
  • 网络AC filter
  1. MATLAB仿真在HVDC交流滤波器分析中的应用

    The Application of MATLAB in Studying of HVDC AC Filter

  2. 通过对江陵换流站交流滤波器开关跳闸故障原因的分析,发现GIS组合电器存在的重大隐患,提出了初步解决办法。

    Through the cause analysis on the trip fault of AC filter breaker of Jiangling Converter Station , the hidden risk in GIS equipment was discovered . The tentative resolving measure was raised .

  3. 在无源交流滤波器的设计时,更需考虑滤波器接入母线(POC)的背景谐波水平,以设计合理安全的滤波器容量等。

    In the design of passive power filters , the background harmonic level of the POC should also be considered to get rational filter capacities .

  4. 在臭氧发生器的电气参数确定的情况下,供电电源的频率成为提高DBD法生成臭氧的效率、提高逆变器的功率密度的、减小输出变压器和交流滤波器的体积和重量的关键。

    As the ozone generator electrical parameters defined , the powered frequency is the key to improve the efficiency of ozone generated by DBD method , to increase inverter power density in the industry and to reduce the volume and weight of output transformers and AC filter .

  5. 龙泉换流站交流滤波器投切试验

    Closing and Opening Test of AC Filter in Longquan Converter Station

  6. 灵宝换流站交流滤波器性能研究

    Study on Performance of AC Filter in Lingbao Converter Station

  7. 交流滤波器分析与设计问题研究

    Research on the analysis and design of AC wave filter

  8. 高压直流输电系统中交流滤波器小组开关失灵保护研究

    Research of breaker failure protection for AC filter sub-bank in HVDC system

  9. 直流输电换流站交流滤波器研究

    The Research of the AC Filter in HVDC Converter Station

  10. 基于遗传算法的直流输电系统中混合交流滤波器的优化设计

    Optimized design of hybrid AC filter for HVDC system based on genetic algorithm

  11. 江陵换流变电站交流滤波器开关跳闸故障分析

    Analysis on the Trip Fault of AC Filter Breaker of Jiangling Converter Station

  12. 广州换流站交流滤波器的设计问题及最佳配置方案探讨

    Discussion on Design and Optimal Disposition Scheme of AC Filter for Guangzhou Converter Station

  13. 交流滤波器的电容器连接线改进

    Improvements of Capacitor Connection for AC Filter

  14. 交流滤波器保护配置和实现

    Configuration and Application of AC Filter Protection

  15. 本文以一个带有交流滤波器的典型双桥12脉波直流系统为例编制了仿真程序,并通过实例计算证明所发展的换流器计算方法以及直流系统仿真程序的正确性。

    A program of digital simulation for 12-pulse HVDC systems with AC filters is completed .

  16. 龙泉换流站站系统调试时,分别对8组交流滤波器进行了投切试验。

    In station system test , the 8 AC filters passed the closing and opening test .

  17. 分析了交流滤波器小组开关失灵保护的特点。

    The characteristic of breaker failure protection for AC Filter ( ACF ) sub-bank is presented .

  18. 换流站交流滤波器优化设计中高压电容约束范围的选取

    The Restrain Range Selecting of High-Voltage Capacitance of Optimizing Design of Filters at AC Side of Converter stations

  19. 交流滤波器可以滤除交流侧谐波并补偿无功功率,所以广泛应用于高压直流输电工程中。

    AC filters are widely used to restrain the AC side harmonics and to compensate for reactive power .

  20. 本文讨论了直流输电用交流滤波器的选型和参数的优化。

    Selection of the type of AC filters used in HVDC Projects and optimization of their parameters are discussed .

  21. 交流滤波器必须满足在各种工况下的交流侧谐波性能和无功功率补偿要求。

    The design of the AC filters has to satisfy the requirements of harmonic performance and reactive power compensation for the various operation modes .

  22. 在江陵换流站站系统调试前,对交流滤波器和并联电容器中的高压电容器组进行了低压加压试验。

    Before the station system commissioning , the low voltage energization test has been done for the HV capacitor banks in AC filters and shunting capacitors .

  23. 根据交流滤波器定值模型,计算滤波器各个组成元件在滤波器阻抗与一定范围内系统谐波阻抗并联谐振时的电压和电流。

    According to the AC filter steady state rating model , the values of voltage and current of components of AC filter are calculated when resonance occur because the filter impedance is parallel with the AC system harmonic impedance .

  24. 针对龙泉换流站3次交流滤波器在初次充电试验中因为低压元件保护动作跳闸的现象,分析了低压元件保护的基本原理,并根据现场测量的元件参数,计算了保护动作电流的大小。

    The malfunction phenomenon of the low voltage capacitor component protection of the 3rd harmonic filter at the AC site of a HVDC station during the first energizing test is analyzed and the operating current is calculated according to the measured components parameters .

  25. 改进了交流滤波器的传统设计方法,首次针对特高压直流输电工程,采用了以寿命周期成本最小为目标,同时满足电压谐波畸变标准等约束条件的交流滤波器参数优化设计方法。

    Then , traditional filter design method is improved , and a new method to select the filter parameters is proposed in order to reduce the cost of the ac filter to the minimum and accord with the restrictive conditions of standards of voltage harmonic distortion .

  26. 在高电压、大容量系统中交流调谐滤波器仍占有无可替代的地位,但失谐问题及单个LC支路滤波特性单一等缺点制约了其发展。

    Although Tuned AC filter still has an irreplaceable status in the high-voltage and high-capacity systems , it has many inherent demerits which restrict its development , such as detuning problem and single LC branch only can mitigate single harmonic .

  27. 为有效地降低或避免直流系统对载波通信电路的干扰,提出在兴仁换流站安装交流PLC滤波器,以及对相关载波通道频率进行调整的解决方案。

    In order to effectively reduce and avoid the noise interference of the converter valves coupled to adjacent power line carries channels , the solution scheme that AC PLC filter will be installed in Xingren station and channels frequency of relevant power line carries will be adjusted is put forward .

  28. 交流干扰滤波器对心肌细胞动作电位信号的影响

    Effects of AC-filter circuit on cardiac action potential signal

  29. 交流调谐滤波器的进展

    Development of Tuned AC Filter

  30. 在介绍高岭背靠背换流站交流场滤波器配置的基础上,研究了各型滤波器最优的投切时刻。

    In this paper the AC filter configuration of GaoLing back to back converter station is introduced .