
  1. 报告称,去年11月签署的《区域全面经济伙伴关系协定》将进一步加快亚洲经济一体化进程。

    The report says the signing of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement in November last year will further accelerate Asian economic integration .

  2. 通过分析亚洲经济一体化发展趋势与前景,对中国&东盟自由贸易区的发展对策进行了探讨。

    Through analyzing Asian economic integration development trend , for China , it has been carried on the discussion the development countermeasure of ASEAN Free Trade Area .

  3. 亚州的历史和现实,决定了亚洲经济一体化已经不可能走欧盟或北美的发展道路。

    In the era of economic incorporation , the way for the incorporation of Asian economy cannot copy the ones which EU or NAFTA went on before .

  4. 本文认为大国在中国周边地区的经济竞争与政治角逐是影响中国与亚洲经济一体化进程的重要因素。

    This paper think that the great countries around china strive for economic profit and politic impact is a big block to the integration of Asia and China .

  5. 在推进亚洲经济一体化的同时,我们要坚持开放的区域主义,协调推进包括亚太经合组织在内的跨区域合作。

    In advancing economic integration in Asia , we need to stay committed to open regionalism and move forward trans-regional cooperation , including APEC , in a coordinated manner .

  6. 积极推动和参与亚洲经济一体化进程,既是中国应对经济全球化与区域经济集团化挑战,又是营造中国和平发展的国际环境的战略措施。

    To promote and joint the Coarse of economic integration in Asia is China to countermeasure the challenge of globalization & regionalization , and also the strategic measure to construct peaceful environment for its developing .

  7. 亚洲区域经济一体化与官方出口信用机构的作用

    Regional Economic Integration in Asia and the Role of Official Export Credit Agencies

  8. 亚洲区域经济一体化与中国

    Asian Regional Economic Integration and China

  9. 在亚洲区域经济一体化进程中,东盟自由贸易区是最早启动的区域一体化形式。

    On the Issue of Economic Efficiency in the Formation and Development of ASEAN Free Trade Area ;

  10. 亚洲区域经济一体化、区域经济合作的研究已经成为多方关注的焦点。

    Research on the integration or cooperation of Asian regional economy has become the focus in many fields .

  11. 中国与东盟国家建立自由贸易区的谈判已经启动,亚洲区域经济一体化合作将以优势互补、平等互惠为基础,实现共赢。

    As for the negotiation of establishing a free trade area between China and the Southeast Asia Economic Union has been held , the cooperation must be complementary , reciprocal and multi-win .

  12. 更多资金流出中国,将有助于促进中国与其邻国的商业往来,从而推动由中国内地掌控的亚洲地区经济一体化进程。

    Rising capital outflows from China will help grease the wheels of commerce between China and its neighbours , thereby boosting the economic integration of the region , with the mainland at the helm .

  13. 印度与东盟关系的迅速发展不仅为冷战结束后印度的对外发展战略、东盟与大国的互动关系带来了变化,还对中国与东盟关系、亚洲区域经济一体化发展态势产生深远的影响。

    The rapid development of the economic relations between India and ASEAN has not only brought changes to India 's foreign development strategy , but has also made far-reaching impact on the trend of development of Asia 's economic integration .

  14. 东亚,甚至亚洲地区的经济一体化,地区的三个大国中日韩的态度尤为重要,实现了这三个国家的经济一体化,亚洲经济的整合可谓水到渠成。

    The economic integration of North-Asia or Asia , the regional denominated countries-China , Japan , South Korea are especially important , realized the three countries ' economic integration , the Asia integration will follow easily .

  15. 从历史经济学角度分析这个问题,用政治行政手段规范调节移民政策,有利于推动俄罗斯远东地区的经济发展,有利于亚洲太平洋地区经济一体化。

    It is beneficial to the economic development of the Far East of Russia and the economic integration of Asian Pacific Region to analyze Chinese immigrants in terms of historical economics and to regulate the immigrant policies by means of politics and administration .

  16. 亚洲价值阻碍亚洲区域经济一体化的进程了吗

    Has the Asian Value Blocked the Progress of the Regional Economic Integration of Asia

  17. 因此,可以将全球化、能源和地缘政治变化视为亚洲以及亚洲内部重新出现经济一体化的推动力。

    Globalisation , energy and geopolitical shifts can therefore be seen as the drivers of renewed economic integration of and within Asia .

  18. 博鳌亚洲论坛4月18日发布的报告指出,今年亚洲经济增速有望达到6.5%以上,亚洲将成为全球可持续复苏的重要引擎。《亚洲经济前景及一体化进程(AsianEconomicOutlookandIntegrationProgress)》报告指出,

    The growth rate of the Asian economy in 2021 is expected to reach at least 6.5 percent and Asia should be a major engine for sustainable global recovery , according to reports released by the Boao Forum for Asia ( BFA ) Sunday .