
jiāo yì é
  • a turnover;volume of trade
  1. 目前电子商务用途最多的是B2B和B2C两种形式,但B2B的交易额占总体电子商务交易额的90%以上。

    At present , the most common pattern of electronic commerce are B2B and B2C , but the B2B 's volume of trade accounts above 90 % for the overall electronic commerce 's volume of trade .

  2. 大的交易额应使我方有资格得到特殊的照顾。

    The large volume of trade should entitle us to special accommodation .

  3. 伯恩斯坦研究(bernsteinresearch)指出,网络泡沫破裂后,零售交易额减少了60%。

    Retail trading volumes dropped 60 per cent after the dotcom bust , points out Bernstein research .

  4. 作为abc公司的销售经理,去年我经手的交易额达到了500万美金。

    As a sales manager of ABC company , my turnover amounted to $ 5000000 last year .

  5. 电子商务追踪系统IBMBenchmark数据显示,相比于去年,今年“虚拟星期一”网上购物交易额上升了28.4%。

    Internet sales tracker IBM Benchmark says online shopping was up 28.4 % on Cyber Monday , compared to a year ago .

  6. 经过前期的市场拓展,BToC模式服装品牌虽然获得了较高的市场收益,服装交易额已达24亿元。但在品牌层面的建设仍然处于不成熟阶段。

    After pre-market expansion , the costume brands based on B to C mode acquire the higher market returns , but from the level of brand building , which are still in their infancy .

  7. 阿里巴巴的创始人和董事长马云(JackMa)在一封给员工的信件中称,年商品交易额将在5年后超过1万亿美元。

    Jack Ma , chairman and founder , predicted in a letter to employees that annual gross merchandise volume would exceed $ 1tn in five years .

  8. 根据研究公司JavelinStrategy的数据,在多年的努力后,通过移动钱包完成的交易额在去年仅有31亿美元。

    After years of effort , just $ 3.1 billion in purchases came from mobile wallets last year , according to Javelin Strategy , a research firm .

  9. 开场90分钟,中国电商集团阿里巴巴平台上的交易额就已接近去年美国“网购星期一”(CyberMonday)全天交易额的两倍。去年“网购星期一”的交易额在当时也创下了纪录。

    the first 90 minutes at Chinese ecommerce group Alibaba netted nearly twice the entire take of last year 's Cyber Monday , itself a record .

  10. 根据国际清算银行(BIS)的数据,今年早些时候,日元对美元的日均交易额超过了5500亿美元。

    Average daily turnover for yen-dollar trading earlier this year was over $ 550bn , according to the Bank for International Settlements .

  11. 即使如此,Lane实验室还是出售软骨药丸。据估计,药丸在1995年交易额已达到三千万美元。

    But even still , LaneLabs still sells cartilage pills today and the market for shark cartilage was estimated to reach $ 30 million in 1995 .

  12. 苹果公司将通过用户的itunes账户收取交易额30%的服务费用。

    Apple will process the payments through your iTunes account and take 30 % of the revenue .

  13. 联合国贸易发展会议(UNCTD)统计显示,2010年全球FDI交易额达到1.24万亿美元,比2009年增长5%。

    According to the statistics from UNCATD ( United Nations Conference on Trade and Development ), the global FDI reached 1.24 trillion dollars in 2010,5 % more than the previous year .

  14. 根据JuniperResearch的数据,这1.9万亿美元与2015年PayPal2820亿美元的总交易额形成鲜明对比,而且相当于全球总交易额的三分之二。

    That $ 1.9tn compares to $ 282bn total transaction volume for PayPal in 2015 , and equivalent to two-thirds the global total , according to Juniper Research .

  15. 根据ComScore的数据,美国今年感恩节过后的网购星期一(CyberMonday)的在线交易额仅为17亿美元。

    The US 's Cyber Monday after Thanksgiving this year had just $ 1.7bn spent on desktop online shopping , according to ComScore .

