- 名spermidine

AFM observation of the local ordering characteristics in spermidine condensed DNA
These observations suggest that DNA spermidine condensation could have multiple stages , which are very sensitive to the DNA and spermidine concentrations .
The contents of protein , RNA and DNA showed a pattern similar to the SPD and SPM .
Condensation of DNA by multivalent cations can provide useful insights into the physical factors governing the folding and packaging of DNA in vivo .
Effects of spermidine on seed germination and seedling antioxidant system of tomato under NaCl stress
The Effects of Spermidine Pretreatment on Physiological Characteristics of Hulless Barley Seedlings under NaCl Stress
Effects of spermidine on respiration and PG activity of kiwifruit during the storage
The ratio between Spd and Put ( Spd / Put ) is two times more than that of the control ;
Exogenous SNP improve putrescine 、 spermidine and spermine elevated polyamine level .
In the Starkrimson leaves , the spermidine and spermine contents increased .
The changes of RNA / DNA ratio was opposite to that of DNA content , whereas the spermidine ( Spd ) content of leaves was the same as that of DNA content .
Exogenous glycine betaine increased the polyamines content of roots dramatically , facilitated the conversion of Putrecine ( Put ) and Spermidine ( Spd ) to Spermine ( Spm ) and enhanced the ratio of ( Spd + Spm ) / Put in leaves obviously .
Using different reagents to modify mica surface such as Mg2 + , APTES , spermidine , we have successfully imaginged the DNA molecules by AFM .
Objective To investigate the effect of Spermidine ( Spd ) on succinate dehydrogenase ( SDH ) in the cultured cells from adult Schistosoma japonicum .
It is shown that PA ( Spd and Spm ) and ethylene biosynthesis pathways compete for SAM during the development of panicle of CMS line and its maintainer line in rice .
The Effect of Exogenous Spermidine and SAMDC Expression Analysis in Citrus under Stress
The changes of endogenous polyamine contents and the effects of exogenous spermidine on endogenous polyamines in leaves during flower bud physiological differentiation were studied with Red Fuji apple and Starkrimson .
Similar results have been obtained using spermidine of 10 ppm .
Any of a group of organic compounds that contain two or more amino groups . Effect of Seed Soaking with Spermidine on ATPase Activity and Conjugated Polyamine Content in Mitochondria Membrane of Maize Seedling Root under Osmotic Stress
Toxic effects of Cr ~ ( 6 + ) on Nymphoides peltatum mitigated by exogenous spermidine
At the early stage of longan fruit growth ( 5 days after anthesis ) the contents of putrescine ( Put ) and spermidine ( Spd ) were rather higher in young fruit but decreased with the fruit development .
This may be due to the absorption of exogenous spermidine by Hela cells and metabolism within the cells as well as reduction of the GSH / GSSG ratio , thus leading to oxidative stress and apoptosis eventually .
The activity of SOD and CAT in rapeseed leaves was enhanced , the stability of cell membrane was improved by exogenous putrescine ( Put ) and spermidine ( Spd ), especially in the condition of boron deficiency . Moreover , the effect of Spd exceeded Put .
Putrescine , spermidine , and spermine can be completely resolved by reversed phase HPLC , isocratic elution with acetonitrile ( 52 % ) through a 5 μ m C 18 column , and detection at 254 nm .
Effects of Spermidine on Storage Property of Kiwifruit at Different Period
The Effect of Spermidine on Ethylene Biosynthesis of the Postharvested Persimmon
Effect of Spermidine Soaking Seed on Germination and Seedling Growth for Rice
Effects of SPERMIDINE on Cultured Cells from Schistosoma Japonicum
Spermidine can produce free radical during its catabolism and affect cell viability .
Effects of Exogenous Spermidine on the Salt Resistance of Saltbush under Salt Stress