
yà shēn suān yán
  • arsenite
  1. 其中以IAA抑制红细胞的乳酸生成和氧耗的效应最强,NaF次之,亚砷酸盐最弱。

    The inhibition of lactic acid production and oxygen consumption was the strongest in the case of iodoacetic acid ( IAA ), with sodium fluoride ( NaF ) ranking next , and arsenite third .

  2. 光致转化是影响水中亚砷酸盐垂直分布差异的一个因素。

    Photo-transformation is one of important factors affect-ine the vertical distribution of arsenite .

  3. 亚砷酸盐对小鼠细胞遗传学效应的实验研究

    Studies of cytogenetic effects of sodium arsenite on mouse bone marrow cells in vivo

  4. 离子色谱法测定饮用水及底泥中砷酸盐和亚砷酸盐

    Determination of Arsenate and Arsenite in Drinking Water and Bottom Mud by Ion Chromatography

  5. 另外我们知道,在某些控制剂量下,亚砷酸盐有治疗价值。

    In addition , we know that under certain controlled doses , arsenite has therapeutic value .

  6. GB/T4701.4-1984钛铁化学分析方法过硫酸盐-亚砷酸盐容量法测定锰量

    Methods for chemical analysis of ferrotitanium & The persulfate-arsenite volumetric method for the determination of manganese content

  7. 加入脂肪酸和羟基取代的脂肪酸,可不同程度地加速亚砷酸盐的反应。

    The arsenite reactions can be variously accelerated by the addition of aliphatic acids and hydroxy-substituted aliphatic acids .

  8. 砷对水环境的污染会极大地危害人类的健康,而水环境对砷酸盐的吸附和对亚砷酸盐的氧化又可以明显降低砷的生物有效性。

    Arsenic contamination of the water environment will greatly endanger human health , and the adsorption of arsenate and arsenite oxidation can significantly reduce the bioavailability of arsenic .

  9. 亚砷酸盐是稻田土壤中砷的主要存在形式,而木质部把营养从根部运输到植株。

    Here we report that two different types of transporters mediate transport of arsenite , the predominant form of arsenic in paddy soil , from the external medium to the xylem .

  10. 同时,以传统方法种植水稻,往往需要灌溉整片农田,这种方式更容易产生水解砷化合物亚砷酸盐,并在水稻植株中传输。

    And the traditional methods of growing rice , which often involve flooding a field , encourage formation of a soluble arsenic compound , arsenite , that is readily transported by the rice plant .

  11. 在亚砷酸盐处理中,并且低硫预处理的水稻根系中亚砷酸盐积累量低于高硫预处理,但低硫预处理的水稻地上部中亚砷酸盐浓度显著高于高硫预处理的水稻地上部。

    In the arsenite exposure treatment , low sulphate-pretreated rice accumulated less arsenite than high sulphate pretreated plants , but the arsenite concentrations in shoots of low sulphate pretreated rice were higher than those of high sulphate pretreated .

  12. 砷在自然水系中主要以无机砷酸盐(AsO43-)和亚砷酸盐(AsO33-)两种形式存在,而砷的有机化合物的含量一般都很低。

    The inorganic arsenates ( AsO 4 3 - ) and the arsenites ( AsO 3 3 - ) are the main species of arsenic in natural water , while the concentrations of organic arsenic compounds are generally low .