  16. 据甲骨文公司预估,2013年B2B电子商务市场交易额达到5590亿美元,远不及以前的预测。

    In 2013 , B2B ecommerce hit $ 559 billion , according to Oracle estimates , a far cry from the trillions once predicted .

  17. dealogic表示,2000年,它们宣布的新兴市场跨境交易额为203亿美元。

    In 2000 , they announced $ 20.3bn cross-border deals in emerging markets , says Dealogic .

  18. 2012年,淘宝和天猫平台综合在一起的交易额突破人民币1万亿元(约合1630亿美元),超过了亚马逊和eBay的交易总额。

    In 2012 , the combined transaction volume of Taobao and Tmall topped one trillion yuan ( $ 163 billion ), more than Amazon and eBay combined .

  19. PayPal也不容忽视。2014年,PayPal通过移动支付处理了将近460亿美元的交易额,占其总交易额的20%。

    Nor should you overlook PayPal , which processedapproximately $ 46 billion in mobile payments during 2014 . That was 20 % of its total .

  20. 国际清算银行(bis)资料显示,人民币在全球外汇交易额中所占比例尚不足1%,而美元占比达到86%。

    The currency accounts for less than 1 per cent of global currency trade , compared with 86 per cent for the US dollar , according to the bank for international settlements .

  21. 本文采用Johansen协整方法检验了一个包含股票市场交易额变量的标准货币需求函数和货币流动性函数。

    This paper uses Johansen co-integration method empirical method to test the effect of Chinese stock market on money demand aggregate .

  22. 国际清算银行(BIS)今年9月发布的最新的三年一度调查显示,伦敦占全球外汇市场日交易额的34.1%。

    London accounts for 34.1 per cent of daily volume on the global foreign exchange market , according to the latest triennial survey by the Bank for International Settlements , released in September .

  23. 迈克尔•雅各布(MichaelJacobs)是MetTraders的独立自营交易员,在短期利率期货市场每天的交易额动辄成百上千万欧元。他表示,上周四是今年最繁忙的日子之一。

    Michael Jacobs , an independent proprietary trader who trades millions of euros a day in short-term interest rate futures for his company Met Traders , said Thursday was one of the busiest days of the year .

  24. 展望未来,IHS环球透视预测假日零售额将比去年增长将近4%,假日网络交易额预计将达到17%。

    Looking ahead , IHS Global Insight forecasts holiday sales will rise nearly 4 % over last year with online holiday spending expected to climb a whopping 17 % .

  25. 去年,交易额的反弹提升了ficc交易的收益,帮助银行摆脱了危机。

    Last year , a rebound in trading volumes lifted ficc earnings , helping banks emerge from the crisis .

  26. Dealogic的数据显示,尽管9月份并购交易额高于8月份,但仍然连续第12个月出现同比下滑。

    And while deal volume is up from August , September still marks the 12th straight month of year-over-year declines , according to Dealogic .

  27. 互联网信息提供商comScore数据表示,与去年相比,今年“黑色星期五”网络交易额更大。

    The industry group comScore Data says that Black Friday consumers shopped more online this year than in previous years .

  28. 普华永道(PwC)数据显示,今年第一季度,中国企业对外并购交易额大增36%,创下202亿美元的历史新高。

    In the first quarter , transaction value of China 's outbound M & A deals surged 36 per cent to a historical high of $ 20.2bn , according to PwC .

  29. 但目前中国B2C交易额的绝对数量仍然很少,与发达国家存在较大差距,并面临着C2C激烈的竞争。

    But it can see there is still few absolute quantity of China B2C turnover . The B2C scale has greater disparity with the developed country , and face C2C keen competition at present .

  30. 昨日,通用电气(GE)等三家谋划实施大型收购的集团宣布并购消息,推动10月发起的并购交易额超过5000亿美元,让10月意外地成为有史以来并购交易最繁忙的月份之一。

    General Electric led a trio of groups planning big takeovers yesterday to lift the value of transactions launched in October to more than $ 500bn , in what has unexpectedly become one of the busiest months for dealmaking on record .