
jiāo hù jì suàn
  • Interactive computing;running account
  1. 对于我们的第一个测试版,我们集中在两个不同场景的实现上&基于MPI实现批量技术,基于IPython实现交互计算。

    For our first beta we 've focused on enabling two different scenarios-batch computing via MPI and interactive computing via IPython .

  2. 本文介绍一种利用VBA实现Powerpoint与MATLAB数据交换的方法,从而可以快速制作具有实时交互计算能力的Powerpoint演示文稿。

    This paper introduces a kind of way of data exchange between Powerpoint and MATLAB by using VBA , so we can quickly make Powerpoint show-draft with ability to hand over with each other timely .

  3. 作为卡内基梅隆大学人机交互计算学院的博士二年级学生,ZhuHaiyi主要与惠普社会化计算研究实验室的主任BernardoHuberman一起工作。

    A second-year PhD student at Carnegie Mellon University 's Human Computing Interaction Institute , Zhu is working with Bernardo Huberman , director of HP 's Social Computing Research Group .

  4. 利用交互计算平台加强控制系统学习经验

    Enhancing Control Systems Learning Experience with an Interactive Computing Environment

  5. 分布交互计算和分布交互仿真

    Distributed interactive computing and distributed interactive simulation

  6. 对象系统的组合交互计算

    Composition and Interactive Computation of Object Systems

  7. 因为对群体行为的仿真不仅涉及到高层的决策过程,还同时要考虑底层事物的表示以及事物之间的交互计算。

    The crowd simulation of behavior involves not only high-level decision-making process , but also taking into account that the bottom of things , as well as the calculation of the interaction between objects .

  8. 简单原子代表简单计算问题,它与经典命题逻辑中的谓词相对应;一般原子代表一般的交互计算问题,在意义上有别于谓词。

    The elementary atoms stand for simple problems , corresponding to classical propositional logic predicates ; the general atoms stand for the general problem of interactive computing , its meaning is different from the predicate .

  9. 本文提出了用折射波初至时间计算静校正量的新方法,即分别在共炮点域、共接收点域、共偏移距域交互计算静校正量。

    A new method for deriving static correction values from first breaks of refraction wave is advanced here , by which the static corrections are estimated interactively in common shot , common receiver and common offset domains respectively .

  10. P2P系统中基于关系强度的交互信任计算模型

    Interaction trust model based on strength of relationships in P2P system

  11. MMNC采用服务器进行信息存储和管理、客户端进行任务计算与用户交互的计算模式。

    MMNC adopts a new computing paradigm , information storing and management on server while computing and providing user interface on client .

  12. 交互可计算性和拓扑方法的研究

    Research on Interactive Computability and Its Topological Approaches

  13. 作者还通过对海-气交互作用计算例题证实了等风速线簇理论的实用意义。

    A calculating example of sea-air interaction shows that the theory of the isotach cluster can be put into practice prefectly .

  14. 交互可计算性理论的问题归结为一点,就是研究交互式系统和交互机制的计算能力。

    In one word , the task of interactive computability theory is to determine the computing capability of interactive systems and interaction mechanisms .

  15. 对交互可计算性理论的贡献在于:确定了顺序的Ⅱ型交互式系统的计算能力,而相关工作主要集中于顺序的Ⅰ型交互式系统的计算能力。

    The contribution to interactive computability theory is that the capability of sequential ⅱ - style interactive systems is totally determined , while related work mainly focuses on that of sequential ⅰ - style interactive systems . 2 .

  16. 随着Internet技术的发展和广泛的应用以及移动网络平台的计算的快速发展,要求分布式系统能够满足大规模、异步交互通信的计算环境需要。

    With the rapid development of Internet technology and the computing of mobile network platform , it needs distributed system that can support the computing environment of large-scale and asynchronous interactive communication .

  17. 通过优化不经意传输(OT)协议,提出一种基于非交互保密函数计算的移动代理保护新方案。

    A mobile agent protection scheme based on the non-interactive secure function evaluation was presented using an optimized oblivious transfer ( OT ) protocol .

  18. 人工智能研究的重点已从过去的面向问题求解的算法研究走向以知识为核心的MAS(multi-agentSystem)研究,即从传统的计算主义向基于知识和交互的新计算主义方向发展。

    Focus of research on artificial intelligence has changed from the past algorithm for problem solving to MAS ( multi-agent system ) study , a knowledge-centered method . This means that the methodology of artificial intelligence has changed from the traditional computing to the new computing .

  19. IPython是“用于交互及探索计算最全面的环境”,它非常强调并行编程。

    IPython is a " comprehensive environment for interactive and exploratory computing " with a heavy emphasis on parallel programming .

  20. 结果:采用Excel数据计算技术、图表技术、图形动画技术和模拟技术等能可视化地表达计算中所涉及的概念、方法、过程、结果及所产生的数据信息等,以实现人机交互的药学计算。

    Results : The approach of Excel data computation , graph table , animation and simulation was used to visualize the pharmaceutic computing , namely , concept , way , process , result and data information , so that the interactive computing with the user was realized .

  21. 该算法选择直接交互经验来计算信任度。

    This algorithm use direct trust to compute trust value .

  22. 通过用户的交互减少了计算量,节省了处理时间。

    Reduce the amount of computation , save processing time through the user interaction .

  23. 交互积的计算能力。

    The capability of interaction product is studied .

  24. 采用数据直接计算方法,替代了以前手工图解或计算机交互图解,计算速度快,精度高。

    This direct calculating method may take place of the illustration methods by hands or interactive illustration method on the computer , and is faster and may take more precise .

  25. 介绍了利用电影图标、交互控制、计算图标、系统变量和函数相结合,增加电影播放的各种控制功能的方法。

    This article introduces the methods of making use of cinema icons , alternate control , calculation icons , systematic variable and function to add the several control functions of playing cinema .

  26. 自动表情识别是计算机理解人类情感的前提,在现实生活中有着无限的潜力,例如人机交互、情感计算、心理学研究、谎言辨别,临床医学等。

    Automatic facial recognition is premise of understanding the human emotions for computers , and it has unlimited potential in real life , such as human-computer interaction , affective computing , psychology , clinical medicine .

  27. 为了提高交互分割的计算速度,我们受到著名的多分辨率信号处理和金字塔型结构的启发,引入了一种用于图分割计算的多尺度计算方法。

    In order to increase the speed of the interactive segmentation , we introduce a multi-scale method for the computation of graph partition that is motivated by the well-known multi-resolution signal processing theory and the pyramid structure .

  28. 对超临界气体氢引入了新的、随温度而变的a表达式和协体积项b的二元交互作用参数.计算了19个二元系统,结果表明本研究较前人为优。

    A new expression of the temperature dependent parameter for the supercritical gas hydrogen , and binary interaction parameters were introduced to improve description of vapor-liquid equilibria for 19 binary systems .

  29. 头位、手位和手形数据送到主控计算机,进行人机交互、碰撞检测计算和控制,并把头位、手位和手形数据以及交互控制标志量传送到实时图像系统及3D音响系统;

    Third , main-control computer carries out the controls and calculations of collision detection and interaction of human and computer , and send data to real time image system and 3D sound system .

  30. 多通道交互是普适计算人机交互中一个新的发展趋势,国际标准化组织W3C公布的多通道交互协议旨在开发支持普适计算设备多通道交互的通用协议标准。

    Multimodal interaction is a new tendence in the human-computer interaction in the pervasive computing . W3C , the international standardizing organization , published the multimodal interaction protocol to support a current protocol in the human-computing interaction in pervasive computing .