
  • 网络ferrimagnetism;ferrimagnetic
  1. 随温度升高,样品由亚铁磁性逐渐过渡到顺磁性。

    With increasing temperature , the samples undergo a transition from ferrimagnetism to paramagnetism .

  2. 因此,可以按照4-自旋相互作用的相对强度将系统划分为铁磁性、亚铁磁性和反铁磁性。

    So we divided the system to ferromagnetism , ferrimagnetism and anti-ferromagnetism according the magnitude of 4-spin interactions .

  3. 随x的增大,fcc结构的Fe1-xPdx合金的磁性从铁磁性或者反铁磁性变为亚铁磁性,再从亚铁磁性变为铁磁性和顺磁性;

    By decreasing the Pd content , the magnetism of fcc Fe 1 - x Pd x alloys changes from paramagnetism to ferromagnetism , ferrimagnetism , and finally anti ferromagnetism or ferromagnetism .

  4. 线性近似下的X-Y-Z模型&各向异性亚铁磁性Heisenberg系统的自旋波解

    The Spin Wave Solution to Heisenberg System of Ferrimagnetism of X-Y-Z Model-Anisotropic Under the Linear Approximate

  5. 非磁滞剩磁(ARM)、磁滞参数等与粒度相关的参数表明,尘土中的磁性颗粒较表土粗,尘土样品以多畴亚铁磁性颗粒为主,表土以准单畴颗粒为主。

    The results of anhysteretic remanent magnetism ( ARM ) and hysteresis parameters , which could be used as an indicator of the magnetic grain size , indicate that the size of magnetic particles of dust samples may be bigger than that of topsoil .

  6. 利用Heisenberg交换作用模型、格林函数法研究了XYZ模型亚铁磁性Heisenberg系统下的二维长方复式晶格(P211)的自旋波解。

    In this paper , we have studied the two-dimensional rectangle double lattice ( p211 ) spin wave solution under X-Y-Z mode ferrimagnetism Heisenberg system with Heisenberg exchange mode and Green function .

  7. 结果表明:经自燃烧和不同温度热处理后粉末样品都具有尖晶石结构,晶粒尺寸为10~22nm之间,存在亚铁磁性。

    The results indicate that a single-spinel phase powder with a grain size between 10 and 22 nm is formed after self-combustion synthesis or heat treatment .

  8. 磁化率随温度的变化曲线(x-T曲线)、S-ratio值等反映磁性矿物类型的磁学指标表明,尘土和表土中主要的携磁矿物均为亚铁磁性的磁铁矿,可能含有铁的氢氧化物。

    The temperature dependence of magnetic susceptibility ( x-T curves ) and S-ratio suggest that all samples are dominated by ferrimagnetic minerals , likely magnetite and some antiferromagnetic minerals ( such as iron oxyhydroxides ), in both dust and topsoil samples .

  9. 磁流体是将铁磁性或亚铁磁性固体颗粒通过一定方法均匀分散在基液中的混合液。

    Magnetic fluid is the mixed liquid that ferromagnetic or meta ferromagnetic particle are scattered by certain way .

  10. 与干流相比,支流沉积物中不完整反铁磁性物质含量相对较多,亚铁磁性矿物晶粒较细。

    The content of imperfect anti-ferromagnetic materials in the tributary is higher than that in the mainstream , and their particles are finer .

  11. 成壤过程形成的亚铁磁性矿物被认为是古土壤磁化率增加的主要原因;

    The in-situ pedogenic enhancement of ferrimagnetic content is normally believed to be the main reason for the increase of susceptibility in soil units .

  12. 对于亚铁磁性超晶格来说,内能随着磁场的增强而减小,磁场对比热几乎没有影响。

    For ferrimagnetic superlattice , the internal energy decreases with increasing external magnetic field , and external magnetic field has no effect on the specific heat .

  13. 铁磁性系统和亚铁磁性系统的磁熵变始终为负值,它与温度关系曲线呈抛物线形,在临界点处出现负磁熵变的极大值。

    The values of magnetic entropy change are negative for ferromagnetism and ferrimagnetism . And the negative magnetic entropy change have maximum at their critical points .

  14. 双层亚铁磁性超晶格和双层铁磁性超晶格系统都存在两支能谱,且系统的各个参数都对这两支能谱有着重要的影响。

    Two branches of energy spectra exist in both ferrimagnetic / ferromagnetic superlattices , and the parameters of the system have important effect on these two branches .

  15. 对于双层亚铁磁性超晶格和双层铁磁性超晶格,低温磁矩随着温度的升高而减小,随着自旋量子数、层内耦合系数、各向异性参数的增大而增大。

    For double-layer ferromagnetic and ferromagnetic superlattices , the magnetization decreases with increasing temperature , and increases with increasing spin quantum number , intralayer exchange couplings and anisotropy constant .