为自组织型演进、他组织型演进两种类型。

    The self-organizing evolvement and the other-organizing evolvement are different evolvement modes of TV and Radio industrial system integration .

  20. 随着信息产业和集成电路技术的进步,嵌入式应用领域得到了蓬勃和快速的扩展。

    With the progress of technology about information and integrate circuit , there is fast renovation involved in embedded application .

  21. 摘要产业群集成创新能力评价是产业群创新能力评价的重要内容。

    The evaluation about integrated innovation capacity of industrial clusters is very important to evaluation about innovation ability of industrial clusters .

  22. 软件产业和集成电路产业被定位为国家新兴的战略性产业,成为国民经济和社会信息化的重要基础。

    The software industry and integrated circuit industry is located in national burgeoning and strategic industry , it becomes important foundation for national economy and social informatization .

  23. 基于ASP平台的汽车产业链应用集成技术研究

    Research on the Application Integration of Automobile Industry Chain Based on ASP Platform

  24. 区域产业群的集成创新能力研究

    Integrated Innovation Capability Research of Regional Industries Clusters

  25. 高度的产业化,集成化使滕州玻璃扬名国内外!

    High degree of industrialization , integration to become famous at home and abroad Tengzhou glass !

  26. 信息产业部负责集成电路布图设计的保护;

    The Ministry of Information Industry was responsible for the protection of layout designs of integrated circuits ;

  27. 产业集群与浦东集成电路产业建设

    Industrial Clusters and the Development of Pudong IC Industry

  28. 产业集聚演变的集成化测度方法研究&兼对辽宁省中部城市群产业集聚性的动态分析

    Integrated Measuring Method for Industrial Agglomeration and Empirical Study : Case Study on Central Urban Agglomeration in Liaoning Province

  29. 在此基础上,研究了信息产业结构在多媒体集成技术推动下的调整趋势。

    On this basis , the information industrial structure adjustment tendency under the impetus of multimedia integrated technology is studied .

  30. 它是一种承载高集成度的产业组织,产业集成化的过程就是集成度提升的自组织过程。

    It is an industrial organization carrying a highly integration degree . The process of industry integration is the process of enhancing self-organization .