
  • 网络trading range
  1. Atic的出价位于特许半导体过去10年股价交易区间的中段,将以大致相当于置换成本获得生产设备,外加庞大的客户网络以及近于免费的销售团队。

    Atic has offered a price about in the middle of its target 's shares ' trading range over the past decade . It will gain fabrication facilities at roughly replacement cost , with a big customer book and a sales force in effect chucked in for free .

  2. 本文首先在综述有关文献的基础上,认为引入信息不对称的交易区间假设能更合理地解释企业拆股的动因;

    We think the trading range hypothesis under the background of asymmetric information may be a more reasonable answer .

  3. 港元周二首次升至其交易区间的上限,促使香港金管局(HongKongMonetaryAuthority)出面否认了将放弃盯住美元汇率机制的猜测。

    The Hong Kong dollar hit the upper end of its trading band for the first time on Tuesday , prompting the Hong Kong Monetary Authority to refute speculation that it would abandon its peg against the US dollar .

  4. 高盛(goldmansachs)预计,北京方面将把人民币兑美元汇率波动的每日交易区间,从正负0.5%拓宽至正负1%,然后让人民币逐渐升值。

    Goldman Sachs predicts Beijing will widen the daily trading band within which the renminbi fluctuates against the dollar from plus or minus 0.5 per cent to plus or minus 1 per cent and then allow it to gradually rise .

  5. 香港金融管理局(HKMA)昨日被迫再度干预汇市,原因是港元兑美元汇率触及交易区间的上限。

    The Hong Kong Monetary Authority was forced to step into the currency markets again yesterday as the Hong Kong dollar hit the limit of its trading band against its US counterpart .

  6. 香港金管局(HongKongMonetaryAuthority)过去几周向外汇市场注入了数十亿港元,以防港元汇率突破1美元兑7.75-7.85港元交易区间的上限。

    The Hong Kong Monetary Authority , the city 's de facto central bank , has injected billions dollars in the foreign-exchange market over last few weeks to prevent the Hong Kong dollar from rising beyond its currency peg -- a range of HK $ 7.75-HK $ 7.85 per U.S. dollar .

  7. 周三,港元汇率一度报在7.7498港元兑1美元,香港金管局(HKMA)随即买进美元,以守住港元兑美元汇率的交易区间。

    On Wednesday , it was standing at HK $ 7.7498 to the US dollar , just before the Hong Kong Monetary Authority bought US dollars to defend the currency 's trading band .

  8. 香港金管局(HKMA)昨日被迫买进逾10亿美元,以捍卫港元盯住美元的联系汇率制度,由于需求强劲,港元持续试探其兑美元交易区间上轨。

    The Hong Kong Monetary Authority had to buy more than US $ 1bn yesterday to defend the local currency 's peg to the US dollar as the Hong Kong dollar continued to test the upper limit of its trading band on strong demand .

  9. 寻找大块头,交易区间宽广,容易使用通道的股票。

    Look for large-cap stocks which swing within broad , well-defined channels .

  10. 中国央行在扩大人民币汇率交易区间之前,通过干预压低了汇率。

    The PBoC intervened to weaken the renminbi before widening its trading band .

  11. 事实上,所有主要货币汇率水平都处于历史交易区间之内。

    In fact , all of the major currency pairs are trading within historical ranges .

  12. 中国恢复了2005年至2008年的人民币兑一篮子货币政策,以及同样的每日交易区间。

    The basket of 2005 to 2008 returns , along with the same daily trading band .

  13. 新加坡重新设定了该国货币的交易区间,并表示它将允许本币逐渐升值。

    Singapore re-set the band in which its currency trades and said it would allow gradual appreciation .

  14. 相对于历史交易区间,美元贸易加权汇率比公允价值低了12%。

    On a trade-weighted basis , versus historical trading bands , the dollar is 12 per cent below fair value .

  15. 然而,交易区间扩大为未来实行更加由市场驱动、波幅更大的汇率制度奠定了基础。

    However , the wider band lays the groundwork for a more market-driven and volatile exchange rate regime somewhere down the road .

  16. 投资者将密切关注美元对人民币汇率的变动,以评估人民币在实行新交易区间后的潜在升值速度。

    Investors will closely watch the USD / CNY fix to assess the pace of potential CNY appreciation under the new band .

  17. 谭哑铃建议,中央政府应该打消预期人民币升值,扩大交易区间的货币。

    Tan Yaling suggested that the central government should dispel expectations for yuan appreciation by expanding the trading band of the currency .

  18. 货币分析师们说,鉴于美元已经跌破了近期的交易区间,它仍然具有下行空间。

    Currency analysts say the dollar 's slide has room to run now that it has broken free of recent trading ranges .

  19. 苹果股票开盘报339.56美元,日间交易区间不超过1美元,直到中国工厂爆炸消息传出。

    Apple opened at $ 339.56 and traded within a $ 1 range until news of the explosion in China crossed the wires .

  20. 通过扩大潜在的交易区间让汇率市场承受更大的流量波动,这是个明智的尝试。

    Getting the currency markets to bear some of the fluctuations in flows by widening the potential trading range is a sensible precursor .

  21. 近两年来,港元首次挑战许可交易区间的上限。

    The Hong Kong dollar is testing the upper limit of its permitted trading band for the first time in almost two years .

  22. 不过,油价目前为每桶86美元,位于最近交易区间以上,这可能意味着投机者主导的涨势。

    But at $ 86 today , crude prices have moved above a recent trading range , which could signal a speculator-led bull charge .

  23. 中国央行自2005年起采用交易区间来引导人民币汇率“爬行盯住”美元。

    The central bank has used a trading band since 2005 to guide the renminbi in a " crawling peg " against the dollar .

  24. 目前中国已宣布了一些货币紧缩举措,包括加息和扩大人民币兑美元汇率的每日交易区间等。

    China has announced some monetary tightening measures , to include an interest rate rise and widening of the daily trading band with the dollar .

  25. 现在是中国扩大人民币交易区间、建设更灵活汇率机制的绝好时机。

    This is a perfect time for China to move towards a more flexible currency regime by announcing a wider trading band for the renminbi .

  26. 但经纪公司stone&mccarthy指出,盘中的波动显示,中国央行曾入市干预,以便将人民币汇率维持在交易区间内。

    But intra-day movements , as broker Stone & McCarthy notes , point to central bank intervention to keep the renminbi within its trading bands .

  27. 若港元汇率触及1美元兑7.75至7.85港元这个交易区间的上限或下限,香港金管局都必须采取行动。

    The HKMA must take action if the currency hits the upper or lower end of its trading band of HK $ 7.75 to HK $ 7.85 .

  28. 周二,人民币兑美元汇率跌至今年最低水平,当日下跌近1%,至日交易区间底部。

    On Tuesday , the Chinese currency hit its lowest level this year against the dollar after falling nearly 1 per cent to the bottom of its daily trading band .

  29. 人民币在近期走软之前中国央行在今年4月放宽了人民币对美元的每日交易区间,这是自2010年年中以来人民币自由化迈出的最为重大的步伐之一。

    The recent weakness has come after China loosened the yuan 's daily trading limits in April , one of the most significant moves to liberalize the currency since mid-2010 .

  30. 分析师们表示,这一交易区间可能在不久被拓宽至2%,北京方面将通过此举表明,中国有意迈向在更大程度上由市场决定的汇率形成机制。

    Analysts say this trading band may soon be widened to 2 per cent , a gesture by Beijing to show that it wants to move towards a more market-determined exchange rate .