
  • 网络Alessandro;Shalim Ortiz
  1. 亚利桑德罗:需要我借给你收音机吗?

    Allesandro : Do you want to borrow my radio ?

  2. 亚利桑德罗:是的,它用的是一次性电池,而且我带了很多。

    Allesandro : Yeah , it uses disposable batteries and I brought plenty .

  3. 亚利桑德罗:你带备用的了吗?

    Allesandro : Did you bring a spare ?

  4. 不管这种说法是否正确,导演亚利桑德罗•冈萨雷斯•伊纳里多都对演艺圈中稍纵即逝的名声成功地提出了一系列严肃的问题。

    Whether or not this is true , director Alejandro Gonz á lez In á rritu has successfully raised serious questions about the fading nature of fame in show business .

  5. 亚利桑德罗:我觉得那样做对你没什么益处,而且应急发电机应该是用于紧急状况电源故障时才能使用。

    Allesandro : I don 't think that will do you any good , and plus , the emergency generator is supposed to be used for emergencies and only in the event of a power failure .