
  • 网络Asian University;Asia University;Ajou University
  1. 来自中国首都北京的北京大学和清华大学,分列2017年亚洲大学排行榜的第二、三名。

    The THE Asia University Rankings for 2017 rated Peking University and Tsinghua University , both in the Chinese capital of Beijing , as the second and third best universities in the continent .

  2. 在2016年泰晤士报高等教育世界大学排行榜(TimesHigherEducationWorldUniversityRankings)上,有289所亚洲大学上榜,其中19所排在前200名之列,包括中国的清华大学(Tsinghua)。该榜单全部上榜大学为980所。

    In the 2016 Times Higher Education WorldUniversity Rankings , 289 Asian universities made it on to the list of 980universities and 19 - including China 's Tsinghua - are in the ranking 's top 200 .

  3. QS主要比较亚洲大学在9个方面的指标,包括学术声誉、师生比例、每篇论文他引次数、每位教师论文发表量等

    QS compares universities Asia on nine key performance indicators such as academic reputation , faculty / student ratio , citations per paper and papers per faculty .

  4. 新加坡国立大学再度蝉联榜首伦敦高等教育研究机构QS公司近日公布了最新亚洲大学排名调查,新加坡国立大学再度蝉联榜首。

    Singapore tops again The National University of Singapore retained top spot in the latest Asian University Rankings released by London-based higher education group Quacquarelli Symonds ( QS ) .

  5. 新加坡南洋理工校长伯蒂尔·安德森(BertilAndersson)表示,从全球情况看,亚洲大学正在缓慢追赶全球更成熟的教育机构。

    The president of N.T.U. , Bertil Andersson , says that Asian universities are slowly catching up on the more established institutions in the global charts .

  6. 高等教育研究公司QuacquarelliSymonds(QS)近日发布了《2016年QS亚洲大学排名》,对亚洲的前350所大学进行排名。

    A record number of Chinese universities feature in the " QS University Rankings : Asia 2016 " - a ranking of the 350 top universities in Asia by Quacquarelli Symonds ( QS ) , a higher education research firm .

  7. 他手下有些具研究生学位的工程师对日益增多的来自亚洲大学的竞争者感到警觉;并且担心ssoe与中国的生意可能太多了。

    Some of his graduate engineers voice alarm about the rivals pouring out of Asian universities and worry that ssoe does so much business in China .

  8. 新加坡——教育咨询公司QuacquarelliSymonds的数据显示,在研究和教学方面,成立不久的亚洲大学正在超越西方的年轻学校,但美国和欧洲的老牌教育机构依然在学术界的最高层次占据主导地位。

    SINGAPORE - Young Asian universities are outdoing their young western counterparts in research and teaching , but established education powerhouses in the United States and Europe continue to dominate academia at the highest levels , according to the educational consulting firm Quacquarelli Symonds .

  9. Baty注意到了东亚地区高校总体上升的趋势。“更多的亚洲大学正在紧追西方一流大学的脚步,越来越多地跃居世界前50名,而且丝毫没有懈怠的迹象,”他说。

    Baty noticed a trend of East Asian universities rising up . " More Asian institutions are nipping at the heels of the best in the West , increasingly occupying world top 50 places and showing no signs of letting up , " he said .

  10. 另外还有15所亚洲大学也进入了前100名。

    An additional 15 other Asian universities also made the top 100 .

  11. 亚洲大学和研究图书馆的藏书补充方针和实用指南

    Collection Development Policies and Practical Guidelines for Academic and Research Libraries in Asia

  12. 今年中国内地共有54所高校进入亚洲大学排行榜前300名。

    In total , Chinese mainland has 54 institutions in the listing of top 300 universities in Asia .

  13. 随着亚洲大学的进步,许多亚洲学生会选择留在家乡。

    As the quality of Asian universities improves , many Asian students will prefer to stay at home .

  14. 此外,这也是北京大学连续第二年在亚洲大学排行榜上排名第二位。

    This is the second year running that Peking University has reached the height of No. 2 university .

