- 名subvirus

Sat-RNA of CMV is a subviral agent , which depends on its helper virus to replicate and cell to cell diffuse .
The researchers sprayed DDT inside the huts and released Aedes aegypti mosquitoes the species that carries Chikungunya , dengue and yellow fever ten metres away from the huts .
As the infection progressed , the mature virus , which is about 72 nm in diameter produced after the subviral particles were transiently enveloped during 12 16 hours post infection .
This is the first test of its kind that can detect dengue and chikungunya viruses at once , say scientists at the Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology ( RGCB ) in Thiruvananthapuram , Kerala .
The universal system of plant virus taxonomy including 18 families , 81 genera in the 8th ICTV report was introduced .
An outbreak of chikungunya virus in the southern Indian state of Kerala has prompted researchers to develop a new diagnostic test to distinguish chikungunya from dengue viruses .
Chikungunya virus is emerging as a problem in South-East Asia and the Pacific , and caused major outbreaks on the island of Reunion in the Indian Ocean in2006 , and in India in2006 – 2007 .
It says the findings provide an explanation of how the virus caused an epidemic in an area lacking the typical host , and has important implications for how viruses can be transmitted when introduced in new areas .
The early MRI features of subacute virus encephalitis
Studies on the Purification of H_9 Subtype Avian Influenza Virus WD Strain
Clade ST was found to be closely related to that of the virus from other countries in Asia .
Study of Model for the Rhesus with Avian Influenza A ( H5N1 ) Viruses
Conclusion Subacute virus encephalitis early MRI features had some characteristic , and final diagnosis was based on affection disposition , form , signal and clinical manifestation .
Evolutionary characteristics of hemagglutinin genes of H5N1 subtype avian influenza viruses from boundary region of Yunnan Province
Objective To prepare the monoclonal antibodies specific to subtype of H5N1 avian influenza virus and offer tool for correlative researches .
Development of an Indirect Sandwich ELISA for the Detection of Avian Influenza H_5 Subtype Virus Using Anti-hemagglutinin Protein Monoclonal Antibody
The antigenicity of A ( H3N2 ) subtype virus were floating continuously .
ALV-J most causes myeloid leukosis , while other exogenous ALVs mainly induce lymphoid leukosis .
Different clades possess their own property of genome . SX clade acquired the resistance to amantadine and antigenic-drifted .
[ Objective ] Balb / c mouse was infected with Influenza A ( H5N1 ) viruses by inoculation intranasally and tail vein and the changing of blood cells was detected .
In Switzerland in October 1999 for the treatment of influenza caused by the influenza virus A and B. Recently , 1 is also used as an efficient drug to bird influenza .
The human Feline leukemia virus subgroup C receptor ( hFLVCR ) generally express in hematopoietic CD34 + stem / progenitor cell , and in other human tissue and cell line ( such as K562 et al ) .
Homologous comparison analysis indicated that PB1 gene sequence was highly conserved , type-specific , and sharing nearly 99 % homology with that of the same avian subtype .
Their amino acid sequences were compared with those of H1N1 viruses isolated before 1995.Conclusion There is no special amino acid on HAl domain protein molecule determining the influenza A ( H1N1 ) virus with O or D phase feature was found .
Rapid detection of influenza virus N_2 subtype by fluorescence quantitative RT-PCR
Molecular Epidemiological Study of a HIV-1 Strain of subtype E in China between 1996 and 1998
Study on DNA Vaccine and Adenoviral Vaccine Co-expressing Two Genes of H5N1 Influenza Virus
Molecular Biology and Pathogenicity of Subgroup J Avian Leukosis Virus Isolated from Yellow Chickens
Cloning of Adr HBV Genome and Its Surface Antigen Gene
Virus Entry Inhibitors Targeting the Envelope Glycoprotein Transmembrane Subunits of HIV and AIV