
  1. 我每个星期五领工钱,到了星期二时我总是囊空如洗了。

    I get paid each friday , and by Tuesday I 'm always skint .

  2. 他每星期五领工资。

    He gets his pay each Friday .

  3. 我一个铜板也没有,而且要到星期五才领得到薪水。

    I 'm broke and I don 't get paid until Friday .

  4. 我要星期五才能领工资。

    I don 't get paid until Friday .

  5. 新加坡已连续五年冠领此排名。

    Singapore has topped the report 's rankings for the past five years .

  6. 首先对中央最高行政机构三省六部进行了调整,除户部以事务繁多未减少外,其他五部通过兼领、合并而大量省并。

    The three secretariats and six boards of the former Northern Song Dynasty were merged in order to reduce the number of official posts and administrative organizations . But changes were not so drastic with respect to local governments .