  15. 亚洲大学正在迎头赶上——中国和日本的大学在排名中仍然表现强劲。

    Asian university systems are catching up - with China and Japan continuing to perform strongly in the rankings .

  16. 现代高等教育展开的国际化与地域化向度&第七届亚洲大学校长论坛综述

    Internationalizing and Regionalizing Dimensions of Modern Higher Education & A Summary of the 7th Forum of Asian university Presidents

  17. 剑桥大学和牛津大学跻身前十,但其他的英国高校排名下降,亚洲大学的声誉排名呈上升趋势。

    Cambridge and Oxford make the top 10 but other UK universities have slipped , while Asian institutions have risen .

  18. 《泰晤士高等教育》近日发布了2021年世界大学排名,位于北京的清华大学成为首所跻身前20名的亚洲大学。

    Times Higher Education has released its World University Rankings 2021 , with Tsinghua University in Beijing becoming the first Asian institute to ever break the top 20 .

  19. 英国《泰晤士高等教育》专刊于上周四公布的一项调查显示,中国内地两所高校入选亚洲大学前三名。

    Chinese mainland is home to two of the top three universities in Asia , according to research published last Thursday by the Times Higher Education ( THE ) .

  20. 更多的亚洲大学正在紧追西方一流大学的脚步,越来越多地跃居世界前50名,而且丝毫没有懈怠的迹象,他说。

    More Asian institutions are nipping at the heels of the best in the West , increasingly occupying world top 50 places and showing no signs of letting up , he said .

  21. 但从今年的排名可以看出,亚洲大学的排名有所上升,亚太地区共有106所学校进入前500强,中国大学的排名也有所提升。交大编撰这一排行榜的初衷是为了了解中国大学的全球排名。

    But the ranking , initially set up to find the global standing of Chinese universities , showed Asian universities were advancing up the list with 106 from the Asia Pacific region making the top 500 and Chinese universities performing better .

  22. 该教育机构表示,这一结果是基于反映亚洲大学的主要优先事项的一组标准,该标准包括学术声誉、雇主声誉、师生比例,每篇论文的引用指数等。

    The result is based on a set of criteria which is designed to reflect key priorities for universities in Asia , including academic reputation , employer reputation , faculty / student ratio , citations per paper , etc. , according to the education institution .

  23. 亚洲没有大学入围前二十,排名最高的新加坡国立大学(NationalUniversityofSingapore)名列第22位。

    No Asian universities made it into the top 20 ; National University of Singapore placed highest , at 22nd .

  24. 中国已经超过日本,成为亚洲顶尖大学最多的国家。

    China has overtaken Japan as Asias number one nation for producing top universities .

  25. 亚洲基督教大学和学院协会

    Association of Christian Universities and Colleges in Asia

  26. 亚洲科技大学与英国帝国大学紧密合作、同发展,致力于走在科技理论的前沿。

    On the academic front , development progressed just as quickly and smoothly along the terms of the service agreement with Imperial College .

  27. 在该公司上周发布的世界创校时间未满50年的50所顶尖大学的名单中,前五名均由亚洲的大学把持。

    In the firm 's annual listing of the World 's Top 50 Universities under 50 , published last week , the five top spots were taken by Asian universities .

  28. 多文化交流平台(intercultural-collaboration-environment,ICE)是亚洲多所大学与研究机构参与的、开发多语种在线交流翻译平台的国际合作项目。

    Intercultural Collaboration Environment ( ICE ) is an international project on which quite a few Asian universities collaborate . It aims to exploit an online translation platform which enables communication with different Asian languages .

  29. 在亚洲,一流大学的数量不断增加。

    In Asia , the number of top universities isgrowing .

  30. 而在今年的比赛场上,四十位选手中有六位来自亚洲,剑桥大学队中有一位美国选手、一位波兰选手和一位正在攻读博士学位的立陶宛选手——我真心希望他们不要停止对葡萄酒的学习。

    In this year 's teams , six out of the 14 had Asian surnames and the Cambridge team included an American , a Pole and a Lithuanian doing a PhD in " automatic emotion prediction in music . " I do hope none of them is neglecting their studies for wine .