
  • 网络alternating movement;alternating motion
  1. 利用fMRI和双手交替运动模式研究脑肿瘤所致的运动功能重组

    Reorganization of motor function in patients with brain tumors as revealed by fMRI combined with an alternating movement task

  2. 交替运动时双侧M1区不同程度被激活。

    During the alternative thumb movement , bilateral M1 area was activated with different degree .

  3. 结论采取双手交替运动模式,fMRI不仅显示了受累侧运动区的变形与移位,而且揭示了一种新的功能重组模式,即运动功能重组可能涉及分布于全脑的整个神经网络。

    Conclusion With an alternating hand movement task , the present fMRI study not only demonstrated the displacement and distortion of the M1 in the tumor affected hemisphere , but also revealed a new pattern of functional reorganization , which appears to involve a distributed network throughout the whole brain .

  4. 这种泳姿是一种两臂轮流交替式运动其动作酷似爬泳采用交替式打水。

    The stroke is an alternating motion of the arms much like the crawl stroke with a flutter kick .

  5. 在此基础上,利用改进的迭代算法交替进行误差运动求解和坐标变换操作,从而在保证精确求解误差运动的前提下实现拼接。

    On these bases , the error movement calculation and coordinates transformation are performed by the improved iterative algorithm .

  6. 在此基础上提出了学习-优化交替式最优运动轨道生成方法,该方法将轨道优化与学习控制相结合,所生成轨道可以在欠驱动机器人上实际操作。

    A learning optimizing alternated method was proposed to generate optimal trajectories for under actuated robots . It is realizable for a real system .

  7. 利用射线效应并基于与四周有连接的拱侧翼交替推拉运动的原理,私伺服控制的羽翼可以上下移动。

    The servo drive-controlled wing , which can move up and down , utilises the Fin Ray Effect and is based on alternate pulling and pushing flanks connected via frames .

  8. 菱形块体的现今水平形变以左旋走滑运动为主,垂直形变速率较低,且呈上盘抬升与下降交替出现的运动特征;

    The left-lateral strike-slip movement is the main horizontal deformation , the rate of the vertical deformation is less than horizontal deformation , and showed the character that fault hanging wall uplift alternates with down .

  9. 由于这种流型具有振荡性,即液相在大口径的通道中交替上下运动(在小直径的管中可能不会发生振荡),类似于煮沸的乳液,也被称为乳沫状流。

    Liquid phase moves up and down alternately in large diameter tubes , but the oscillation will not happen in small diameter tubes . So the churn flow is also named foam flow as it like foam in boiling condition .

  10. 齿轮传动是依靠轮齿之间的交替推动来传递运动和动力的。

    The gearing transfers motion and power through the teeth driving alternately .

  11. 在这一百多年来,特别是20世纪与21世纪交替时期,革命运动减少了,不合作的心理面扩大了。

    In100 years , especially in the20th century and21st century period , the revolutionary movement has decreased , unco-operative psychological expanded .