
  1. 基于DSP的多相位智能交通信号控制机的设计

    Design of multi-phase intelligent traffic controller on core of DSP

  2. 设计和研制了一种采用LCD显示器的交通信号控制机,该机采用薄膜键和汉字菜单操作。

    This paper designs and develops a traffic control system using LCD monitor and plastic film keyboard and operating on Chinese menu .

  3. 文中提出了一种基于DSP的交通信号控制机的实现方法,同时给出了具体的硬件、软件设计。

    A kind of implementation of traffic signal controller based on DSP is suggested in this paper , and the detailed design of hardware and software is also introduced .

  4. 基于模糊逻辑的交通信号控制机的研究与设计

    The Research and Design of Traffic Signal Controller Based on Fuzzy Logic

  5. 单片机在智能型交通信号控制机中的应用

    Application of Single-chip Computer to Intelligent Traffic Lights Controller

  6. 道路交通信号控制机是城市道路交通信号控制系统中的重要设备。

    Road traffic signal controller is an important device in urban traffic signal control system .

  7. 道路交通信号控制机的电磁兼容

    EMC of the Road Traffic Signal Controller

  8. 智能交通信号控制机是用来控制交通路口信号灯转换的设备。

    Intelligent traffic controlling machine is an equipment used in the street intersection to control vehicle flows .

  9. 智能交通信号控制机的研究

    Research for Intelligence Traffic Controller

  10. 交通信号控制机(简称信号机),对减轻交警工作强度和维护交通安全畅通起着举足轻重的作用。

    The traffic signal controller is important for reducing the work intensity of traffic policemen and for increasing the traffic security of roadway .

  11. 该系统应用于城市交通信号控制机上采集交通量信息,精度高,安装维护方便,优于传统的电感线圈采集方式。

    The system is applied to the city traffic signal control machine , and it shows the system is better than the means using inductance coil for acquisition precision , fixing , etc.

  12. 介绍一种技术性能比较先进的交通信号控制机,这种信号机不仅能够自动地进行多时段控制,还可以接入网络实现在线控制;

    This paper introduces an advanced traffic signal controller , which can not only implement multi-time block control , but also can be connected with network in order to realize on-line control .

  13. 所以有必要对现有的单一控制的交通信号控制机进行改造,使交通信号控制机有更强的适应性,能提供更多、更复杂的控制方案,以适应各种复杂的路口,适应现代化交通要求。

    The conclusion is that improvement of traffic signal controller with single control process is necessary . The improvement can be more adaptable , supply more complicated control programs , which can accommodate kinds of intersections and meet the needs of intelligent traffic commands .

  14. 介绍了智能交通信号控制机的功能特点,并着重讨论了信号控制机核心控制模块的软硬件实现与信号控制机的外围驱动检测电路。

    Then functional characteristics of intelligent traffic signal controller are described . Two critical problems are discussed . The first is the implementation of software and hardware of the core control module , and the second is external drive detection circuit of traffic signal controller .

  15. 该系统作为新一代交通信号智能控制机的数据采集前端,实时高效且健壮稳定,目前已在北京市试点运行取得成功,将有广泛的应用前景和推广价值。

    As a data acquisition front-end of a new generation of traffic signal intelligent control machine , the system is real-time , efficient , robust and stable , and has succeeded in the pilot run in Beijing ; it will be a board application prospects and popularization .

  16. 交通信号模拟演示控制机的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Traffic Signal Simulation Demonstration Control Machine

  17. 随着智能交通系统的发展,道路交通信号控制机的功能需求也出现了重大的变化。

    With the development of the Intelligent Traffic System , the function of the traffic signal controller has changed a lot .